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Optical Radiation Safety Test

Product No: EN62471-C

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  • IEC62471-2006(CIE S009) Photobiological Safety of Lamps and Lamp System and IEC TR62471-2(2009) Guidance on Manufacturing Requirements Relating to Non-laser Optical Radiation Safety have be published addressing hazard to human (mostly eye and skin), and are completely suitable to assess the optical radiation safety of non-laser sources, such as LED products, UV radiation in general lighting products and etc.

    The hazard exposure level of optical radiation may be related from 200nm to 3000nm. It is based on the measurement of spectral irradiance and spectral radiance in specified measuring geometry relating with exposure duration.

    IEC62471-1/EN62471-1 “Photobiological safety of lamps and lamp systems”
    CIE S009 / GB/T 20145” Photobiological Safety of Lamps and Lamp Systems”
    IEC62471-6:2022 “Photobiological safety of lamps and lamp systems – Part 6: Ultraviolet lamp products”
    IEC62471-7:2023 “Photobiological safety of lamps and lamp systems – Light sources and luminaires primarily emitting visible radiation”
    IEC/EN 60598/GB 7000.1  “Luminaires-Part1:General requirements and tests”
    IEC/EN 60432 “Incandescent lamps – Safety specifications – Part 1: Tungsten filament lamps for domestic and similar general lighting purposes”
    IEC60335-2-27 “Household and similar electrical appliances; Safety – Part 2-27: Particular requirements for appliances for skin exposure to ultraviolet and infrared radiation”
    IEC60335-2-59 “Household and similar electrical appliances – Safety – Part 2-59: Particular requirements for insect killers”

    Led Radiation Safety Test

    The IEC 62471 measurement equipment is specialized for the optical radiation hazard exposure level measurement in IEC 62471. 

    • Actinic UV hazard exposure (weighted irradiance from 200nm to 400nm) for the skin and eye
    • Near-UV hazard exposure (irradiance from 315nm to 400nm) for the eye
    • Retinal blue light hazard exposure (weighted radiance from 300nm to 700nm)
    • Retinal Blue light hazard exposure(weighted irradiance, 300-700nm) – small source
    • Retinal thermal hazard exposure (weighted radiance from 380nm to 1400nm)
    • Retinal thermal hazard exposure (weighted radiance; 780-1400nm) – weak visual stimulus
    • Infrared radiation hazard exposure (irradiance from 780nm to 3000nm) for the eye
    • Thermal hazard exposure (irradiance from 380nm to 3000nm) for the skin

    • Wavelength range: 200nm to 800nm (EN62471-A), 200-1500nm (EN62471-B) and 200-3000nm (EN62471-C)
    • Radiance geometry: optics simulating human eye’s retina
    • Acceptance aperture: Dia. 7mm for radiance; Dia. 20mm & 7mm for irradiance
    • FOV range: 1.5mrad to 110mrad (1.7mrad, 11mrad, 100/110mard) according to exposure duration of radiance measurement; and 100mrad, 1.4rad and 6.28rad for irradiance measurement
    • Testing distance: 200mm to 6.0m(optional) with constant FOVs and input aperture
    • Image resolution:1600×1200
    • Maximum exposure scanning rang: 2pi-space
    • Calibration: It can be traced to NIM
    • Detectors: PMT/InGaAs/Si/PbS
    • Imaging radiance meter: scientific grade 16bit CCD camera with TEC
    • Sampling speed of pulse source:20 us to 10 s
    • Wavelength accuracy:0.1nm(UV), 0.2nm(VIS), 0.4nm(IR)
    • Dynamic range: 10

    Ni Jia
    Ni Jia
    Ni Jia

    A good supplier for our company, the engineer is professional on training. We are considering to order more from LISUN.

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