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12 Feb, 2014 3315 Views Author: root

Maintenance of Goniophotometer and Integrating Sphere

LED testing equipment mainly has Goniophotometer and Integrating Sphere Spectroradiometer System. Goniophotometer is used for light intensity distribution measurement; integrating sphere spectroradiometer system is used for flux and colorimetric measurement. So how maintain these lighting test equipments?

Integrating Sphere maintenance: Inspect and clean the external of integrating sphere, such as the internal of integrating sphere has dust, rinse with air gun, it is strictly prohibited to clean with a rag inside the internal. Please close the integrating sphere when don’t use it, to avoid dust, don’t let hard object scratch. Please wear white gloves when operate in the integrating sphere. Inspect the integrating sphere spectroradiometer system every week and fill in the inspection result record. Inspect whether the system has problems before use, remark the problems in the equipment maintenance record, then ask help of personnel. It must recalibrate after maintenance, movement, software change, software replacement and optical fiber replacement. Please record the parameters before recalibrate or maintenance. For cabinet, non professional is strictly prohibited to open cabinets, internal cabinet are open for cleaning dust by professional monthly. Don’t open the cabinet at will, to prevent electric shock and damage.

Goniophotometer maintenance, such as LISUN LSG-6000 LM-79 Goniophotometer System: Should wear shoe cover into the darkroom. Don’t place independent objects in the darkroom(Turntable must keep clean around).

Host machine maintenance:

1. Turn γangle to 120 angle after test. (Convenient to discharge lamps and protect mirror and receiving probe).
2. It must guarantee that the output of turntable doesn’t have output voltage absolutely when discharge lamp, and think 30 seconds to ensure safety.
3. Don’t push the turntable with hands; don’t use external force to stop running when turntable runs.
4. When discharge lamp, ensure 2 people operate. To ensure safety, 2 people or more operate when the lamp is large.
5. Keep the dark room clean after test, especially the turntable; it is prohibited to place other objects around the turntable.
6. Cover the reflector with special black cloth after test to keep it clean. Turn γangle to 120 angle after test. (Convenient to discharge lamps and protect mirror and receiving probe). Ensure that the reflector is about 2.5m height from the ground.

Reflector maintenance:

1. Don’t use hands or other object to touch reflector.
2. Don’t wipe with alcohol or water when the reflector has dust, blow clean with air gun or other tools can generate wind.
3. Keep the reflector 2.5m height from the ground if non-test.
4. Cover the reflector with special black cloth after test to keep it clean.

Receiving probe maintenance: it is a very important device for Goniophotometer, it also influences the test accuracy. Cover it with special black cloth if non-test. Prevent dust or other objects from entering into the probe, which could cause damage to the probe or data inaccurate. Keep it closed if non-test. Don’t wipe with alcohol or water and touch with hands. (Receiving probe is inside, it is hard to wine. Especially keep it clean.)

C axle and γaxle maintenance: if you don’t use instrument for 2-3 days, rotate the C axle and γaxle a circle at interval of one day to keep the axle flexible and accurate.

Test fixture maintenance: keep the fixture place clean in the dark room, distinguish the clamp area. Absolutely keep it clean under the rotating shaft.

1. Keep the fixture structure firm, keep link part non-loose, keep screw non-loose, and keep power line without breaking skin, to ensure fixture safety.
2. Make fixture clear, select the appropriate fixture accurately when use the jig, make it convenient and applicable.
3. Place fixtures neatly, distinguish the fixture layout area.

Infrared locator maintenance:

1. Don’t use hands or other objects touch the infrared device.
2. Prohibit non-professional to move or adjust the infrared device.
3. Infrared locator should be calibrated regularly. To ensure the accuracy of infrared locator.
4. Shut down the power supply of instrument if non-test. Shut down the secondary power source, and then shut down the total power source.
5. Regularly clean the dust on the instrument, clean weekly. Keep it clean.
6. Instrument calibration: instrument needs regular calibration, calibrate every half year. Calibration must be operated by professional, related calibration tool or fixture should be provided by instrument supplier, such as standard light source.

Lisun LSG-6000 Moving Mirror Goniophotometer System is widely applied to Luminaries manufacturing enterprise and lab, such as Sharp Electronics in Memphis TN(USA), CS TECH MEXICO, S.A. DE C.V. (Mexico), DORADO Praha s.r.o. (Czech) etc. The reason why Lisun can win some many customers is because we always practice the motto of right products, right price and right service. Lisun will continue feedback good quality products and superior service in the feature.

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