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LISUN’s EMI Receiver: Types of EMC Testing
05 May, 2022 1621 Author: Saeed, Hamza

LISUN’s EMI Receiver: Types of EMC Testing

EMI receivers are defined as the high performance instrumentation that acquire data for analysis. EMI receivers are used in the scenarios where transient signals or spurious emissions appear and are acquired with fast acquisition rates. EMI Test Receiver EMC stands for ‘’electromagnetic compatibility’’. We conduct this test to ensure that our product does not interfere with another product...

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Luminance measurement using the Goniophotometer
04 May, 2022 1658 Author: Saeed, Hamza

Luminance measurement using the Goniophotometer

Goniophotometer Definition of a goniophotometer A goniophotometer is a piece of equipment that will generate an IOS file. An IOS file three-dimensional bubble of the light source that we can give to our designers to do all their modding designs. LM-79 Moving Detector Goniophotometer (Mirror Type C) AL We have to fit the light. Square the light off. Get it levelled to the equipment. •  This mirr...

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Methods of Water resistance test
03 May, 2022 8654 Author: Saeed, Hamza

Methods of Water resistance test

What is a Water proof test? Waterproof is the ability of any material to resist water and moisture. To be classified as waterproof, the material should have a • Hydrostatic head • Waterproof test • Rating of at least 1500 mm The hydrostatic head test denotes the waterproof level of a fabric coating. In this test, a section of fabric is pulled tight and sealed in the chamber. Water is then ad...

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What kind of Environmental Chamber suits your needs
02 May, 2022 1227 Author: Saeed, Hamza

What kind of Environmental Chamber suits your needs

What are the Types of Temperature Chambers Temperature chambers come in a wide range of sizes, from those that fit on a shelf to those that are the size of a building. The temperature humidity chamber price varies according to specifications as well. The quantity of space available and the required conditions to be achieved are the most important aspects to consider when selecting a thermal chambe...

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LISUN’s Humidity Test Chamber
01 May, 2022 1261 Author: Saeed, Hamza

LISUN’s Humidity Test Chamber

Introduction An environmental chamber, also known as the climatic chamber, is an enclosed space used for testing specific environmental conditions on various industrial products, biological items, and multiple electronic devices. These chambers stimulate corrosion by the introduction of salt into the chamber. The dimensions of the chamber change depending on the size of the product. The size of th...

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How you can use a Goniophotometer to get photometric led intensity measurement
30 Apr, 2022 1391 Author: Saeed, Hamza

How you can use a Goniophotometer to get photometric led intensity measurement

Goniophotometer is a device that serves many purposes to test products that utilize light energy. This device can be used to get photometric values and led intensity measurements from appliances and electronics. In this article, we will see the types of goniophotometer and their use to get led intensity measurements. Goniophotometer A goniophotometer is a device that measures the parameters of dir...

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Integrating spheres for the Light Measurement
29 Apr, 2022 1361 Author: Saeed, Hamza

Integrating spheres for the Light Measurement

What is an integrating sphere? If your application requires a widely diverging beam measurement, an integrating sphere might be the right solution. An integrating sphere is an optical component that captures the light beam. It also enables you to measure the power in the beam under the given conditions that would otherwise be very difficult.   The internal surface of the beam is a highly diffus...

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How does an XRF spectrometer work and where can you use it
28 Apr, 2022 2120 Author: Saeed, Hamza

How does an XRF spectrometer work and where can you use it

What is RoHS? RoHS is a legal requirement set forth by EU legislation. It stands for Restriction of Hazardous Substances. This standard has been in effect since July 1, 2006. It is primarily used to control the materials and manufacturing processes of electrical equipment. It is also used in improving human health and environmental protection. The goal of this standard is to eliminate six things f...

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Why do we need electrical safety test
27 Apr, 2022 1516 Author: root

Why do we need electrical safety test

As an excellent LED lighting, it will use a variety of test standards for different countries and regional markets. So what kind of measurement methods and test standards should we master for a qualified LED lighting? LED Lamps According to statistics, in most LED production companies, there will be: AC withstand voltage, (or) DC withstand voltage, insulation resistance, ground resistance, electri...

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