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(EU) 2019/2015 Introduction of the EU Energy Label Directive: EEI and ƞTM
23 Apr, 2020 3003 Author: Cherry Shen

(EU) 2019/2015 Introduction of the EU Energy Label Directive: EEI and ƞTM

The European Commission has formulated the official version (EU) 2019/2015 of the new regulations on energy efficiency labels for light sources on March 11, 2019, which will be officially released on December 5, 2019. It will be enforced on September 1, 2021 and will abolish the original regulations (EU) 874/2012, implementing the Energy Efficiency Labeling Directive (EU) 2017/1369. This regulatio...

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Standard for testing ultraviolet intensity of UV (ultraviolet) lamps used for disinfection
02 Apr, 2020 2760 Author: Cherry Shen

Standard for testing ultraviolet intensity of UV (ultraviolet) lamps used for disinfection

The principle of ultraviolet disinfection is to use ultraviolet radiation to cause photolysis and denaturation of bacteria proteins, and the amino acids, nucleic acids and enzymes of bacteria are destroyed and died. At the same time, when the ultraviolet rays pass through the air, the oxygen in the air is ionized to generate ozone, which strengthens the bactericidal effect. Ultraviolet is mostly u...

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Uses of UV lamps and test methods for UV lamps
25 Mar, 2020 2645 Author: Cherry Shen

Uses of UV lamps and test methods for UV lamps

Ultraviolet lamps can be used for ultraviolet sterilization, excitation fluorescence (fluorescence microscope, banknote detection), trapping and killing insects, and printing. Curing three-dimensional parts of different shapes and sizes, angles and bends, edges and bumps requires light to be projected onto all surfaces and should have sufficient energy. Generally, the lamp is composed of a lamp tu...

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IK01-10 IK Level Tester is Designed According to IEC 60068-2-75: Tests- Test Eh: Hammer tests.
20 Mar, 2020 3737 Author: Cherry Shen

IK01-10 IK Level Tester is Designed According to IEC 60068-2-75: Tests- Test Eh: Hammer tests.

The full name of IEC 60068-2-75 is Environmental testing-Part 2-75: Tests- Test Eh: Hammer tests. It has been prepared by IEC technical committee 104:Environmental conditions, classification and methods of test. We will introduce the IEC 60068-2-75-1 Scope The following is the original content of IEC 60068-2-75-1. IEC 60068-2-75-1 Scope This part of IEC 60068 provides three standardized and coordi...

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How to test LED fixture for startup, rise time and flicker
18 Mar, 2020 2638 Author: Cherry Shen

How to test LED fixture for startup, rise time and flicker

In recent years, the LED market has been expanding, which is attributed to the unique characteristics of LED solid-state lighting products, such as good luminous efficiency, long service life and high reliability .Therefore, LED solid-state lighting products are increasingly favored by the market and consumers. But at the same time, because of the fast response speed of LED and the lack of thermal...

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GDJS/GDJW High and Low Temperature Humidity Chamber is Designed According to IEC 60068-2-1 Environmental Testing Part 2-1: Tests-Test A: Cold
12 Mar, 2020 2789 Author: Cherry Shen

GDJS/GDJW High and Low Temperature Humidity Chamber is Designed According to IEC 60068-2-1 Environmental Testing Part 2-1: Tests-Test A: Cold

The full name of IEC 60068-2-1 is Environmental Testing Part 2-1: Tests-Test A: Cold. It is edited by the IEC technical committee in 2008.We will introduce the IEC 60068-2-1 Environmental Testing Part 2-1: Tests-Test A: Cold The following is the original content of IEC 60068-2-1 IEC 60068-2-1 Environmental Testing Part 2-1: Tests-Test A: Cold This part of IEC 60068 deal with cold tests applicalbe ...

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LSG-6000 Goniophotometer is Designed According to EN 13032- Goniophotometer type 3
05 Mar, 2020 3182 Author: Cherry Shen

LSG-6000 Goniophotometer is Designed According to EN 13032- Goniophotometer type 3

The full name of EN13032-1 is Light and lighting Measurement and Presentation of photometric data of lamps and luminaires. It is edited by CEN in 2004. This standard is a guide to procedures referring where necessary to the relevant CIE, ISO and CEN publications . We will introduce the clause Goniophotometer type 3 in this article. The following is the original content of EN 13032-1 6.1.1....

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LPCE-3 CCD Spectroradiometer Integrating Sphere Compact System is Designed According to IES LM-79-08 9.1 Integrating Sphere with a Spctroradiometer(Sphere-spectroradiometer System)
02 Mar, 2020 2708 Author: Cherry Shen

LPCE-3 CCD Spectroradiometer Integrating Sphere Compact System is Designed According to IES LM-79-08 9.1 Integrating Sphere with a Spctroradiometer(Sphere-spectroradiometer System)

The full name of IES LM-79-08 is Electrical and Photometric Measurements of Solid-State Lighting Products. It is edited by the Illuminating Engineering Society in 2008. This approved method is a guide developed for the measurement of solid state lighting products. We will introduce the clause 9.1 Integrating Sphere with a Spectroradiometer(Sphere-spectroradiometer System) in this article. The foll...

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Interpretation of the latest American Energy Star IES LM-79-19 standard
07 Jan, 2020 4852 Author: root

Interpretation of the latest American Energy Star IES LM-79-19 standard

LM-79-19 English Version Free Download: Click Here LM-79-19 Spanish Version Free Download: Click Here LM-79-19 Chinese Version Free Download: Click Here ANSI (American National Standards Institute) and IES(Illuminating Engineering Society of North America) officially released the latest version of the IES LM-79-19 standard in May 2019, it will replace the LM-79-08 version. LISUN interpreted the ne...

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