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How to update Microsoft Signature USB driver for Spectroradiometer and Integrating Sphere
13 Jan, 2022 1604 Author: root

How to update Microsoft Signature USB driver for Spectroradiometer and Integrating Sphere

For Windows 7/8 USB driver coding, Microsoft explicitly requires drivers to use EV code signature, and after Windows 10/11, the EV coding signature is not enough but need to submit to Windows Hardware Development Center Dashboard to get Microsoft code signature, or the USB driver can’t be run in the newest Windows 10/11 (see Fig 1) even you Disable Digital Driver Signature Enforcement.  Fi...

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Influence of EMI/EMC on LED Driver
12 Jan, 2022 1944 Author: root

Influence of EMI/EMC on LED Driver

As the speed of integrated circuits is getting faster and the density is getting bigger and bigger, there will inevitably be interference problems, and we must solve this interference. Why should integrated circuits pass EMI/EMC testing? Strictly speaking, all electronic devices require EMI/EMC testing. Electronic devices with excessive EMI/EMC not only work unstable, but also affect other electro...

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Professional Environmental Test Chamber Manufacturer in China
08 Jan, 2022 1446 Author: root

Professional Environmental Test Chamber Manufacturer in China

In the field of environmental testing, and the environmental chamber is a device that enables users to manipulate the ambient conditions in an enclosed space to perform controlled testing on a topic. Researchers, engineers, scientists, and manufacturers make use of these favourable conditions to stimulate innovation and ensure that the products they produce are safe for customers to use. Because o...

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RoHS test has become an international standard
01 Jan, 2022 1326 Author: Cherry Shen

RoHS test has become an international standard

RoHS testing stands for Restriction of Hazardous Substances. First implemented as a European Union regulation in 2003 (2002/95/EC), the RoHS test has become an international standard. 2011 saw the implementation of a new RoHS directive (2011/65/EU). RoHS 2 is the official name of this new rule. RoHS broadened the scope of the regulations to include all EEE, cables, and replacement parts of any kin...

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Why required to do UV test?
30 Dec, 2021 2247 Author: Cherry Shen

Why required to do UV test?

UV test also known as UV aging test which is a process of simulating the various factors involved in the actual use of the product to carry out corresponding conditions to strengthen the experiment on the aging of the product. The UV aging test experiment is mainly for plastic materials, and the common aging mainly includes light aging, damp heat aging, hot air aging. The ultraviolet aging test ch...

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Why required to do vibration test and related standards
28 Dec, 2021 1788 Author: Cherry Shen

Why required to do vibration test and related standards

Vibration test is to simulate the various vibration environment impacts encountered by the product in the transportation, installation. This test is to simulate the various impacts encountered by the product in the transportation, installation and use environment. This kind of vibration environmental impact is used to determine whether the product can withstand various environmental vibrations. Vi...

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Conducted emissions are the noise currents generated by the Device-Under-Test (DUT)
25 Dec, 2021 2190 Author: Cherry Shen

Conducted emissions are the noise currents generated by the Device-Under-Test (DUT)

Electromagnetic compatibility difficulties in electrical engineering include the impact of electromagnetic coupling, electronic switching, and semiconductor devices on power quality. Restricting or reducing electromagnetic energy creation, propagation, and reception in the electromagnetic environment affects all linked system devices in the environment. The conducted emissions are measured by usi...

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Test Method for the Horizontal Vertical Flame Tester
23 Dec, 2021 1626 Author: Cherry Shen

Test Method for the Horizontal Vertical Flame Tester

This HVR-LS Horizontal Vertical Flame Test Chamber meets the requirements of ANSI/UL94, IEC60695-11-3, IEC60695-11-4, IEC60695-11-10, IEC695-2-2 , GB- 4943, GB/T5169.15, GB/T5169.16, GB/T5169.17, GBT5169.22 Standard. Horizontal Vertical Flame Test Chamber uses a bunsenburner with a specified size and a specific gas source (methane or natural gas). According to a certain flame height and a...

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Glow Wire Test Method
21 Dec, 2021 1510 Author: Cherry Shen

Glow Wire Test Method

The reason why LED lighting is easy to spread the flame inside the equipment insulation material or other solid combustible material parts may be ignited by the glowing wire or hot components. Under certain conditions, such as fault current flowing through wires, component overload, and poor contact, some components will reach a certain temperature and cause nearby parts to ignite. The glow wire t...

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