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09 Feb, 2024 566 Views Author: Cherry Shen

UL 507 Figure 9.2 Articulate Probe with Web Stop PA100A UL

9.3 Stationary fans and permanently connected fans up in UL 507

9.3.1 In accordance with 9.1.1, the design and intended use of a stationary fan or of a fan intended to be permanently connected electrically is to be considered when evaluating an enclosure or guard.
9.3.2 The impeller of a stationary or permanently connected fan shall be constructed so that it cannot be contacted by the probe illustrated in Figure 9.2.

UL 507 Figure 9.2 Articulate Probe with Web Stop PA100A UL


Exception No. 1: An impeller of an in-wall fan, or a plenum-mounted fan with the grille flush with the ceiling, is not required to be guarded when it is mounted at least 2.1 m (7 feet) above the floor and marked as specified in 81.4.
Exception No, 2: An impeller of a wall- or ceiling- insert fan shall comply with9.3.4-9.3.5.
Exception No. 3: An impeller of a stationary or permanently connected nonresidential fan is not required to be guarded when it is mounted at least 2.1 m (7 feet) above the floor and marked as specified in 81.4 and either 80.1.10 or 141.1.
Exception No,4: Residential attic fans and whole house fans shall comply with 9.3.6 and 9.3.7.
Exception No.5:Ceiling-suspended fans shall comply with 90.2 and 92.1.
Exception No.6: Fans for use in cooking areas shall comply with 113.3.1-113.3.3.|
Exception No.7: The discharge side of duct connected fans as described in 9.3.8 need not comply with this requirement.
Exception No.8: The air inlet and/or discharge side of stationary or permanently connected fans need not comply with this requirement if the side(s) is intended by design to be attached to the duct work as specified in the manufacturer’s instructions.

9.3.3 A stationary or permanently connected fan shall be constructed so that any moving parts, other than the impeller, that cause a risk of injury to persons cannot be contacted by the probe illustrated in Figure 9.2.

UL 507 Figure 9.2 Articulate Probe with Web Stop PA100A UL

UL 507 Articulate Probe with Web Stop PA100A UL

9.3.4 The 25.4-mm (1-inch) diameter probe as illustrated in Figure 9.2, when inserted through an opening on the air-inlet side of a wall- or ceiling-insert fan, shall not contact a moving part that presents a risk of injury to a person.
Exception No.1: This requirement does not apply to a wall- or ceiling-insert fan provided with a reusable metal filter or marked to be mounted at least 2.1m (7 feet) above floor level. See 81.4.
Exception No.2: This requirement does not apply to a wall- or ceiling-insert fan having an impeller diameter of 254 mm (10 inches) or less, when:
a) The wall- or ceiling-insert fan is marked as specified in 80.5.6; and
b) The installation instructions specified in 83.6 are provided.
Exception No.3: This requirement does not apply to a wall- or ceiling-insert fan having an impeller 152.4mm (6 inches) or less in diameter.

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