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05 Jan, 2023 528 Views Author: root

20kV Surge Generator and Surge Combination Wave Generator

With the development of power systems, the impact of lightning surges on power equipment and power systems is becoming increasingly important. Lightning surges are transient high voltage pulses caused by lightning strikes, which pose a serious threat to the insulation performance and stability of power equipment and power systems. Therefore, testing and evaluating lightning surges is one of the important tasks to ensure the safe and reliable operation of power equipment and power systems. This article will focus on the application of 20kV surge generator and surge combination wave generator in power systems.

I. Hazards and evaluation of lightning surges
The hazards of lightning surges to power equipment and power systems mainly include the following aspects:
1. Insulation breakdown: The high voltage pulses of lightning surges can damage the insulation performance of power equipment, leading to insulation breakdown and causing equipment failures or even damage.
2. Fault initiation: Lightning surges can impact the electronic components and circuit boards of power equipment, causing circuit shorting, opening, or component failure, resulting in equipment failures.
3. Impact on power system stability: Lightning surges can cause transient changes in voltage and current in power systems, which may lead to system instability and affect the reliability of power supply.
Therefore, testing and evaluating lightning surges are necessary measures to ensure the normal operation of power equipment and power systems.

II. Principle and structure of 20kV surge generator
The 20kV surge generator is a device used to simulate lightning surges, mainly consisting of the following parts:
1. Generator: The generator is the key component that generates lightning surges. It controls and regulates the current and voltage through a series of electronic components and circuits. The generator uses a high-voltage pulse power supply to generate high-voltage currents that simulate real lightning strikes.
2. Control device: The control device is used to control and monitor the operation status of the generator. It includes adjusting the amplitude, frequency, and duration of lightning surges and monitoring the output of lightning surges in real-time to ensure compliance with requirements.
3. Surge protection device: The surge protection device is used to protect the 20kV surge generator from external surge interference and to protect the equipment being tested from lightning surges. The surge protection device typically includes surge protectors and lightning arresters.

III. Principle and structure of surge combination wave generator
The surge combination wave generator is a device used to simulate different types of surge waveforms, mainly consisting of the following parts:


1. Generator: The generator is the component that produces different types of surge waveforms. It can generate positive and negative half cycles of surge current and voltage waveforms and can be adjusted according to specific requirements.
2. Control device: Similar to the control device of the 20kV surge generator, the control device of the surge combination wave generator is used to control and monitor the operation status of the generator. It adjusts the amplitude, frequency, and duration of different types of surge waveforms.
3. Surge protection device: Similarly, the surge combination wave generator requires surge protection devices to protect it from external surge interference.

IV. Applications of 20kV surge generator and surge combination wave generator
The 20kV surge generator and surge combination wave generator have wide applications in power equipment and power systems, including the following aspects:
1. Testing of protection devices: By simulating real lightning surges, the protection devices of power equipment can be tested to ensure their proper operation in the event of lightning surges, such as timely disconnecting faulty circuits and protecting the safety of equipment and systems.
2. Testing of withstand voltage performance of equipment: The lightning surge generator can simulate high-voltage pulses to evaluate the insulation performance and withstand voltage capability of equipmentduring withstand voltage performance testing.
3. Evaluation of equipment and system’s resistance to lightning surges: By connecting the surge generator to the power system and generating different types of surge waveforms, the resistance of equipment and systems to lightning surges can be tested. This helps guide equipment selection and system optimization.
4. Research and optimization: By using the 20kV surge generator and surge combination wave generator, research and optimization work can be conducted on power equipment and power systems to enhance their resistance to lightning surges and improve system stability and reliability.

V. Development trends of 20kV surge generator and surge combination wave generator
With the development of power systems and technological advancements, the 20kV surge generator and surge combination wave generator are continuously evolving and improving. Future development trends include the following aspects:
1. Enhanced testing capability: As the voltage levels of power equipment increase, testing equipment needs to have higher testing capabilities to simulate higher voltage-level lightning surges and generate more complex surge waveforms.
2. Higher testing accuracy: The demand for testing accuracy in power equipment testing is increasing. Future 20kV lightning surge generators and surge combination wave generators need to provide higher testing accuracy to ensure the accuracy of test results.
3. More functionalities andapplications: In addition to traditional testing and evaluation of protective devices and equipment, future 20kV surge generators and surge combination wave generators can also be applied to networked management and intelligent monitoring of power systems, providing more functionalities and applications.
4. Green and environmentally friendly: Green and environmental friendliness is also an important development direction for testing equipment. Future 20kV lightning surge generators and surge combination wave generators need continuous improvement and optimization to reduce energy and resource consumption while minimizing environmental pollution.

The application of 20kV surge generator and surge combination wave generator in power systems is an important means to ensure the safe and reliable operation of power equipment and power systems. By testing and evaluating lightning surges, potential problems can be identified and resolved to enhance the resistance of equipment and systems to lightning surges. In the future, with the development and technological advancements of power systems, the 20kV surge generator and surge combination wave generator will continue to be improved and optimized to provide higher testing capabilities and accuracy, as well as wider applications. While researching and developing these testing equipment, it is also important to focus on their green and environmental performance to promote sustainable development of power systems.

The SG61000-5 is an automatic surge generator (also called lightning surge immunity test, combination wave generator, surge current generator/surge voltage generator, combined surge voltage and current generator) . 

How does a surge generator work?
The SG61000-5 surge generator provides a common basis for evaluating the resistance of power cords and internal connectors of different equipment to high energy transient interference caused by natural lightning surge induction and large capacity load switching. It fully meets the IEC 61000-4-5EN61000-4-5 and GB/T17626.5 standards.

20kV Surge Generator and Surge Combination Wave Generator

Surge Generator SG61000-5

Lisun Instruments Limited was found by LISUN GROUP in 2003. LISUN quality system has been strictly certified by ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Membership, LISUN products are designed based on CIE, IEC and other international or national standards. All products passed CE certificate and authenticated by the third party lab.

Our main products are GoniophotometerIntegrating SphereSpectroradiometerSurge GeneratorESD Simulator GunsEMI ReceiverEMC Test EquipmentElectrical Safety TesterEnvironmental ChamberTemperature ChamberClimate ChamberThermal ChamberSalt Spray TestDust Test ChamberWaterproof TestRoHS Test (EDXRF)Glow Wire Test and Needle Flame Test.

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