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28 Jun, 2023 1110 Views Author: Cherry Shen

Characteristics of spectrophotometer

The spectrophotometer is designed according to the principle of spectral type, while the ordinary colorimeter is designed according to the principle of tristimulus type. The colorimeter has high accuracy and increasing versatility.

The spectrophotometer can simultaneously measure SCI (a measurement method including specular reflection. For this reason, it reduces the influence of sample surface, especially suitable for color quality monitoring and computer color matching) and SCE (a measurement method excluding specular reflection. The results of this type of measurement are similar to those observed by the naked eye). Because it can measure the reflectivity at each wavelength, it is suitable for complex color analysis, and of course it is relatively expensive.

At present, the main industries that use spectrophotometer in industrial production include textile, printing and dyeing, paint, metal paint, glass coating, paint film, building materials, printing and other industries that have strict and difficult color requirements. The use of spectrophotometer to quantify, compare and analyze the color information of products can be clear at a glance. At the same time, connecting with PC can clearly restore the color information, providing the best guarantee for color transmission and reproduction.

( λ) Multiply the three excitation values of CIE spectrum, and integrate these products in the whole visible spectrum range. ⏵ According to the standard colorimetric system specified by CIE of the International Commission on Illumination, the calculation method of the third excitation value of color is the color stimulus function

This formula is the main basis for color detection of spectrophotometer. It can perfectly convert the measured color brightness, brightness and chroma information into different color information, and finally realize the measurement of whiteness, chroma and color difference.

( λ) It can be expressed as equal to three different objects under test. ⏵ Where

( λ)= S( λ)—— (Self-luminescent body) relative spectral power distribution

( λ)=β ( λ) S( λ)—— The product of the reflectance factor and the relative spectral power distribution of the standard illuminant. 

( λ) S( λ)—— The product of the transmittance factor and the relative spectral power distribution of the standard illuminant( λ)= 

At the beginning of the research and development of the spectrophotometer, the R&D personnel will generally consider the configuration suitable for different industries and products as well as the measurement environment, including the selection of light sources (A, C, D65, D50, etc.), and a variety of color difference formulas for selection. In addition, the tolerance range can be set according to the qualified requirements of the product, which can quickly detect the color difference of the product, and is suitable for color control in industrial mass production.

The spectrophotometer is an instrument based on optical colorimetry to measure the color of an object by spectral photometry. It is composed of a light source, an integrating sphere, a spectrophotometer, a detector and a data processing system. The main purpose of the R&D and mass production of this instrument is to facilitate users to intuitively and reliably analyze color data, transfer color information and copy color images. Now color management instrument companies at home and abroad are working hard on spectrophotometer, and strive to develop and produce more suitable and practical instruments.

Characteristics of spectrophotometer:
We know that light is observed by the human eye in the form of an electromagnetic wave. Different wavelengths of light present different colors to us on the spectrum, with the longest wavelength of red light and the shortest wavelength of purple light. The others are arranged in the order of red, orange, yellow, green, indigo and purple. Spectrocolorimeter is to analyze these light by using the rules of spectrum.

Generally, there is a composite sensor in the spectrophotometer to measure the spectral reflectance of the wavelength of the object. A microprocessor is used to calculate the spectral reflectance data using the color difference calculation method of the internal equipment of the spectrophotometer to calculate the third excitation value. With three excitation values, we can calculate the color information we need according to the different color space calculation formula provided by CIE.

For the spectrophotometer, it not only has all the functions and features of the general color colorimeter, but also has higher sensitivity. Because the script spectrum sensor measures the light at various wavelength intervals, the colorimeter is generally between 0.01 and 0.02 △ E * ab, which can be said to be very small error. The measuring speed is much faster than that of ordinary colorimeter. It can measure both the color and the measuring time is about 0.3s. This can greatly improve the speed of color detection and production efficiency when applied to color detection in batch industrial production.

The spectrophotometer can perfectly realize the detection, analysis, transmission, communication and reproduction of color, which are the most common functional requirements in the industry. With a 45 °/0 ° geometric observation angle suitable for human eye observation, the spectrophotometer displays the reflectance and transmittance of a single object in the visible light band of 300nm-700nm, and connects with the computer through the interface to expand more functions. So a spectrophotometer can help you solve all color problems. It’s really a good way to get more at one stroke.

Software configuration of spectrophotometer:
1. When the software is running, it needs the hardware cooperation of the spectrophotometer to work normally. So when running the software, please make sure that the hardware is correctly connected to the serial port of the computer through the RS232 data line, and the length of the RS232 data line should not exceed 1 meter, otherwise the software will not work normally or stably.

2. The software can only run under the Microsoft Windows operating system. There is no special requirement for the version of the operating system, but the Windows XP operating system is recommended.

3. The software has the function of printing and outputting reports. If you need to print data, please make sure that the printer is correctly connected to the computer and that the driver is correctly installed.

4. The software installation requires at least 10M of hard disk space. To ensure that the software can run stably for a long time, please ensure that the hard disk has at least 50M of free space during installation. It is recommended that the memory of the computer system be 128M or more.
The spectrophotometer and color management software that basically operate normally can be executed correctly according to the above operations.

HSCD-860 Innovative 5-micron-thick nano-integrated optical device innovation is the soul. After nearly 10 years of painstaking research, the instrument uses nano-integrated optical devices as spectroscopic devices, and only 5 microns thick optical devices can achieve nano-level spectroscopic capabilities, once again leading the direction of industry innovation and surpassing the technology of foreign products. The blockade has greatly improved the technical performance of the product.

Characteristics of spectrophotometer

HSCD-860 Portable Spectrophotometer

Lisun Instruments Limited was found by LISUN GROUP in 2003. LISUN quality system has been strictly certified by ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Membership, LISUN products are designed based on CIE, IEC and other international or national standards. All products passed CE certificate and authenticated by the third party lab.

Our main products are Goniophotometer, Integrating Sphere, Spectroradiometer, Surge Generator, ESD Simulator Guns, EMI Receiver, EMC Test Equipment, Electrical Safety Tester, Environmental Chamber, Temperature Chamber, Climate Chamber, Thermal Chamber, Salt Spray Test, Dust Test Chamber, Waterproof Test, RoHS Test (EDXRF), Glow Wire Test and Needle Flame Test.

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