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02 Aug, 2023 1951 Views Author: Rachel He

Having Overview of Isolation Transformers and their Applications

Isolation transformer is a special type of transformer, which has its input and output winding connected in an electrically isolated fashion, mainly used in occasions with reverse phase separation, to realize electrical isolation and simultaneous voltage step-up/down. The main application of isolation transformer is to electrically isolate two related circuits, usually applied in electronic industry, production and mining enterprises, machine tools, machinery equipment, power lighting, power control, lightning filter separation, etc. to prevent the occurrence of short circuits.

The working principle of isolation transformer is simple; it forms electrical isolation through isolated primary and secondary coils, thus preventing the occurrence of short circuit, and to a greater degree, protect the safety of the machine. It is widely used in the power industry in European countries, to fulfill protection, lightning protection, filter functions and to avoid accidental contact with charged bodies.

Conventional transformer is a commonly used power device to alter the size of alternating voltage. It can convert small voltage input into large voltage output. It works through magnetic coupling, with no conductor connected between the primary and secondary coils, providing up to thousands of volts of isolation voltage, and no risk of insulation breaking. Common transformer is used to transform voltage size, while 1:1 turn ratio isolation transformer is also used for safety related applications. Transformer can be found in almost every place in life, from electric kettle to home appliances, almost every Power device has a power transformer. In power networks, transformer is usually used for voltage transformations, enabling the high voltage lines to be used by various low-power users. In summary, the conventional transformer is a very important power device, widely used in various fields.

Having Overview of Isolation Transformers and their Applications

ITEU-SP4K Isolation Transformer

Isolation transformer is an electrical device which aims to prevent the current from flowing between primary and secondary sides. It is composed of primary and secondary coils and possibly oil-insulated components. In this kind of transformer, there are no conductors between the coils, thus the current cannot pass through directly.

Isolation transformer shares the same principle as the conventional transformer, in that they both rely on the principle of electromagnetic induction for its voltage transformation output, while a common isolation transformer usually executes 1:1 voltage transformation function, due to its secondary coils not being connected to the ground, making it safer in use as there is no voltage difference between any of the secondaries and ground. Besides, the isolation transformer is the most commonly used device for power supply repairs, being widely applied to science research, medical instruments, computers and electricity network, etc.

Isolation transformer is a transformer used to provide pure voltage of the power supply, consisting of input and output winding completely “broken” apart, which can filter the transformer’s input side effectively, avoiding the risks of unexpected contact with charged bodies and ground. Through the principle of electromagnetic induction, it can effectively isolate the power line and secondary circuit, preventing power source pollution, interference and guaranteeing the safe operation of each electrical equipment. The application of isolation transformer is quite extensive, can be used in complicated power consuming environments such as subways, skyscrapers, airports, station, docks, industrial and mining enterprises, and tunnel transport and distribution.

Isolation transformer is a very useful device for preventing the inaccurate harmonic and interference signal from disrupting the stability of the power grid. It can effectively reduce the distortion of the non-linear load current, clear up the harmonic signals in the network, reduce the interference signals, and produce a new neutral line, solving the problems of inadequate neutral line between power grids and within, thus reducing the disturbances caused by unbalanced load current, and ultimately, protecting and stabilizing the power network. Meanwhile, it avoids affecting the accuracy of sampling and obtaining control signals in real time, thus allowing for optimal efficiency from non-linear loads.

Isolation transformer can change the transmission voltage. Also, its main purpose is to isolate between 220V and another voltage. When 220V is not connected to the ground, holding its neutral or contacting ground will not cause the current to flow. When it is connected to the ground, if one holds the 220V line, one will get electric shock, as the ground has created a reference point for the loop. It is only the isolation transformer that can effectively isolate the reference point between 220V and the other line, ensuring no danger even if one holds any of the lines.

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