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17 Nov, 2023 875 Views Author: Ellen Liu

Exploring the Standards: IEC 60884 and the Significance of Socket-Outlets

Part 1: General requirements
1 Scope
This part of IEC 60884 applies to plugs and fixed or portable socket-outlets for AC only, with or without earthing contact, with a rated voltage greater than 50 V but not exceeding 440 V and a rated current not exceeding 32 A, intended for household and similar purposes, either indoors or outdoors.

Exploring the Standards: IEC 60884 and the Significance of Socket-Outlets


Compatible plugs and socket-outlets, when combined, form a plug and socket-outlet system. Standardized systems used around the world are reported in IEC/TR 60083.

The rated current is limited to 16 A maximum for accessories provided with screwless-type terminals.

This document covers only those requirements for mounting boxes which are necessary for the tests on the socket-outlet.
NOTE 1 Requirements for general purpose mounting boxes are given in IEC 60670-1.

Exploring the Standards: IEC 60884 and the Significance of Socket-Outlets

Gauge for Checking Non-Accessibility with IEC60884 Figure 9/10

This document also applies to:
– plugs which are a part of cord sets;
– plugs and portable socket-outlets which are a part of cord extension sets;
– plugs and socket-outlets which are a component of an appliance, unless otherwise stated in the standard for the relevant appliance; and
– plugs and socket-outlets incorporating pilot lights.

This document does not apply to:
-plugs, socket-outlets and couplers for industrial purposes;
-appliance couplers;
-plugs, fixed and portable socket-outlets for extra low voltage (ELV);

NOTE 2 ELV values are specified in IEC 60364-4-41.
– fixed socket-outlets combined with fuses, automatic switches, etc.
Plugs of this document are intended to be energised by socket-outlets.

NOTE 3 Use in any other manner could result in unsafe conditions within the installation if proper precautions are not taken. When energy producing equipment is connected to the fixed installation via plugs of this document all safety aspects of the products and the installation need to be evaluated by the manufacturer of the energy producing equipment.

Plugs and socket-outlets complying with this document are suitable for use at ambient temperatures not normally exceeding +40°C, but their average temperature over a period of 24 h does not exceed +35°C, with a lower limit of the ambient air temperature of -5°C.

In locations where special conditions prevail, such as in ships, vehicles and the like and in hazardous locations, for example where explosions are liable to occur, additional requirements can be applicable.
This document gives additional requirements for accessories intended to be used with AWG cables, see Annex D(normative).
This document gives additional tests to be applied during the production of crimped connections in accessories, see Annex E(informative).
This document gives additional requirements for accessories provided with insulation-piercing terminals, see Annex F(normative).
This document gives additional specifications for accessories intended to be used in ambient temperatures below -5°C down to and including -45 °C, see Annex G (informative).
This document gives additional specifications for accessories intended to be used in ambient temperatures above +40°C up to and including +70 °C, see Annex.

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