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16 Dec, 2023 656 Views Author: Rachel He

Articulate Probe with Web Stop Live Parts of UL 498 Figure 9.1

9.1 General
9.1.1 A device shall have live parts protected against exposure to contact by persons when fully assembled using all essential parts (described in 9.1.5) and installed in the intended manner.

Exception No. 1: Male blades which are energized only when mated with the corresponding outlet are not required to comply with this requirement.
Exception No. 2: Exposed wiring terminals or other live parts enclosed within equipment or within an outlet box when the device is installed in the intended manner are not required to comply with this requirement.

9.1.2 Accessible dead-metal parts of a grounding device shall be conductively connected to the grounding-conductor path through the device.
Exception: Accessible dead-metal parts electrically insulated from current-carrying parts are not required to comply with this requirement.

9.1.3 Accessible dead-metal parts of a nongrounding device shall be electrically insulated from live parts and wiring other than the complete flexible cord so that they are unable to be energized by stray strands, failure of wiring terminals (such as loosening of screws), or damaged or broken wiring. When the stray strand length affects whether a device complies with this requirement, the device shall be marked in accordance with Reference No. 3 to Table 193.1. See 9.1.7.

9.1.4 In order to judge the accessibility of a live or dead-metal part, the device is to be wired and assembled in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions,except that any nonessential parts (described in 9.1.6) that are able to be opened or removed by the user without using a tool are to be opened or removed. The probe shown in Figure 9.1 is to be applied with a force of not more than 3 lbf (13.3 N) to any depth that recessing will permit. The probe is to be rotated, changed in configuration, or angled before, during, and after application to any position that is necessary to examine the device. A live or dead-metal part is determined to be accessible when:
a)The part is contacted by the probe, or
b) The part is located in a hole larger than 7.1 mm (9/32 inch) in diameter and recessed less than 4.8 mm (3/16 inch).

Articulate Probe with Web Stop Live Parts of UL 498 Figure 9.1

Articulate Probe With Web Stop Of UL 498 Figure 9.1

9.1.5 A separable part is considered essential for the operation of the device if it employs a latch or detent or requires use of a tool to remove, and if it performs any of the following functions:
a) Encloses or completes the enclosure of current-carrying parts other than those on the male face of an attachment plug or current tap;
b) Encloses or completes the enclosure of the flexible cord from which the jacket has been removed for wiring;
c) Mechanically secures flexible cord to pin-type terminals; or
d) Provides for the placement and removal of a fuse.

9.1.6 A separable part (such as an insulating face cover, disc or strain relief clamp) is not considered essential for the operation of the device if it can be removed without the use of a tool or without defeating a latch or detent and if it performs any of the following functions:
a) Provides strain relief;
b) Encloses wiring terminals that would otherwise be exposed on the male face of an attachment plug or current tap; or
c) Provides access to a fuse through the male face of an attachment plug or current tap.

9.1.7 With respect to 9.1.5(b), the enclosure of a flexible cord is not considered to be complete where two insulated conductors of a parallel-type cord are split apart or where the jacket is removed from the insulated conductors of a jacketed-type cord.

Lisun Instruments Limited was found by LISUN GROUP in 2003. LISUN quality system has been strictly certified by ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Membership, LISUN products are designed based on CIE, IEC and other international or national standards. All products passed CE certificate and authenticated by the third party lab.

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