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The working principle of lightning surge generator
09 Sep, 2021 2237 Author: Cherry Shen

The working principle of lightning surge generator

Lighting surge generator provides a common basis for evaluating the resistance of power cords and internal connectors of different equipment to high energy transient interference caused by natural lightning surge induction and large capacity load switching. It fully meets the IEC 61000-4-5, EN61000-4-5 and GB/T17626.5 standards. Here we talk about the surge generator working principle. 1. The basi...

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How does goniophotometer measures?
08 Sep, 2021 2396 Author: Cherry Shen

How does goniophotometer measures?

Goniophotometer is a device used to measure the light distribution performance of lamps. Goniophotometer measures the spatial light intensity distribution of lamps or light sources, total luminous flux and lamp efficiency and other parameters. Goniophotometer need to work in larger darkroom. Use low-reflectivity materials in the room to avoid reflected light from entering the probe. Depending on t...

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What is a photometric calculation?
06 Sep, 2021 2805 Author: Cherry Shen

What is a photometric calculation?

A goniophotometer is a test device that measures the amount of light emitted from a light source when seen from various angles. The term goniophotometer is derived from the words goniometer, which is used to measure angles. And other words photometer is used to measure light. The goniophotometer gadget is equipped with the same technology as the goniometer. To determine the quality features of the...

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Can a generator cause a power surge?
04 Sep, 2021 3057 Author: Cherry Shen

Can a generator cause a power surge?

Having a surge generator ensures you have enough electricity in case of emergencies or power disruptions. The issue develops when your generator stops working properly. Thankfully, power surge generators are quite communicative and will let you know if something is wrong and needs repair. Why does a generator surge? Inappropriate fuel use, poor maintenance, age, a failing capacitor, or other ccomp...

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Difference between photometer and spectrophotometer
03 Sep, 2021 9072 Author: Cherry Shen

Difference between photometer and spectrophotometer

Photometers and spectrophotometers instruments are well-suited and well-established for measuring moisture, oil/fat, and other easily distinguishable parameters in a wide range of applications. spectrophotometer derived from these photometers. Photometers are usually used to measure parameters at certain wavelengths where the parameter absorbs light, such as 1.94 microns for water and 1.72 micron...

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Spectrometer‌ ‌vs.‌ ‌Radiometer‌ ‌vs.‌ ‌Spectroradiometer‌ ‌-‌ ‌Major‌ ‌Differences‌
02 Sep, 2021 3086 Author: Cherry Shen

Spectrometer‌ ‌vs.‌ ‌Radiometer‌ ‌vs.‌ ‌Spectroradiometer‌ ‌-‌ ‌Major‌ ‌Differences‌

Radiometry professionals may be familiar with the theories of light and color measurement; the equipment used to detect light and color. The instrument for such calculations includes radiometer, spectrometer and spectroradiometer. However, all three devices can measure light and energy. Therefore, the capabilities, intended uses, and applications of radiometers, spectrometers and spectroradiometer...

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What is the use of a goniophotometer?
02 Sep, 2021 2440 Author: Cherry Shen

What is the use of a goniophotometer?

A goniophotometer is a device used to determine the amount of light emitted by an item at various angles. The usage of goniophotometers has increased in recent years due to the advent of LED light sources, which are predominantly directed light sources with a non-homogeneous spatial distribution of light. If a light source’s distribution of light is homogenous, it is referred to as a Lambert...

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What does an integrating sphere do?
28 Aug, 2021 2023 Author: Cherry Shen

What does an integrating sphere do?

The integrating sphere is a rounded device having a reflecting covering on its interior. It usually contains a light source and measures its total flux output. It gathers all the rays emitted by the item and is reflected by its reflecting covering. The integrating sphere efficiently integrates the measured light output from a source. Integrating sphere price may vary from company to company. What ...

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How does goniophotometer work?
26 Aug, 2021 1824 Author: Cherry Shen

How does goniophotometer work?

Goniophotometer definition: Goniophotometer is used to measure the spatial light intensity distribution and various photometric parameters of LED lamps/street lamps, indoor and outdoor lighting lamps. Including measurement: Luminous Intensity Data, Luminous Intensity Distribution, Zonal Luminous Flux, Luminaries Efficiency,Luminance Distribution,Coefficient Of Utilization, Luminance Limitation Cur...

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