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Color Densitometer

Product No: CD-626

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  • Description
  • Horizontal press measurement, physical positioning observation window

    Horizontal press measurement, physical positioning observation window

    Provide printing-specific measurement indicators to help users adjust colors efficiently
    Color density measurement, Tone value, trapping , contrast , Hue Error & Grayness

    Provide printing-specific measurement indicators to help users adjust colors efficiently

    Ultra-high repeatability accuracy:dE*ab≤0.02
    Repeatability accuracy is the most important parameter describing the performance of a densitometer. The CD-626 densitometer uses high-precision nano-spectroscopic devices, achieving a repeatability accuracy that is unparalleled among similar products, with dE*ab ≤ 0.02.

    Ultra-high repeatability accuracy:dE*ab≤0.02

    Over 30 measurement parameters and nearly 40 evaluation light sources
    CD-626 Color Densitometer provide spectral reflectance, CIE-Lab, CIE-LCh,ΔE*ab, covering power, whiteness, yellowness and other 30+ measurement indicators; A, B, C,There are nearly 40 evaluation light sources to choose from such as D50, D55, and D65, covering almost all industries all color measurement metrics and light source types included

    Over 30 measurement parameters and nearly 40 evaluation light sources

    Use the powerful PC-side color management system ColorExpert
    The CD-626 Color Densitometer comes with the Windows color management system ColorExpert, which can be connected to the CD-626 Color Densitometer via Bluetooth or USB cable. ColorExpert is a full-featured color management software with four major functional modules: My Color, Color Detection, Color Matching System, and Personal Center.

    Use the powerful PC-side color management system ColorExpert

    • In the “My Colors” function module, users can collect or create new color libraries they need among hundreds of color libraries shared by other users. Computer software and mobile phone APP can share the same account, and the color library data follows the account, realizing information synchronization between PC and mobile terminal.
    • In the ‘Color Detection’ module, users can calibrate, measure, and configure the densitometer via computer software. Users can use colors from the cloud database as standards for color difference measurement, view spectral and color difference graphs, compare standard and sample data, and export the desired data test reports.
    • In the ‘Color Matching System’ module, a more convenient and efficient color matching process is provided for users. After the instrument measures the sample color, the system calculates the formulation in the formulation center and automatically adjusts the color to achieve precise matching. This is suitable for computer-aided color matching applications in fields such as paint, coatings, printing, and textiles.
    • In the ‘Personal Center’ module, users can edit their personal information, search for or delete connected instrument information, manage downstream users, and manage color libraries shared with downstream users.

    Model CD-626 CD-628 CD-630
    Measuring Structure 45/0
    NetProf network Calibration / / support
    Integrated Physical Position Holes Support
    Measurement Repeatability※※ dE*ab≤0.02
    Display Accuracy 0.01
    Lighting Source Full-band balanced LED light source
    UV Light Source / support
    Caliber Φ5mm Φ11mm, Φ5mm, Φ3mm Φ11mm, Φ10mm, Φ6mm,
    Φ5mm, Φ3mm
    Measurement Standard Spectral reflectance, CIE-Lab, CIE-LCh, HunterLab, CIE-Luv, XYZ, Yxy, RGB color difference (ΔE*ab, ΔE*cmc, ΔE*94, ΔE*00), whiteness (ASTME313-00, ASTME313 -73, CIE, ISO2470/R457, AATCC, Hunter, TaubeBerger Stensby) yellowness (ASTM D1925, ASTM E313-00, ASTM E313-73) blackness (My, dM), stain fastness, color fastness, Tint (ASTM E313-00) Color density CMYK (A, T, E, M), metamerism index Milm, Munsell, hiding power, strength (dye strength, tinting strength)
    Light Source Conditions A, B, C, D50, D55, D65, D75, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12, CWF, U30, U35, DLF, NBF, TL83, TL84, ID50, ID65, LED-B1, LED-B2, LED-B3, LED-B4, LED-B5, LED-BH1, LED-RGB1, LED-V1, LED-V2
    Software Support Android, iOS, Windows,  WeChat applet, Hongmeng
    Accuracy Guaranteed Ensure measurement is qualified
    Field of View 2°, 10°
    Integrating Sphere Diameter 40mm
    Standards CIENo.15, GB/T3978, GB2893, GB/T18833, ISO7724-1, ASTME1164, DIN5033Teil7
    Spectral Method High-precision nano spectroscopic device
    Sensor Silicon photodiode array dual 16 groups
    Wavelength Interval 10nm
    Wavelength Range 400-700nm
    Reflectivity Measurement Range 0-200%
    Reflectance Resolution 0.01%
    Measure Time about 1 s
    Interface USB, Bluetooth
    Screen Full color screen, 3.5 inches
    Battery Capacity Can continuously measure 8000 times on a single charge, 7.2V/3000mAh
    Light Source life 5 million times
    Language Simplified Chinese, English
    Storage Instrument: 10,000 items; APP: Mass storage

    Model Difference:

    LISUN Model CD-626 CD-628 CD-630
    Measurement Repeatability dE*ab≤0.02
    Diameter Φ5mm Φ11mm,Φ5mm,Φ3mm Φ11mm,Φ10mm,Φ6mm,
    UV /     YES YES
    Integrated Physical Positioning Hole YES YES YES
    NetProf Network Calibration / / YES