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How to choose the right electrostatic electret generator
11 Jun, 2020 2656 Author: Cherry Shen

How to choose the right electrostatic electret generator

As the US FDA/CDC canceled nearly 80% of the mask whitelist companies in China, it encountered the Canadian government requiring dozens of Chinese mask factories to recall unqualified products on their own. Since May, many people in the mask chain industry have discussed that this industry has entered the bottom. We believe that as long as the new crown special drugs or vaccines do not appear, glo...

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The meaning of ultraviolet rays, wavelength band (UVA, UVB, UVC) and hazards
11 Jun, 2020 5359 Author: Cherry Shen

The meaning of ultraviolet rays, wavelength band (UVA, UVB, UVC) and hazards

Ultraviolet rays are rays of sunlight with a wavelength of 100 to 400 nanometers (nm). English is ultraviolet, ultra- means above, beyond. The frequency of ultraviolet rays in the solar spectrum is higher than that of visible rays. Can be divided into UVA (ultraviolet A, wavelength 320-400 nm, long wave), UVB (wavelength 280-320 nm, medium wave), UVC (wavelength 100-280 nm, short wave). Among them...

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Working principle of ultraviolet lamp and test method of ultraviolet lamp
05 Jun, 2020 5121 Author: Cherry Shen

Working principle of ultraviolet lamp and test method of ultraviolet lamp

Ultraviolet lamps are a type of light source that can produce ultraviolet light with a large effective range. In fact, there are also ultraviolet rays in more general light sources, and the sun is the most prominent. As for the general tungsten lamp, there is also near ultraviolet light of about 320nm in the possible range of ultraviolet transmission of glass, and it can be farther if a quartz bul...

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Disinfection method and radiation intensity detection of medical ultraviolet lamp
29 May, 2020 2248 Author: Cherry Shen

Disinfection method and radiation intensity detection of medical ultraviolet lamp

Medical ultraviolet lamps mainly sterilize indoor air. There are two methods: indirect irradiation and direct irradiation. Indirect irradiation method: the use of high-intensity ultraviolet air sterilizer has the advantage of reliable disinfection effect and can be used when there are people indoors. The disinfection time is generally 30 minutes. The principle of the shooting method is to suck the...

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Use and detection method of ultraviolet germicidal lamp
22 May, 2020 2400 Author: Cherry Shen

Use and detection method of ultraviolet germicidal lamp

Ultraviolet sterilization is a traditional and effective disinfection method. It has been widely used in hospitals, food factories, water treatment, etc. However, it is affected by many factors during the use process, especially the low radiation intensity of the lamp and improper application Disinfection effect. In order to ensure a satisfactory disinfection effect, we have mainly implemented the...

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The Difference Between The Total Luminous Flux Test Results Of The Integrating Sphere And The Goniophotometer When Testing Bare Light Sources (Small Lamps) And Big Size lamps
12 May, 2020 2747 Author: Cherry Shen

The Difference Between The Total Luminous Flux Test Results Of The Integrating Sphere And The Goniophotometer When Testing Bare Light Sources (Small Lamps) And Big Size lamps

According to the provisions of IESNA-LM-79-08, both the integrating sphere system and the goniophotometer can test the luminous flux and color parameters of SSL products. In this experiment, an LED bulb and an integrated street lamp were used to measure the luminous flux in the integrating sphere and goniophotometer, respectively. As shown in the figure below, the same bare light source LED bulb w...

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Precautions for production and use of infrared forehead thermometers
29 Apr, 2020 2792 Author: Cherry Shen

Precautions for production and use of infrared forehead thermometers

Forehead thermometers is both medical product and electronic product. It only needs one or two seconds to complete a body temperature measurement, which is very suitable for use in public places, but also for the elderly, infants and other people. Then what standard should the forehead thermometers comply with medical standards meet? And how is it produced? What should be paid attention to during ...

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How to detect a qualified mask according to the standard of each country
26 Apr, 2020 3651 Author: Cherry Shen

How to detect a qualified mask according to the standard of each country

Mask standard: N95 is produced according to American standards; FFP2 is according to European standard EN149; KN95 is the Chinese standard GB2626-2006 / 2019; All masks are qualified as long as they bear the N95, FFP2, KN95 remark. The protection level is expressed by the following formula, which is easier to understand: FFP3>FFP2=N95=KN95>KN90 In addition, medical surgical masks must be pro...

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Flicker Comparison and Test Methods of Various Light Sources
23 Apr, 2020 3118 Author: Cherry Shen

Flicker Comparison and Test Methods of Various Light Sources

Almost all types of lamps is easy to flicker, including incandescent lamps, halogen lamps, and even LED bulbs. But the effect of each light is different. For example, in incandescent and halogen lamps, the filament temperature responds slowly to changes in current, so you will not notice the effect of flicker. For current changes, the LED responds almost immediately, so the blinking will be more n...

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