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09 Jun, 2022 1309 Views Author: Cherry Shen

ESD Simulators Overview (Electrostatic Discharge Test)

ESD simulatorguns (Electrostatic Discharge Generator/Electrostatic Gun/ESD Guns) is in full compliance with IEC 61000-4-2, EN61000-4-2, ISO10605, GB/T17626.2, GB/T17215.301 and GB/T17215.322.

ESD Simulators Overview (Electrostatic Discharge Test)

ESD61000-2_Electrostatic Discharge Simulator

In a dry environment, the human body generates static electricity on the object or the friction between two objects, so the charged human body will easily discharge the device during the process of contacting the device, causing possible circuit failures, and even causing damage to the device. At present, the simulated electrostatic discharge test is widely used all over the world, and the electrostatic discharge immunity test is used to simulate the following two situations:

1. The discharge of the equipment when the equipment operator directly contacts the equipment, and the impact of the discharge on the working performance of the equipment. This is the impact of ESD (direct discharge to the device) on the performance of the device.
2. The influence of the equipment operator on the equipment when touching the adjacent equipment. The effect of this so-called indirect discharge (by discharging the vertical/horizontal coupling plate) on the performance of the device.


1. Test standard:
GB/T17626.2, IEC/EN 61000-4-2, IEC/EN 61000-6-1/-2, IEC/EN 61326, IEC 61340, ANSI C63.16 and ITU-T K20GR1089-CORE ENV 50141.

2. Test requirements:
2.1. The reference ground plate should be a copper plate or aluminum plate with a thickness of 0.25mm or more. If it is another metal plate, the thickness should be at least 0.65mm or more. The actual size of the reference ground plate is not limited, and the four sides are required to exceed the equipment under test (ground equipment) or the horizontal coupling plate of the test table (for table equipment) by more than 0.5mm on each side. The reference ground plane should be connected to the ground wire of the laboratory.
2.2. The material of the horizontal coupling plate (desktop equipment only) and the vertical coupling plate (with insulating support) are the same as the reference ground plate. Each of the two coupling boards has a cable with a 470kΩ resistor connected to the reference wiring board to discharge the electrostatic charge in the experiment. The resistance used is required to have the ability to withstand discharge. The entire cable must be insulated to avoid short-circuiting with the grounding plate.
2.3. For desktop equipment, cover a 0.5mm insulating thin plate on the horizontal coupling plate, and it is required that the plate does not accumulate charges obviously during the experiment. In the benchtop experiment, the horizontal coupling plate is at least 0.1m larger than each side of the object to be tested. If the object to be tested is too large, either choose a larger test bench, or choose two identical test benches to place the object under test. The horizontal coupling plates on the desktop do not need to be welded together, and can be covered at the merging of the two tables. A metal plate of the same material is required to press each tabletop for more than 0.3m, and the horizontal coupling plates of the two tables are respectively connected to the reference ground plane with resistance lines.
2.4. For ground equipment, there should be a 0.1m high insulating support on the reference ground plate, and the DUT and DUT cable should be placed on the insulating support.
2.5. All connecting wires need to maintain a low impedance connection.

3. Test level:
The standard divides the test level into four levels
The contact discharges are set to: 2KV, 4KV, 6KV and 8KV
The air gap discharge are set to: 2KV, 4KV, 8KV and 15KV

4. Test site requirements:
4.1. Before the test, it must be confirmed that the grounding screw is not loose and the hcp/vcp grounding impedance of 470kΩ is correct.
4.2. The test site must be controlled for temperature/humidity and atmospheric pressure. Requirements: Ambient temperature: 15°C~35°C; Relative humidity: 30%~60%; Atmospheric pressure: 86Kpa~106Kpa.
4.3. The object under test (EUT) and the walls of the test space and any metal objects must be kept more than 1m.
4.4. The grounding metal strap of the electrostatic gun must be grounded.

5. Test process:
5.1. Directly apply discharge to the tested object:
Electrostatic discharge is applied only to the points and surfaces that the operator may touch during normal use of the object under test. In order to determine the critical value of possible failure, the test voltage should be gradually increased from the minimum value to the selected test voltage value, and the final test voltage value should not exceed the specification value of the tested object to avoid damage to the equipment. The test should be carried out in the form of single discharge, at least 10 single discharges are applied on the preselect points; the time interval between consecutive single discharges needs to be at least 1 second, in order to determine whether the test object will fail, it is recommended to keep it longer time interval.
5.2. Indirectly applying discharge to the tested object:
a) On the horizontal coupling plate below the tested object, at least 10 single discharges are applied to the horizontal coupling board at some points of the tested object; when the discharge electrode touches the coupling board, the electrostatic discharge should be The generator is placed vertically at a distance of 0.1m from the measured object.
b). Vertical coupling plate: apply at least 10 single discharges to the center of one vertical side of the coupling plate, and place the coupling plate with a size of 0.5*0.5m parallel to the measured object and keep a distance of 0.1m. The discharge should be applied to the coupling plate, and by adjusting the position of the coupling plate, different positions on the four sides of the object to be tested are in contact with the discharge test.

6. Test results:
The test results shall be classified according to the loss of performance or degradation of performance of the tested object. The relevant performance level is determined by the manufacturer or the demander of the test, or is coordinated between the manufacturer and the purchaser. It is recommended to classify according to the following requirements:
a). Performs normally within the limits specified by the manufacturer, the entrusting party or the purchaser
b). The function or performance is temporarily lost or decreased, but it can recover by itself after the end of the test without operator intervention;
c). Temporary loss or decline in function or performance, but recovery requires operator intervention;
d). Unrecoverable function loss or performance degradation due to hardware or software damage or data loss of the tested object;

Lisun Instruments Limited was found by LISUN GROUP in 2003. LISUN quality system has been strictly certified by ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Membership, LISUN products are designed based on CIE, IEC and other international or national standards. All products passed CE certificate and authenticated by the third party lab.

Our main products are GoniophotometerIntegrating SphereSpectroradiometerSurge GeneratorESD Simulator GunsEMI ReceiverEMC Test EquipmentElectrical Safety TesterEnvironmental ChamberTemperature ChamberClimate ChamberThermal ChamberSalt Spray TestDust Test ChamberWaterproof TestRoHS Test (EDXRF)Glow Wire Test and Needle Flame Test.

Please feel free to contact us if you need any support.
Tech Dep: Service@Lisungroup.com, Cell/WhatsApp:+8615317907381
Sales Dep: Sales@Lisungroup.com, Cell/WhatsApp:+8618117273997


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