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Switches for Household and Similar fixed electrical Test solution

Switches used in household and similar fixed electrical installations must undergo rigorous testing to ensure safety, durability, and compliance with international standards (e.g., IEC 60669-1:2017). A comprehensive test solution includes verifying mechanical endurance, insulation resistance, dielectric strength, and temperature rise under load conditions. These tests help confirm the switch’s ability to handle rated currents, withstand high-voltage surges, and operate reliably over an extended lifespan. Automated test systems streamline the process, offering precise measurements, repeatability, and detailed reporting for manufacturers.

Modern test solutions integrate advanced sensors and software to simulate real-world usage scenarios, such as frequent switching, exposure to environmental factors, and varying electrical loads. By leveraging programmable power supplies, thermal imaging, and high-speed data acquisition, these systems detect potential failure points early in development. This approach not only speeds up product validation but also reduces the risk of recalls or non-compliance issues. Ultimately, a well-implemented test solution enhances product quality, boosts consumer confidence, and helps manufacturers meet evolving regulatory requirements.


LISUN supply Switches for Household and Similar fixed electrical Test solution as below parts:

Part 1 IEC 62271-1:2017 Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V – Part 1: General requirements
Part 2 IEC 61058-1:2016 Switches for appliances – Part 1: General requirements
Part 3 IEC 60669-1:2017 Switches for household and similar fixed electrical installations – Part 1: General requirements
Part 4 IEC 62208:2023 Empty enclosures for low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies-General requirements
Part 5 IEC 61439-1:2020 Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies – Part 1: General rules

Part 1 IEC 62271-1:2017 Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V – Part 1: General requirements

LISUN supplies the fully test solutions for the following IEC 62271-1:2017,  please see the below excel table

IEC 62271-1:2017 Clause and Subject  LISUN Model
6.6.3 Energy storage in springs(or weights) IK01-06
6.14.2 Protection of the equipment against ingress if solid foreign objects SC-015
6.14.3 Protection against ingress of water JL-34
6.14.4 Protection against mechanical impact under normal services conditions IK07-10
6.15 Creepage distance for outdoor insulators CK-1
6.18 Fire hazard(flammability) HVR-LS
6.21 Corrosion YWX/Q-010
7.2 Dielectric tests WB2681A Power-frequency voltage tests PFM61000-8A Lighting impluse voltage tests SUG255 Electrical fast transient/burst test EFT61000-4 Oscillatory wave immunity test DOW61000-18 Cyclic humidity test GDJS-015B Vibration test LVD-100KG

Part 2 IEC 61058-1:2016 Switches for appliances – Part 1: General requirements
LISUN supplies the fully test solutions for the following IEC 61058-1:2016, please see the below excel table:

IEC 61058-1:2016 Clause and Subject LISUN Model
Clause 8.3.5 Resistive load and tungsten filament lamp load(figure 8& figure 9) DFX-WD20A
Clause 9.1 Protection against(Test Probe B, Probe 11, Probe13,Probe C) SMT-02T10SMT-1211CSMT-1213CSMT-1203C
Clause 10.4 earthing terminal WB2678A
Clause 14.1 Protection against ingress of solid foreign object SC-015
Clause 14.2 Protection against ingress of water JL-X
Clause 14.3 Protection against humid conditions GDJS-015B
Clause 15.2 Measurement of insulation resistance WB2681A
Clause 15.3 Insuation test voltage   WB2671B
Clause 16.4 Heating test GW-225
Clause 17 Endurance(Figure 16) CZKS-3
Clause 20.4.3 Creepage distance for functional insulation CK-1
Clause 21.1.2 Ball Pressure Test ZBP-T
Clause 21.2 Resistance to abnormal heat ZRS-3H
Clause 22. Resistance to rusting YWX/Q-010
Clause 25.2.2 Voltage dips and short interruptions CSS61000-11
Clause 25.2.3 surge immunity test SG61000-5
Clause 25.2.4 Electrical fast transient test EFT61000-4
Clause 25.2.5 Electrostatic discharge test ESD61000-2
Clause 25.2.6 Radiated electromagnetics field test GTEM-2
Clause 25.2.7 Power frequency magnetic field test PFM61000-8A
Clause 25.3.1 Low frequency emission LS8930 LSP-EMC500VA
Clause 25.3.2 Radio-frequency emission EMI-9KB
Annex G (Impulse voltage test) SUG255SG61000-5
Annex C Proof tracking test TTC-1

