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IS 16104 d.c.OR a.c. Supplied Electronic Control Gear for LED Modules – Performance Requirements

Scope and Applicability
This standard outlines the performance requirements for electronic control gear used with LED modules, in accordance with IS 16103 (Part 1): 2012, which specifies the safety requirements for LED modules used in general lighting. The control gear covered by this standard is intended for operation on both direct current (d.c.) and alternating current (a.c.) supplies, with voltages up to 1,000 V. The standard is applicable to a.c. supplies operating at 50 Hz, where the output frequency of the control gear may differ from the supply frequency.

Key Characteristics of the Control Gear
The primary function of the control gear specified in this standard is to provide either a constant voltage or constant current to LED modules. This includes control gear that may not strictly adhere to pure voltage or current types but still falls within the scope of this standard. This flexibility ensures that a wide range of control gear designs can be evaluated and certified for compliance, thereby accommodating various technical configurations used in LED lighting systems.

Type Tests and Production Testing
It is important to note that the tests described in this standard are type tests. Type tests are intended to assess the performance of a representative sample of control gear models to ensure they meet the specified requirements. However, this standard does not include provisions for routine testing of individual control gear units during production. Manufacturers are expected to have their own internal quality control processes to ensure that each unit produced meets the necessary performance criteria.

Considerations for Output Power Variation
The standard also acknowledges that control gear incorporating mechanisms for varying output power are currently under consideration. This suggests that future revisions of the standard may include specific requirements for these types of control gear, reflecting the evolving nature of LED technology and its applications. As the demand for dimmable and adjustable LED lighting solutions grows, such provisions will become increasingly relevant.

Voltage Range and LED Module Compatibility
Control gear that complies with this standard is expected to operate satisfactorily within a supply voltage range of 92% to 106% of the rated voltage. This range takes into account the tolerances and specifications provided by the LED module manufacturer, ensuring reliable performance even with slight variations in supply voltage. This tolerance is crucial for maintaining consistent lighting quality and protecting both the control gear and the LED modules from potential damage due to voltage fluctuations.

In summary, this standard sets out comprehensive performance requirements for electronic control gear used with LED modules, ensuring they are capable of providing reliable and consistent operation across a range of supply voltages and frequencies. By defining these requirements, the standard helps to ensure the safety, compatibility, and efficiency of LED lighting systems, supporting the ongoing transition to more energy-efficient lighting technologies.

IS 16104: d.c.OR a.c. Supplied Electronic Control Gear for LED Modules – Performance Requirements

LISUN supplies the fully test solutions for the following BIS IS 16104 (Part 1): 2012 , please see the below excel table:

BS IS 16104 Clause and Subject LISUN Model
3.1 Total Circuit Power DC3005
3.2 Circuit Power Factor LS2050B
5.1 Classification according to the load M9822B
7.3 Capacitive Load Requirement
12. Test for Reduced LED Modules  Resistance WB2681A
13.1 The control gear shall be subjected to a temperature cycling shock test GDJS-015B
Annex A.3 Firgure 2 Measurement of impedance at audio-Frequencies FD2810B
Annex B a guide to quoting product life and failure rate LEDLM-80PL

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