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Does US require RoHS Testing
23 Sep, 2021 1387 Author: Cherry Shen

Does US require RoHS Testing

The United States does not have RoHS testing certification requirements, but there are regulations similar to RoHS testing certification, the California 65 Standard (CP65). This proposal has been promulgated for more than 20 years. It is a restrictive standard for the control of toxic chemical substances for consumer products entering the United States. Mainly test the lead content in consumer pro...

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What is a gonio spectrophotometer?
23 Sep, 2021 2475 Author: Cherry Shen

What is a gonio spectrophotometer?

In this day and age, traditional photometry laboratories are no longer in operation. To achieve a complete characterization of LED-based luminaires, a new degree of complexity is required to measure their performance at different angle orientations. To measure brightness and evaluate the angle dependence of luminous intensity distribution, this instrument combines the capability of a goniophotomet...

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What is glow wire tester compatible
22 Sep, 2021 1520 Author: Cherry Shen

What is glow wire tester compatible

Introduction to Glow Wire Tester: The glow wire tester uses simulation technology to evaluate the fire hazard caused by thermal stress caused by heat sources such as hot components or overload resistors in a short period of time. It is one of the series of electrical and electronic components fire hazard test instruments. It is suitable for evaluating the flammability test and light-off temperatur...

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How many types of procedure are there in UL 94 flammability test?
21 Sep, 2021 2121 Author: Cherry Shen

How many types of procedure are there in UL 94 flammability test?

UL94 flammability test grade is the most widely used plastic material flammability performance standard. It is mainly a fire test standard for plastic box foam materials to evaluate the ability of materials to extinguish after being ignited. According to the burning speed, burning time, anti-drip ability and whether the dripping is burning, there are many methods to determine whether the burning o...

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What is an ESD table?
21 Sep, 2021 4124 Author: Cherry Shen

What is an ESD table?

ESD tables are excellent if you restrict and regulate the quantity of electricity in a certain region. ESD means electrostatic discharge and is the consequence of static accumulation between two items. Electrostatic charge accumulation often happens when two distinct kinds of materials rub together. One item will be charged positive, while the other is charged negatively, which will eventually lea...

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Goniophotometric testing for LED lighting
20 Sep, 2021 1387 Author: Cherry Shen

Goniophotometric testing for LED lighting

Background theory You may use various photometric parameters to assess light sources through a goniophotometer, including the light flow, luminous intensity, and spectrum distribution. Luminous flow (measured by lumens) is a source’s total light output and is the basic photometric amount by which other quantities like luminous intensity are determined. There is a must-use of the best gonioph...

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Near field and far field goniophotometer
19 Sep, 2021 1999 Author: Cherry Shen

Near field and far field goniophotometer

Introduction The emission of a light source is often represented using the far-field luminous intensity distribution. It is now challenging to calculate the conventional limiting photometric distance to achieve far-field conditions due to the introduction of luminaires with vast arrays of LEDs and focused lenses. Therefore, the goniophotometer plays a vital role in this field. Determining illumina...

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How is luminance measured?
18 Sep, 2021 3448 Author: Cherry Shen

How is luminance measured?

It offers new difficulties for luminance measurement , especially in developing new sources and new lighting technologies. LISUN has therefore created several goniophotometers using different test techniques for luminance measurement. It is a photographic measure of luminous intensity in a particular order per unit area of ​​​​light. It represents the quantity of light going through, emitt...

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What can be measured using spectroradiometer?
17 Sep, 2021 1920 Author: Cherry Shen

What can be measured using spectroradiometer?

Standards: Fully meet CIE 177,  CIE-13.3 ,  Optical-Engineering-49-3-033602, and IEEE. The basis of spectroradiometer measurement is to measure the correspondence between optical radiation and wavelength. Generally speaking, the direct result of spectroradiometer measurement is a curve composed of many separated points. The abscissa (x axis) of each point is the wavelength, and the ordinate ...

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