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What is IPX9K and how to do IPX9K level waterproof test?
12 Jun, 2017 4279 Author: root

What is IPX9K and how to do IPX9K level waterproof test?

For IP grade test, we know the regular level IPX1~IPX8, today we will introduce the IPX9K grade test. In the Annex of standard IEC60529-2013 version, it introduces IPX9 High pressure and temperature water jet. Brief description: Protected against high pressure and temperature water jets. Definition: Water projected at high pressure and high temperature against the enclosure from any direction sha...

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Intelligent Lighting
10 Jun, 2017 2653 Author: root

Intelligent Lighting

Intelligent Lighting is the distributed lighting control system by using internet of things technology, wired/wireless communication technology, power line carrier communication technology, and embedded computer intelligent information process and energy-saving control technology to realize the intelligent control of lighting equipment. Shanghai launched a pilot project of the first road intellige...

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The Status of High Low Temperature and Humidity Test Chamber in China Market
10 Jun, 2017 4637 Author: root

The Status of High Low Temperature and Humidity Test Chamber in China Market

High Low temperature and humidity test chamber is used to simulate a actual temperature and humidity environment which it may caused any influence for surrounding objects. Electronic products are widely used in various occasions. The temperature and humidity test has become an necessary test item in order to design better product which meet relevant environmental standards. So high/low temperature...

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What is EMC and What equipment do you need if you want to do EMC test?
06 Mar, 2017 3447 Author: root

What is EMC and What equipment do you need if you want to do EMC test?

With the widespread use of electrical and electronic equipment, the problem of electromagnetic disturbance has also brought electromagnetic pollution. EMC(Electro Magnetic Compatibility) refers to the ability of a device or system to operate within its electromagnetic environment without incurring unacceptable electromagnetic interference to any device in its environment. EMC testing, one the one ...

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SOP Standard Operating Procedure for LISUN LSG-1890B high precision rotation luminaire goniophotometer
01 Mar, 2017 3228 Author: root

SOP Standard Operating Procedure for LISUN LSG-1890B high precision rotation luminaire goniophotometer

Goniophotometer is mainly used to measure the light performance of luminaries and light source, it mainly could measure the light intensity distribution curve, light intensity data, beam angle, total flux, luminaries efficiency, zonal luminaries flux, luminance distribution, coefficient of utilization, luminance limitation curves, maximum efficiency ratio of distance to height, equal illuminance ...

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LED Plant Lighting Lamp
26 Feb, 2017 2627 Author: root

LED Plant Lighting Lamp

Light environment is one of the indispensable and important physical environmental factors for plant growth and development. LED plant lighting lamp is a kind of artificial light source to meet plant photosynthesis light conditions. In the absence of sunlight, lamp can act as daylight. Plant growth lights play the function of environmental protection and energy conservation. LED plant lights provi...

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High and low temperature and thermal shock test
20 Feb, 2017 3201 Author: root

High and low temperature and thermal shock test

In natural environment, temperature and humidity are two indivisible natural factors. Due to different geographical locations in different regions, the temperature and humidity effects generated are also different. This test is used to confirm the products’ adaptability during storage, transportation and usage in the climate of some certain temperature and humidity. Several levels depend on the ...

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Electrostatic discharge immunity test in lighting industry
27 Jan, 2017 3101 Author: root

Electrostatic discharge immunity test in lighting industry

Electrostatic discharge may occur from personnel to object or object to object, and it will cause the failure of electric and electronic devices. So, the test of electrostatic discharge is widely applied in the worldwide. The ESD Simulator is an important tool for ESD immunity test, the test purpose is to check if the EUT can work under the electrostatic discharge. There are two methods for this...

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The Status of Integrating Sphere in China Market
26 Jan, 2017 7450 Author: root

The Status of Integrating Sphere in China Market

IES LM-79 “Electrical and Photometric Measurement of Solid-State Lighting Products” as the exclusive international standard for measuring the total luminous flux, electrical power, luminous intensity distribution and correlated color temperature (CCT), color rendering index (CRI) and other colorimetric parameters of solid-state lighting products (SSL), it highlights the total luminous flux of ...

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