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14 Oct, 2024 15 Views Author: Cherry Shen

Damped Oscillatory Wave Generator: Application and Calibration Guide

The damped oscillatory wave generator plays a crucial role in assessing the immunity of household, commercial, and industrial electrical equipment to disturbances. This device simulates repetitive damped oscillatory waves on power cables, control cables, and signal cables found in high and medium voltage substations, providing an ideal standard and basis for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) testing.

Core Components of a Damped Oscillatory Wave Generator:
• High Voltage Source: Provides the necessary voltage.
• Charging Resistor: Controls the current.
• Energy Storage Capacitor: Stores electrical energy, releasing it to generate oscillatory waves.
• High Voltage Switch: Switches the voltage.
• Waveform Network: Forms specific waveforms.

Additionally, the coupling/decoupling network consists of coupling networks and decoupling networks, primarily used for testing AC and DC power supply ports. The capacitive coupling clamp comprises coupling clamps and coaxial connectors at both ends, used for acceptance testing of connections on input, output, and communication ports.

Damped Oscillatory Wave Generator: Application and Calibration Guide

DOW61000 18_Damped Oscillatory Wave Immunity Tester

Calibration Process According to JJF2016 – Damped Oscillatory Wave Simulator Calibration Specifications:

Calibration of the Damped Oscillatory Wave Simulator Host:

• Setup: Set the simulator to coaxial output mode and configure the oscilloscope impedance to 50Ω.
• Connection: Connect the simulator to the oscilloscope using connecting cables and attenuators.
• Adjustment: Adjust the oscilloscope to display a complete pulse rise-time waveform in the center of the screen.
• Measurement: Set the oscillation frequencies to 3MHz, 10MHz, and 30MHz respectively, and measure the short-circuit current peak values at different voltage settings.

Calibration of the Coupling/Decoupling Network:

• Connection: Connect the coupling/decoupling network to the attenuator using a connecting adapter. Ensure the connection between the coupling/decoupling network’s output and the connecting adapter is as short as possible.
• Measurement: Set the oscillation frequencies to 3MHz, 10MHz, and 30MHz respectively, and measure the short-circuit current peak values at different voltage settings.
• Repetition: Change the power line coupling output lines, repeat the above process, and measure the short-circuit current peak values for different coupling lines.

Calibration of the Capacitive Coupling Clamp:

• Setup: Connect the capacitive coupling clamp to the attenuator using a connecting adapter, ensuring good grounding of the adapter.
• Connection: Set the damped oscillatory wave simulator to coaxial mode output with a voltage value of 2kV.
• Adjustment: Set the oscilloscope input impedance to 50Ω and adjust it to display a complete pulse waveform in the center of the screen.
• Measurement: Set the oscillation frequencies to 3MHz, 10MHz, and 30MHz respectively, and measure the open-circuit voltage peak values.

The damped oscillatory wave generator is essential for testing the immunity of electrical and electronic devices. Accurate calibration is fundamental to ensuring reliable test results. By systematically calibrating the damped oscillatory wave simulator host, coupling/decoupling network, and capacitive coupling clamp, one can ensure the electromagnetic compatibility of devices across various operational environments.


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