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What is meant by photometric
18 Apr, 2022 1859 Author: root

What is meant by photometric

The photometric center of a lamp or luminaire is the reference point, from which the photometric distance law is applicable. This appendix lists two methods to determine the photometric center as EN and CIE standard. According to EN 13032-1:2004 Picture below s quoted from EN 13032-1:2004 (Measurement and presentation of photometric data of lamps and luminaires—Part 1: Measurement and file forma...

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How do surge generators perform surge immunity tests
18 Apr, 2022 4208 Author: Saeed, Hamza

How do surge generators perform surge immunity tests

Surges are a concern for every circuit developer since they are key problems in electronics. These surges are known as impulses. Impulses have the distinct characteristics of high voltages, typically in the kV range, that remain for a brief period. The features of an impulse voltage can be characterized as a high or low fall time. These impulses are followed by a very high voltage increase time. A...

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How integrating spheres work in illumination
17 Apr, 2022 1806 Author: Saeed, Hamza

How integrating spheres work in illumination

LISUN has been manufacturing integrating spheres for many years. Our Integrating Spheres product line offers a fantastic selection capable of measuring watts, lumens, candela, lux, joules, W/cm2 etc. LISUN integrating sphere-based systems support the measurements from various light sources. LPCE-2(LMS-9000C)High Precision Spectroradiometer Integrating Spheres System These light sources include las...

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How to calculate EMC conducted emissions
16 Apr, 2022 2311 Author: Saeed, Hamza

How to calculate EMC conducted emissions

The EMI receiver is one of the most useful devices to be used in an EMC test chamber in an Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) laboratory or engineering facility. EMI problems are frequently encountered throughout the early phases of the product development cycle and measuring receivers of several types are employed to identify and rectify these issues. An EMI receiver is used to perform testing f...

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Goniophotometer photometric testing for LED Lighting
15 Apr, 2022 1649 Author: root

Goniophotometer photometric testing for LED Lighting

What is goniophotometer definition? LISUN LSG-1890B/LSG-1800A goniophotometer is automatic goniophotometric instrument for luminous intensity distribution measurements with facility for rotating the light source. LISUN LSG-1890B/LSG-1800A uses a constant temperature detector, Japanese motor and German precision angle coder which keep the test results with high accuracy. It is for industrial labora...

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Why LISUN is a top level humidity test chamber supplier
14 Apr, 2022 1193 Author: Saeed, Hamza

Why LISUN is a top level humidity test chamber supplier

What is the function of Environmental Chambers? Temperature, humidity, air pressure, light, and motion can affect the performance of a product. The environmental chamber can be used to observe the performance of a product under certain conditions. It also helps extend product lifetime and examine the aging process. High and Low Temperature Humidity Chamber It is meant to copy a given environment s...

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How you can conduct radiated emission test
13 Apr, 2022 2057 Author: Saeed, Hamza

How you can conduct radiated emission test

What is an EMI receiver? Electronic noise that interferes with cable transmissions and decreases signal integrity is known as Electromagnetic Interference or an EMI receiver. Electromagnetic radiation sources, such as motors and machines, are common sources of EMI receiver. There are two types of EMI receivers. These are conducted interference and radiated interference. The connection of signals o...

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How do the EMI Receiver for EMI spectrum work
11 Apr, 2022 1908 Author: Saeed, Hamza

How do the EMI Receiver for EMI spectrum work

EMI receivers are a very good tool for analyzing EMI spectrums. This article will investigate alternatives such as spectrum analyzers. We will see how LISUN’s EMI receiver fares in the market in terms of standard compliance. EMI receivers EMI receivers are data gathering instruments. These have high performance for analysis. EMI receivers are useful when transient signals or spurious emissi...

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EMI Measurement Techniques
10 Apr, 2022 2370 Author: Saeed, Hamza

EMI Measurement Techniques

Electromagnetic interference is one of the most difficult problems to solve when producing an electronic device. It is also known as EMI. The influence of these inevitable interferences on the instrument’s performance need to be carefully monitored. This is done to comprehend and quantify the electromagnetic compatibility of the instrument under test. Efforts are made to lessen the impact of...

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