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03 Sep, 2022 1246 Views Author: Saeed, Hamza

How does an integrating sphere hold up as a spectrophotometer

Integrating Sphere Basics
The measurement precision of an integrating sphere will undoubtedly be impacted by its design. How the light refracts inside the sphere is affected by the reflectivity of the sphere’s surface as well as the size and placement of ports, detectors, and baffles. The ability of a sphere to integrate light can be affected by all these factors.


Large spheres with a 150 mm diameter have higher light integration properties and their measurements are less likely to be impacted by hot spots produced by the sample. Smaller spheres have less effective signal integration, and the large port fraction that is frequently present in smaller spheres can cause severe measurement errors due to flux loss.

When creating integrating spheres, it is crucial to ensure that the detector’s field of view excludes any area of the sphere’s surface that is immediately exposed to the sample beam or that receives the sample beam’s initial reflection. The direct lighting of the detector by sample transmitted light is even more crucial for scatter transmission measurements. In all scenarios, the measurement would yield a misleading result.

LPCE-2(LMS-9000)High Precision Spectroradiometer Integrating Sphere System

High Precision Spectroradiometer Integrating Sphere System

The use of detector shielding baffles is a typical method for preventing these artefacts. Typically, these are constructed from substantial sections of Spectralon or metal that has been coated in the same substance as the integrating sphere wall. Light that has not experienced at least two reflections from the sphere surface is blocked from being seen by the detector using baffles. The barrier is thus placed to block the so-called “first strike” reflections from entering the detector’s field of vision.

Baffles can be viewed as spherical surface extensions. Although it is typically not significant, their contribution to the sphere’s area can be considered in the radiance equation. Baffles typically provide a very small fraction of the sphere’s surface area. Measurements of scatter transmission are especially sensitive to adequate spherical baffling. This is since diffusely dispersed light from the sample can easily enter the detector from both the initial interior sphere reflection and the sample itself throughout a sizable detector field of view.

The measurement accuracy of an integrating sphere will be significantly impacted by the distribution of light within it. Large integrating spheres will produce measurements with more accuracy because the light in large systems can be “integrated,” or dispersed equally across the sphere’s surface, although small integrating spheres do have superior energy efficiency than their 150 mm diameter counterparts.

The 150 mm spheres’ wide internal surface area and low overall port fraction enable the light to adequately reflect around the sphere and produce a homogenous flux. However, to lessen the effects of inadequate light integration, sphere flux uniformity must frequently be sacrificed when designing small integrating sphere accessories.

Fiber Optic Power Output Measurement
This makes it possible to estimate the spatially integrated beam power. It is possible to gather up light for the wavelength measurement using the north port. Newport provides single-unit calibrated standard integrating sphere detectors. As a result, the divergent configuration or the collimated beam configuration are frequently acceptable. However, because of the increased NA of the fiber in the case of lensed fiber, the diverging beam arrangement is advised. It is advised to use the collimated beam configuration when utilizing a fiber collimator.

Transmittance Measurement
By collecting transmitted radiation from a sample held in the 0-degree port of a 4-port integrating sphere, transmittance may be calculated. After being exposed to radiation, the sample is compared to a direct source measurement taken outside the sphere.

The detector is protected from non-integrated transmission by a baffle, and the un scattered component can be collected using a light trap installed on the 180-degree port. It is also possible to measure fluorescence, bulk scatter, forward and back scatter, and total integrated scatter. The 90-degree port is where the detector is mounted.

Reflectance Measurement
A sample is held in the 0-degree port and exposed to an incident beam through the 180-degree port to measure reflectance. The sphere spatially integrates the whole reflected radiation, which is then detected by a baffled detector. It is possible to get rid of the specular component of the reflected radiation by using the normal-incidence sample holder, which bounces the specular beam back out of the input port.

It is possible to estimate the “specular plus diffuse” reflectance using an 8°-incidence sample holder. It is possible to determine the reflectance of a sample in relation to a known standard by measuring both and calculating their ratio. To prevent mistakes brought on by sample reflectivity, the standard and sample should have a similar reflectance. To get rid of this potential source of measurement inaccuracy, employ a dual-beam system. The 90-degree port is where the detector is mounted.

Uniform Light Source Sphere
By adding lighting from an outside source, a general-purpose sphere can be set up as a basic uniform light source. An illuminator, a detector, and a power meter or radiometer are needed for the setup. The unused fourth port with a port plug could interfere with output homogeneity, hence a three-port sphere is preferable over a four-port sphere.

The detector is positioned on the north pole, and the light source is attached to the 90-degree port. The output of the uniform lighting is the huge 0-degree port. An exact indicator of the illumination of the sphere is provided by the detector attached to the power meter or radiometer. If the detector is not saturated, the output will change linearly with the power reading.

What is integrating sphere in spectrophotometer?
A straightforward but frequently misunderstood spectrophotometer accessory for measuring optical radiation is the integrating sphere. An integrating sphere’s job in scatter transmission and diffuse reflectance sample studies is to spatially integrate radiant flux.

What is the use of Spectralon?
In fact, Spectralon is employed everywhere you require effective, consistent illumination, including integrating spheres, laser cavity pumping chambers, reflectance standards and targets, lamp reflectors, display back panel lighting, and digital imaging devices. It is simple to machine Spectralon into custom reflectors.

How much does an integrating sphere cost?
In general, integrating spheres can be purchased for a beginning price of 6000 US dollars. Furthermore, it will cost you around $10,000 USD to get one of the best integrating spheres.

Lisun Instruments Limited was found by LISUN GROUP in 2003. LISUN quality system has been strictly certified by ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Membership, LISUN products are designed based on CIE, IEC and other international or national standards. All products passed CE certificate and authenticated by the third party lab.

Our main products are GoniophotometerIntegrating SphereSpectroradiometerSurge GeneratorESD Simulator GunsEMI ReceiverEMC Test EquipmentElectrical Safety TesterEnvironmental ChamberTemperature ChamberClimate ChamberThermal ChamberSalt Spray TestDust Test ChamberWaterproof TestRoHS Test (EDXRF)Glow Wire Test and Needle Flame Test.

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