Part 3 IEC 60669-1:2017 Switches for household and similar fixed electrical installations – Part 1: General requirements
LISUN supplies the fully test solutions for the following IEC 60669-1:2017, please see the below excel table:

IEC 60669-1:2017 Clause and Subject LISUN MODEL
Clause 10 Protection against electric shock SMT-1175
Clause 11 Provision for earthing WB2678A
Clause 12.2.5 deflection test (Figure 10 ) WDT-1
Clause 12.3.12 Deflecting device JCY-2
Clause 13.15.1-13.15.2 Heating Cabniet and Refrigerator GDJS-015B
Clause 15.3 Resistance to humidity
Clause 21 Resistance to heat
Clause 15.1 Resistance to ageing
Clause 15.2.3 Protection against harmful effects due to ingress of water JL-X
Clause 16 Insulation resistance and electric strength WB2681A
Clause 17 Temperature rise WS-1
Clause 18 Making and breaking capacity CZKS-6 & DFX-20
Clause 19.1 Test for switches intended for inductive loads DFX-WD20A
Clause 19.2 Test for switches intended for externally ballasted lamp loads DFX-60
Clause 19.3 Test for switches intended for self ballasted lamp loads SBLL-3P20A
Clause 20.2 Pendulum hammer test IK07-10
Clause 23 Creepage distances, clearances and distances through sealing compound CK-1
Clause 24.1 Glow Wire test ZRS-3H
Clause 24.2 Resistance to tracking TTC-1
Clause 25 Resistance to rusting YWX/Q-010

Part 4 IEC 62208:2023 Empty enclosures for low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies-General requirements
LISUN supplies the fully test solutions for the following IEC 62208: 2023, please see the below excel table:

IEC 62208: 2023 Clause and Subject LISUN Model
Clause 7.2 Climatic conditions GDJS-015B
Clause 9.10.3 Resistance to abnormal heat and fire due to internal electric effects
Clause 8.6 Protection against mechanical impact (IK code) IK01-07
Clause Degree of protection IP2X,IP3X,IP4X,IP5X and IP6X SMT-02T50
Clause 9.9.2 Degree of protection against ingress of water JL-X
Clause 9.10.1 Thermal stability GW-500
Clause 9.13 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiation LMS-6000UV
Clause 9.14 Resistance to corrosion YWX/Q-010

Part 5 IEC 61439-1:2020 Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies – Part 1: General rules
LISUN supplies the fully test solutions for the following IEC 61439-1: 2011 , please see the below excel table:

IEC 61439-1 Clause and Subject LISUN Model
3.6.15 &3.6.16 Comparative tracking index TTC-1
3.6.17 Disruptive discharge WB2681A
3.7 Protection against electric shock LS9955 Insulation Voltage WB2681A Impluse withstand voltage WB2671
8.1.2 (10.2.2)Protection against corrsion YWX/Q-010 Resistance of insulating material to abnormal heat and fire due to internal electric effect ZRS-3H and ZY-3
8.1.4(10.2.4) Resistance to ultra-violet radiation UV-263LS
8.2.1(10.2.6) Protection aganst mechanical impact IK07-10
8.2.2(10.2.6) protection against contact with live parts, ingress of solid foreign bodies and water JL-12 and JL-34
8.3.3 Creepage disctance CK-1 Thermal Chamber GDJS-015B
10.3 Degress of protection of IP test JL-12 and JL-34 and JL-56 and SC-015
10.5 Protection against electric shock  LVD-100KG
10.9.3 Impluse withstand voltage SUG255
10.10(9.2) Verfication of temperature rise WS-1
J.9.4.3 Immunity RFCI61000-6
J.9.4.4 Emission EMI-9KB 
J.10.12.1(Table 1 and Table 2) ESD61000-2


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