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Electrostatic discharge immunity test in lighting industry
27 Jan, 2017 3106 Author: root

Electrostatic discharge immunity test in lighting industry

Electrostatic discharge may occur from personnel to object or object to object, and it will cause the failure of electric and electronic devices. So, the test of electrostatic discharge is widely applied in the worldwide. The ESD Simulator is an important tool for ESD immunity test, the test purpose is to check if the EUT can work under the electrostatic discharge. There are two methods for this...

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The Status of Integrating Sphere in China Market
26 Jan, 2017 7452 Author: root

The Status of Integrating Sphere in China Market

IES LM-79 “Electrical and Photometric Measurement of Solid-State Lighting Products” as the exclusive international standard for measuring the total luminous flux, electrical power, luminous intensity distribution and correlated color temperature (CCT), color rendering index (CRI) and other colorimetric parameters of solid-state lighting products (SSL), it highlights the total luminous flux of ...

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The Differences between LED and OLED
20 Jan, 2017 4926 Author: root

The Differences between LED and OLED

LED adopts metal material, however, OLED uses organic material. Their emitting principles are the same, the difference is that OLED does not need backlight, because it is composed of light-emitting diode array and it can emitting itself. It is brighter and thinner than LED LCD display, and it will become an alternate of LED LCD display in the future. LED LCD display needs backlight. Its brightness...

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What is the Integrating Sphere?
18 Jan, 2017 3269 Author: root

What is the Integrating Sphere?

Integrating sphere is a hollow sphere with high reflectance surface, it is widely applied in testing lumen, chromaticity coordinates, CCT, dominant wavelength and peak wavelength etc for light source or luminaries. Here we talking about integrating sphere theory. The inner coating reflectance of integrating sphere is an important index for integrating sphere. The coating is ideal diffuse reflectio...

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CISPR15 Three Loop Antenna Function Introduction
15 Jan, 2017 2969 Author: root

CISPR15 Three Loop Antenna Function Introduction

The three loop antenna are often used during electromagnetic radiation test. Lisun three loop antenna VVLA-30M is a standard measurement antenna according to CISPR15-2005. It can be used with Lisun EMI-9KB or EMI-9KA EMI Receiver System for EUT magnetic field radiation test measurement between X, Y and Z planes. VVLS-30M is a big antenna with 2m diameter, which is used for testing frequency bel...

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The Lighting Product EMC Problem and Testing Technology
14 Jan, 2017 4123 Author: root

The Lighting Product EMC Problem and Testing Technology

LEDs and LED luminaires with high light efficiency, longer lifetime, better energy saving and environmental friendly advantages to achieve top position on the lighting industry, like indoor and outdoor lighting application. With the introduction of various national support policies, there appeared many LED lighting products manufacturer, but the quality of LED lighting products is not good well wh...

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The main differences between the LED driver standards ANSI / UL8750 and EN / IEC 61347-2-13
14 Jan, 2017 4522 Author: root

The main differences between the LED driver standards ANSI / UL8750 and EN / IEC 61347-2-13

In recent years, many manufacturers are planning to manufacture common global LED drive products with a wide voltage input. But since different countries have different product standards, it results in some difficulties and obstacles in the design and production. This article compares and analyzes the differences of LED driver design and test safety standards between the North American ANSI / UL ...

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The Definition and Test Requirements of RF LED Lights
14 Jan, 2017 3739 Author: root

The Definition and Test Requirements of RF LED Lights

RF LED light is emitting diode by converting the RF energy into light energy. LED lights are not always RF LED lights, for example, if the maximum working frequency of LED light is less than 9kHz, such as light with non-light source or directly supplied by DC power source (no drive power module), then it is not regarded as RF LED light. RF LED lights certification and testing requirements: Federal...

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How to Measure the Immunity to the Electrical Fast Transient disturbance According to IEC 61000-4-4?
10 Jan, 2017 3542 Author: root

How to Measure the Immunity to the Electrical Fast Transient disturbance According to IEC 61000-4-4?

EFT is short for Electrical Fast Transient, which refers that the burst has specific duration (defined as 15 ms) and specific pulse period, and the single impulse from burst has specific repetition period, voltage peak, rise time and pulse width. The duration of burst is 15 ms, the pulse interval is 300ms, width of single pulse is 50ns±30%, the amplitude of pulse is 2KV, pulse rising time is 50n...

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