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How do you clean an integrated sphere
29 Jan, 2022 1723 Author: Cherry Shen

How do you clean an integrated sphere

To integrate radioactive flow, an integrating sphere is needed. In many applications, the integrating sphere is used to measure optical radiation straightforwardly. A thorough understanding of how the integrated sphere works are required before designing a sphere for a particular application. Diffuse reflective surfaces have a crucial role in determining how light travels across the globe. The ill...

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Why flicker test is so important
28 Jan, 2022 1515 Author: Cherry Shen

Why flicker test is so important

The myopia rate of primary and secondary school students remains high. More and more people are advocating to pay attention to the improvement of students’ eyesight and the healthy lighting of classrooms, especially parents of students and classrooms. The education industry has also issued relevant standards, such as classroom lighting and lighting hygiene standards in primary and secondary ...

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What is Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Testing?
27 Jan, 2022 2497 Author: Cherry Shen

What is Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Testing?

The concept of electromagnetic compatibility IEC 60050 (161) is equivalent to GB/T4365-1995 “Electromagnetic Compatibility Terminology”, which defines EMC as “equipment or system can work normally in its electromagnetic environment and does not constitute unacceptable electromagnetic the ability to harass.” Electromagnetic compatibility is the research that under the condit...

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How an integrating sphere works?
25 Jan, 2022 1736 Author: Cherry Shen

How an integrating sphere works?

Foreword: With the rapid development of the LED industry, the application range of LED lamps is becoming wider and wider, and there are more and more types of lamps. Flat light is one of them. Flat light is suitable for indoor lighting such as living room, bedroom, corridor, kitchen, viewing balcony, etc. At the same wattage as traditional lighting sources, flat panel lights are energy efficient, ...

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What is EMC test equipment
21 Jan, 2022 1342 Author: Cherry Shen

What is EMC test equipment

A key design challenge in designing a power bank is passing EMI testing. Electronics engineers often worry about failing EMI tests. If the circuit EMI test fails many times, it will be a nightmare. You will have to work around the clock in the EMI lab to fix problems and avoid delays in product rollouts. For consumer products such as power banks, the design cycle is short and the EMI certification...

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What is an integrating sphere test for new Standard IES TM-30-18
19 Jan, 2022 1713 Author: Cherry Shen

What is an integrating sphere test for new Standard IES TM-30-18

On 9th ,October, 2018, the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IES) released a new version of the light source color quality evaluation standard – IES TM-30-18 Method for Evaluating Light Source Color Rendition (evaluation of light source color reproduction method), with a partial update to the legacy documentation. Compared with the old version of the document released in 201...

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Why should choose the programmable withstand voltage tester
18 Jan, 2022 1473 Author: Cherry Shen

Why should choose the programmable withstand voltage tester

At present, the withstand voltage tester seen on the market adopts the GB4706 (equivalent to IEC1010) standard, and the AC/DC withstand voltage and insulation resistance three-in-one withstand voltage tester with desktop structure is mostly used, which can basically meet the needs of users for testing. And most of the withstand voltage testers on the market currently use the microprocessor-control...

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How do environmental chambers work
15 Jan, 2022 1562 Author: root

How do environmental chambers work

Uncontrolled environmental conditions, such as temperature and humidity, may be achieved in an Environmental Chamber, which is an enclosed chamber. By delivering salt spray within the chamber, certain chambers may also imitate rusting. Temperature chambers enable manufacturers to check test their goods in a controlled environment before shipping them. This chamber’s size might vary substanti...

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The difference between contact electrostatic and non-contact electrostatic
14 Jan, 2022 1871 Author: root

The difference between contact electrostatic and non-contact electrostatic

Hazards in industry: The generation of static electricity is inevitable in industrial production, and the hazards caused by it can be attributed to the following two mechanisms: 1. Hazards caused by electrostatic discharge (ESD): cause malfunction or malfunction of electronic equipment and cause electromagnetic interference. 2. Breakdown of integrated circuits and precision electronic components, ...

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