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Vibration test introduce in IEC 60068 and application in lighting industry
15 Jun, 2022 2238 Author: Cherry Shen

Vibration test introduce in IEC 60068 and application in lighting industry

IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) is the earliest international standardization organization in the world. It was established in 1906 to enhance international mutual understanding and hope that national committees can use these international standards if their own conditions permit IEC is mainly responsible for international standardization of electrical engineering, electronic engin...

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Color and spectrum measurement difference between goniospectraodiometer and integrating sphere system
14 Jun, 2022 1388 Author: Cherry Shen

Color and spectrum measurement difference between goniospectraodiometer and integrating sphere system

Integrating sphere measurement system is the most common light color measurement equipment in the lamp industry. Its measurement results can meet the R & D and testing needs of most products. It is a more economical measurement means. Principle of Integrating sphere test system: 1. use the standard lamp for calibration, obtain the luminous flux data of the tested lamp through the coefficient...

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Why do electronic products perform electrostatic testing
13 Jun, 2022 1364 Author: root

Why do electronic products perform electrostatic testing

Electricity discharge may cause electronic products such as mobile phones, electronic products remote control, smart locks, smart LED lighting systems, etc., or e -components, IC chips, LED lamp bead light source modules, etc. Essence Sudden failure causes the permanent failure and short circuit of electronic products. The potential failure can deteriorate the performance parameters of electronic ...

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Integrating sphere 4π and 2π test introduce and 2π test method difficulty
12 Jun, 2022 2081 Author: Cherry Shen

Integrating sphere 4π and 2π test introduce and 2π test method difficulty

Integral sphere measurement system is the most common light color measurement equipment in the luminaire industry, and its measurement results can meet the needs of most product development and testing, which is a relatively economical measurement method. The following is a brief introduction to the working principle of the integrating sphere measurement system and its measuring method of the inte...

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Led test instruments supplier in China
11 Jun, 2022 1331 Author: Cherry Shen

Led test instruments supplier in China

LED lighting products are rapidly replacing traditional lighting products due to their superior luminous performance and high efficiency and energy saving. With people’s continuous pursuit of high efficiency and health, LED lighting products and technologies are constantly improving. The important basis for this is how to effectively and accurately measure LED actual performance, for which L...

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Flicker measure principle introduce
10 Jun, 2022 1627 Author: Cherry Shen

Flicker measure principle introduce

Flicker Test System also known as stroboscopic still or tachometer, is an optical measuring device that can change a vibrating, high-speed rotating or periodically moving component into a “stationary” component. Flicker Test System itself can emit a short and frequent flash, and its flash speed can be set by the user according to needs. When the flash frequency of the stroboscope is ad...

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ESD Simulators Overview (Electrostatic Discharge Test)
09 Jun, 2022 1329 Author: Cherry Shen

ESD Simulators Overview (Electrostatic Discharge Test)

ESD simulatorguns (Electrostatic Discharge Generator/Electrostatic Gun/ESD Guns) is in full compliance with IEC 61000-4-2, EN61000-4-2, ISO10605, GB/T17626.2, GB/T17215.301 and GB/T17215.322. ESD61000-2_Electrostatic Discharge Simulator In a dry environment, the human body generates static electricity on the object or the friction between two objects, so the charged human body will easily discharg...

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Goniophotometer | Guide to working, application & LSG-6000 goniophotometer
08 Jun, 2022 1832 Author: Cherry Shen

Goniophotometer | Guide to working, application & LSG-6000 goniophotometer

What is type C goniophotometer definition? LSG-6000 Moving Detector Goniophotometer (Mirror Type C) was manufactured by LISUN completely meets LM-79-19, IES LM-80-08, COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) 2019/2015, CIE-121, CIE S025, SASO 2902, IS16106 and EN13032-1 clause type 4 requirements. LSG-6000 is the latest upgraded product of LSG-5000 and LSG-3000 in compliance with the requireme...

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Lighting surge analysis and how does it work
07 Jun, 2022 1452 Author: Cherry Shen

Lighting surge analysis and how does it work

The SG61000-5 fully automatic surge generator (also called lightning surge immunity test, combination wave generator, surge current generator/surge voltage generator, combined surge voltage and current generator) . SG61000-5 Surge Generator How does a surge generator work? The SG61000-5 surge generator provides a common basis for evaluating the resistance of power cords and internal connectors of...

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