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IEC 61195:2014 Double-capped fluorescent lamps – Safety specifications

This standard IEC 61195:2014 applies to double-capped fluorescent lamps, including general lighting and high-efficiency types. It sets requirements for mechanical structure, electrical performance, and protection against electric shock to prevent hazards such as glass breakage, loose lamp bases, and exposure to live parts. It also regulates operating voltage, power, and heat dissipation to prevent overload and overheating risks.

Testing methods include durability, electrical strength, temperature rise, and impact resistance tests. Lamps must have sufficient insulation to prevent short circuits or leakage and use heat-resistant, flame-retardant materials to reduce fire hazards. Additionally, products must have clear labels, including rated power, operating voltage, and manufacturer details, to ensure proper installation and usage.

LISUN supplies the fully test solutions for the following IEC 61195:2014, please see the below excel table:

IEC 61195:2014 Double-capped fluorescent lamps – Safety specifications LISUN MODEL
Clause Torque of Caps CH338
Clause 2.4 Insulation resistance WB2681A
Clause 2.7 Resistance to heat and fire GDJS-015B
Clause 2.8 Creepage distance for caps CK-1
Clause 2.9 Lamp cap temperature rise WS-1

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