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14 Sep, 2023 1585 Views Author: Cherry Shen

Insulation Resistance Tester and Leakage Tester: Ensuring Electrical Safety

The insulation resistance tester and the leakage tester are all known as the electrical safety tester. The electrical safety tester is extremely important for our daily lives and work. Various safety tests are necessary to ensure the proper use of electrical equipment and personal safety. Leackage current testing and insulation resistance testing are two important testing items.

Leakage current refers to the current that flows to the ground or other grounding conductors when electrical equipment is in normal operation. The presence of leakage current can cause abnormal operation and the risk of electric shock. Therefore, leakage current testing is an essential step in electrical equipment safety testing.

Special testing instruments are needed for leakage current testing. The testing instrument measures the magnitude of leakage current by connecting a current sensor to the electrical equipment under test. Common instruments for leakage current testing include ground testers and insulation resistance testers.

The purpose of leakage current testing is to determine whether the insulation performance of electrical equipment is qualified. In normal conditions, electrical equipment should have good insulation and no leakage current. If the leakage current exceeds the specified safety range, appropriate measures need to be taken to repair or replace the equipment. Leakage current testing can timely detect and solve potential safety hazards and ensure the normal operation of electrical equipment.

Insulation resistance testing is another important step in electrical equipment safety testing. Insulation resistance refers to the resistance between various circuits inside the electrical equipment and between the circuits and ground. The larger the insulation resistance, the better the insulation performance of the electrical equipment. Insulation resistance testing is mainly to ensure that electrical equipment does not have safety issues such as leakage.

Special testing instruments are also required for insulation resistance testing. The testing instrument connects the high voltage power supply to the insulation part of the device and measures the current within a certain test time to calculate the value of insulation resistance. Common instruments for insulation resistance testing include multimeters and insulation testers.

The results of insulation resistance testing are usually measured in megaohms. The requirements for insulation resistance may vary depending on the type of electrical equipment and safety standards. Generally, the insulation resistance should be within a certain range, such as several megaohms to tens of megaohms. If the insulation resistance is below the specified range, it means that the insulation performance of the equipment is not up to standard and there is a risk of leakage.

Insulation resistance testing needs to be conducted under specific environmental conditions, such as a dry environment and room temperature, to ensure the accuracy of the test results. At the same time, the following points should be noted during testing:


1. Ensure the equipment is powered off: Before conducting insulation resistance testing, the equipment should be disconnected from the power supply ure that it is powered off and to avoid the risk of electric shock to the operator.
2. Connection of grounding conductor: The testing instrument needs to connect the grounding conductor to the grounding terminal of the equipment to ensure the accuracy of the test.
3. Control of testing time: The testing time is usually determined based on the type of equipment and standard requirements. Too short of a testing time may not accurately reflect the insulation condition of the equipment, while too long of a testing time may damage the insulation of the equipment.

In summary, leakage current testing and insulation resistance testing are two important steps in electrical equipment safety testing. These tests ensure that the insulation performance of electrical equipment is good and there are no risks such as leakage current. Especially for areas with high requirements for personal safety, such as medical equipment and industrial equipment, leakage current testing and insulation resistance testing are essential.

When performing these two tests, professional testing instruments should be used, and operations should be carried out in accordance with relevant standards and requirements. At the same time, the test results should be recorded and saved in a timely manner for subsequent evaluation and management. For unsatisfactory test results, appropriate measures should be taken promptly to repair or replace the equipment to ensure its safety and reliability.

Finally, when conducting leakage current testing and insulation resistance testing, operators need to pay attention to their own safety. They should follow relevant operating procedures, wear appropriate protective equipment, and prevent electric shock and other accidents while connecting the testing instrument and conducting the tests. Additionally, the testing environment should be kept dry and clean to avoid interference with the test results due to environmental issues.

In conclusion, leakage current testing and insulation resistance testing are crucial for the safety of electrical equipment. These tests allow for the detection and resolution of potential safety hazards and ensure the safe operation of the equipment. Therefore, we should prioritize these tests and conduct regular inspections to ensure the safety and reliability of electrical equipment.

When using a safety tester in daily use, the following points should be observed:
1. The power supply of the equipment must be reliably grounded.
The power supply of the equipment must be reliably grounded to protect personnel. In case of equipment failure, the leakage current can be directed to the ground through reliable grounding to prevent harm to personnel.
2. It is strictly forbidden to touch the tested product or the housing of the instrument during the testing process, and safety insulated gloves and safety insulated shoes should be worn.
During the testing process, the instrument will output high voltage to test the withstand voltage, insulation, leakage current, and other parameters of the tested device. Therefore, even if the tested device and instrument have been electrically protected, there is still a certain electrical safety risk if touched during this testing process. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to touch the tested product or the housing of the instrument during the testing process, and safety insulated gloves and safety insulated shoes should be worn to avoid electric shock accidents to a great extent.
3. The test items must not change the testing sequence arbitrarily. If any abnormality is found, the equipment power breaker should be disconnected or the emergency stop button should be pressed to disconnect the equipment output immediately.
4. After the testing is completed, the test
leads should be promptly removed and stored in the equipment’s hanging line area. The test leads must be suspended and not allowed to be clipped or placed randomly. The test leads also need to be regularly inspected for integrity, and worn or broken leads should be replaced in a timely manner.
5. The equipment should be internally cleaned at least once a year.
If there is too much dust in the equipment, the lifespan and stability of circuit boards and electronic components will be reduced. Moreover, excessive dust in the equipment can result in poor contact, affecting instrument cooling, short circuiting, and other issues. Over a long period of time, this can interfere with the normal operation of the testing instrument.

The LS9955/LS9956 Automatic Safety Test System (electrical safety analyzer) combined the following function in one set: Withstand Voltage Test (AC/DC), Insulation Resistance Test (IR), Leakage Current Test (LLC), Grounding Resistance Test (GR) and Power Test.

The LS9955/LS9956 Automatic Safety Test System is according to GB4706.1IEC/EN60335-1, UL60335, GB7000, IEC60598, GB4943, IEC60950 and GB9706.1. It is used for luminaries, home application and motor tools safety test in production line or R&D Lab.

Insulation Resistance Tester and Leakage Tester: Ensuring Electrical Safety

LS9955_Automatic Safety Test System

Lisun Instruments Limited was found by LISUN GROUP in 2003. LISUN quality system has been strictly certified by ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Membership, LISUN products are designed based on CIE, IEC and other international or national standards. All products passed CE certificate and authenticated by the third party lab.

Our main products are GoniophotometerIntegrating SphereSpectroradiometerSurge GeneratorESD Simulator GunsEMI ReceiverEMC Test EquipmentElectrical Safety TesterEnvironmental ChamberTemperature ChamberClimate ChamberThermal ChamberSalt Spray TestDust Test ChamberWaterproof TestRoHS Test (EDXRF)Glow Wire Test and Needle Flame Test.

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