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14 Dec, 2014 2976 Views Author: root

ENERGY STAR for LED Luminaires/Bulb Life Requirements

USA Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) and Department of Energy(DOE) successively released Energy Star and Lighting Facts Standards for LED Luminaires/Bulb from 2010, which makes relevant industry persons have LED Lighting products standard to follow. At present, international LED large manufacturers for LED product Life evaluation and product specification are also on this basis. That is to say, LED manufacturers want to enter international LED Lighting market, it is a must to get the ticket of LED Energy Star.

In the part of Energy Star, from 6th, July, 2011, EPA in order to simplify the qualification process, specially integrates Residential Lighting (RLF) and SSL Luminaires into ENERGY STAR® Luminaires Program Requirement V1.1, and officially launched from 1st, April, 2012. Moreover, LED Bulb part is also integrated into ENERGY STAR® Program Requirements for Integral LED Lamps V1.4. Except added audit information project in the two standards, the requirements for LM-82 Electro-optical characteristics specification and TM-21 Life Estimated specification have been incorporated.

The main content of LM-82 is electrical and optical properties of LED Light Engines and Integrated LED Lamps’ authentication feature in different temperatures. The measurement method is similar to LM-79-08 plan, but the key point is characteristics affect assessment of temperature on the electrical and optical parameters.

Another part of IESNA is the one published TM-21-11 (Projecting Long Term Lumen Maintenance of LED Light Sources) dated 25th, July, 2015. This standard is mainly aimed at LED light source performance and life time prediction, and link with LM-80-08 LED lumen maintenance experiment. Apply LM-80-08 test data to estimate LED Lamps/Bulbs long life performance.

ENERGY STAR for LED Luminaires/Bulb Life Requirements

There are two specifications in ENERGY STAR for luminaries, luminaries manufacturers can use whole lamp to light 6,000Hrs, or submit the components manufacturers’ 6,000Hrs LM-80 reports and TM-21 estimate results to confirm finished lamps’ lumen maintenance. It is more flexible for bulb standard part, it will fine turn according to different

ENERGY STAR for LED Luminaires/Bulb Life Requirements

Lisun LEDLM-80PL LED Optical Aging Test Instrument is designed according to standards of IES-LM-80, IES-LM-82, TM-21 and GB2312-80 etc. to design and manufacture. LEDLM-80PL system can change the changing curves of Lumen VS Time and Colorimetric Parameters VS Time. Test and record the light attenuation data within a short time, then software will predict the LED life. Introduce the Arrhenius Model to make the test result more reliable and effective.

Lisun Electronics (Shanghai)Co.,Ltd is lead In lighting test equipment, EMI/EMC test system and safety test instrument. Its quality system has been strictly certificated by ISO9001:2008. The Lisun Group products have been authenticated by the third party lab and were by CE certificate. As a CIE supportive membership, all of the test instruments produced by Lisun Group were designed according to CIE standards.

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