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What you need to know about Environmental Chambers
14 May, 2022 2067 Author: Saeed, Hamza

What you need to know about Environmental Chambers

What components are generally used in an Environmental Chamber? Thermocouple A thermocouple is a moveable device that measures temperature. Product temperature control maximizes stress on the product through the chambers using a thermocouple. Airstream Control vs. Temperature Control The air temperature at the air supply’s outlet source is measured through air stream control. On the other ha...

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How you can use light source in an integrating sphere to get product reliability results
13 May, 2022 1347 Author: Saeed, Hamza

How you can use light source in an integrating sphere to get product reliability results

Integrating sphere The Ulbricht sphere is also known as the integrating sphere. Richard Ulbricht, a German engineer, inspired the Ulbricht sphere. To determine the best lighting strategy, he took photometric measurements. It occurred while preparing the electrical and lighting systems for a train station. He established that the amount of light measured on the opposite sphere wall from the light s...

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How you would use the RoHS compliance testing with edxrf?
12 May, 2022 1585 Author: Saeed, Hamza

How you would use the RoHS compliance testing with edxrf?

RoHS testing is necessary in the current market to check for toxic chemicals. In this article, Let’s explain what RoHS is and why it is so important. RoHS testing RoHS means Restriction of Hazardous Substances. The European Union developed the RoHS directive to protect humans and the environment from hazardous substances. The RoHS3 Directive called “Directive (EU) 2015/863,” was ...

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What type of Goniophotometer do you need for your product
11 May, 2022 1406 Author: Saeed, Hamza

What type of Goniophotometer do you need for your product

What is a Goniophotometer? LISUN goniophotometers can be used to examine angle-dependent optical characteristics of LED and SSL products. This includes everything from single-packaged LEDs to LED modules and light engines. As well as big SSL lamps and luminaires. Type C goniophotometers are built in such a way that their optical axis horizontally aligned. They have a turning luminaire configuratio...

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Plant Grow Lighting of ASABE S640 standard
10 May, 2022 1457 Author: root

Plant Grow Lighting of ASABE S640 standard

The ANSI/ASABE S640 standard entitled “Plants (photosynthetic organic) electromagnetic radiation volume and unit” has been released. ANSI/ASABE S640 standard This work is the first research results released by AsaBe’s dedication to the development of gardening LED lighting standards, which can promote the development of LED -based garden lighting. Solid Lighting (SSL) is becoming...

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Surge Generators for DC HiPot and Surge Tests
09 May, 2022 1398 Author: Saeed, Hamza

Surge Generators for DC HiPot and Surge Tests

Surge tests are considered critical because they are known best for finding turn-to-turn insulation weaknesses. These weaknesses begin at voltages above the operating voltage of the motor. They are the main causes of serious failures and the shutdown of a motor. Surge tests are also used for finding the hard shorts and several other mistakes in windings and coils. They are also known as the ‘’...

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Integrating sphere: Sphere with light source
08 May, 2022 1533 Author: Saeed, Hamza

Integrating sphere: Sphere with light source

An integrating sphere (also known as an Ulbricht sphere) is an optical component consisting of a hollow spherical cavity with its interior covered with a diffuse white reflective coating. It is equipped with a small hole for entrance and exit ports. It is also known as ‘’a sphere with a light source’’. Its relevant property is a uniform scattering or diffusing effect. Using an integrating ...

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How does a Constant Temperature Humidity Test Chamber work
07 May, 2022 1903 Author: Saeed, Hamza

How does a Constant Temperature Humidity Test Chamber work

Environmental Chamber An Environmental Chamber is defined as an enclosed space where environmental conditions such as temperature and humidity can be controlled. Some chambers are also known for simulating corrosion by introducing salt spray into the chamber. The dimensions of these chambers may greatly vary depending on the type of product that will be tested. Constant Temperature Humidity Test C...

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How is the salt spray test conducted via LISUN salt spray corrosion chamber
06 May, 2022 1693 Author: Saeed, Hamza

How is the salt spray test conducted via LISUN salt spray corrosion chamber

What is a Salt Spray Test? The salt spray test is a generalized test method used to check the coated samples’ corrosion resistance. During the salt spray test, an accelerated corrosive attack is generated for the prediction of the coated samples’ suitability for use as a protective finish. Salt spray tests are generally used for the production of the rapid comparisons between expected ...

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