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What is spectral measurement
01 Nov, 2021 2072 Author: Cherry Shen

What is spectral measurement

Spectroscopy is a method of identifying substances and determining their chemical composition and relative content based on their spectra. It is an analytical method established on the basis of molecular and atomic spectroscopy which called spectroradiometer. Contains three main processes: ①energy provides energy; ②energy interacts with the measured substance; ③produces the detected signal. ...

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what is c type goniophotometer
29 Oct, 2021 1699 Author: Cherry Shen

what is c type goniophotometer

Goniophotometer is mainly used to measure the spatial distribution of light intensity and color space of lamps, and output various measurement reports according to the test report: When a lamp is lit, its light output in the 4π space with the lamp as the center of the sphere is not exactly the same, that is, the light intensity value of each point on a certain spherical surface is different. For ...

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What is the salt test?
28 Oct, 2021 1597 Author: Cherry Shen

What is the salt test?

The salt spray test is divided into two categories, one is the natural environment exposure test, and the other is the artificial accelerated simulated salt spray environment test. The artificial simulated salt spray  test is to use a kind of test equipment with a certain volume space-the salt spray test chamber, in its volume space, artificial methods are used to create a salt spray environment ...

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How to do the RoHS Test
27 Oct, 2021 1369 Author: Cherry Shen

How to do the RoHS Test

When you check the RoHS test compliance, It must be noted that the analysis values of x-ray fluorescence light provide information on the presence or absence of controlled substances in elemental form. Must pay special attention to such as Cr and Br, the result is total Cr and total Br, and does not reflect the form of its existence. Therefore, if Cr and Br are present, hexavalent chromium, PBB, P...

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Integrating-sphere system for measuring the optical properties
26 Oct, 2021 1538 Author: Cherry Shen

Integrating-sphere system for measuring the optical properties

The integrating sphere is a cavity sphere coated with a white diffuse reflection material on the inner wall, also known as a photometric sphere, a luminous sphere, etc. One or several window holes are opened on the spherical wall, which are used as light inlet holes and receiving holes for placing light receiving devices. The inner wall of the integrating sphere should be a good spherical surface,...

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What is a Goniophotometer used for
25 Oct, 2021 1591 Author: Cherry Shen

What is a Goniophotometer used for

In recent years, semiconductor lighting technology has developed rapidly, and subsequently semiconductor lighting lamps have also been greatly developed. This requires corresponding testing theory, testing technology, testing equipment, and testing standards to test and evaluate emerging new products. Vertical Goniophotometer is the core testing equipment of lighting fixtures. It is usually divide...

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UL 94 standard operate steps
22 Oct, 2021 1852 Author: Cherry Shen

UL 94 standard operate steps

Application: The horizontal and vertical  flame tester UL94 is mainly used to determine the combustion performance of plastic, rubber or film under a specified fire source to determine its fire resistance level. It is not only suitable for the research, production and quality inspection departments of electrical and electronic plastic or rubber products and their components such as lighting equip...

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What is ESD immunity test
21 Oct, 2021 2265 Author: Cherry Shen

What is ESD immunity test

The static electricity generated by the human body to the object or between two objects may cause the electrical and electronic equipment circuits to malfunction or even be damaged. Therefore, tests that ESD test are widely used all over the world. The intelligent ESD test gun fully meets the standards IEC61000-4-2 and GB/T17626.2. The ESD test has direct discharge and indirect discharge methods. ...

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What are the types of goniophotometer
20 Oct, 2021 1971 Author: Cherry Shen

What are the types of goniophotometer

There are several common goniophotometers for light distribution. The difference between them lies in the geometric shape of the measurement, that is, how to collect photometric data and how to mechanically realize the measurement. The types of Goniophotometers can be basically divided into Type A, Type B and Type C. For a detailed description, please refer to the 1987 edition of CIE 70. The diffe...

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