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12 Jun, 2023 890 Views Author: Raza Rabbani

A Comparative Analysis of Salt Spray Test Chambers and Natural Exposure: Pros and Cons

The corrosion resistance of materials and coatings may be evaluated using a variety of methods, two of the most common of which being salt spray test chambers and ambient exposure. The benefits and drawbacks of both methods are similar.

In this article, we are going to compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of using natural exposure and salt spray test chambers for determining corrosion.

Salt Spray Test Chambers
Corrosive conditions may be replicated in a controlled setting with the use of a salt spray test chamber. We shall discuss the pros and cons of using them in corrosion testing here.

Pros of Salt Spray Test Chambers:
Accelerated Testing: The use of salt spray test chambers for accelerated corrosion testing allows for a more expedient examination of materials and coatings than would be achievable under naturally occurring circumstances. This increase makes it feasible to speed up the process of developing and testing solutions that are resistant to corrosion.

Controlled Testing Conditions: In a salt spray test, the temperature, humidity, and length of time spent in the chamber are all variables that may be accurately controlled. This rule makes it possible to recreate test conditions, which makes it much easier to compare and evaluate the efficacy of different materials and coatings.

Standardized Testing: Standardized testing protocols, such as ASTM B117, are used with the objective of achieving the goal of achieving results that are comparable to one another and consistent over the course of the salt spray testing. Businesses operating in a wide variety of industries are able to reap the benefits of this standardization since it makes it much easier for them to meet requirements and keep their quality consistent.

Identification of Vulnerabilities: In a salt spray test chamber, materials and coatings may be put through a series of controlled corrosive conditions to get an idea of how susceptible they are to corrosion. This knowledge might be used by manufacturers to make more informed choices on product design, the selection of materials, and the formulation of coatings, all of which are factors that lead to greater corrosion resistance.

Cons of Salt Spray Test Chambers:
Limited Real-World Simulation: In a controlled setting such as a salt spray test chamber, it may be difficult to recreate the complex and often unexpected scenarios that are found in real-world applications. This is because real-world applications include a lot of moving parts and variables. Discrepancies between laboratory testing and actual field performance may be attributed to a variety of factors, including changes in temperature, exposure to UV radiation, and the presence of certain corrosive compounds, among others.

Simplified Corrosion Mechanisms: The acceleration of the corrosion process may be attributed to the presence of chloride ions in the salt fog that is used in salt spray test chambers. The complexity of the different corrosion processes that might take place in the real world could not be well represented by this method, despite the fact that it is effective for detecting some types of corrosion.

Natural Exposure
The process of exposing materials and coatings to natural conditions requires exposing them to the elements outside for a lengthy period of time. Let’s take a look at the benefits as well as the drawbacks involved with taking this method.

Pros of Natural Exposure:
Realistic Corrosion Conditions: Putting materials and coatings through their paces in the environments in which they will ultimately be used may be accomplished by exposing them to natural elements. This technique takes into consideration the wide variety of corrosive chemicals, temperature changes, and other environmental conditions that really play a role in the formation of corrosion in the real world.

Comprehensive Evaluation: By exposing materials to natural conditions, manufacturers may evaluate how long-term performance will hold up as well as trends in deterioration. This extensive testing period offers insight on how well materials and coatings keep up over time, which is useful information. LISUN has the best salt spray chambers in the market.

Field Performance Validation: After putting the materials and coatings through natural exposure testing, which evaluates their performance in real-world scenarios, the manufacturers may have a higher level of confidence in the utility of the materials and coatings for the reasons for which they were designed.

YWX/Q-010_Salt Spray Test Machine

YWX/Q-010_Salt Spray Test Machine

Cons of Natural Exposure:
Lengthy Testing Duration: The effects of corrosion could not become apparent until after many months or even years of testing in their natural surroundings. There is a possibility that this prolonged duration may interfere with the amount of time necessary to analyze and improve corrosion resistance throughout product development.

Uncontrolled Variables: In contrast to salt spray test chambers, natural exposure testing does not provide the management of environmental parameters like temperature, humidity, or duration of exposure time. Because of this, it may be difficult to establish which components, if any, really impact the performance of corrosion.

Inconsistent Testing Conditions: The outcomes of experiments that try to replicate natural exposure vary greatly depending on the circumstances. Because of these differences, it is difficult to compare the results of different tests or to standardize the testing procedure across a number of different locations.

Difficulty in Result Interpretation: When put to the test in their natural settings, corrosion patterns may sometimes be very intricate and difficult to define. Localized corrosion, surface condition variations, and the presence of many corrosive agents are all variables that may make it challenging to investigate and evaluate the performance of a material.

Choosing the Right Approach
The objectives of the corrosion testing, the resources that are readily available, and the requirements of the industry all play a part in the determination of whether or not a salt spray test chamber or natural exposure will be used. Combining the two approaches might result in a more comprehensive analysis of the performance as well as the resistance to corrosion of a material.

The testing approach has to be modified to meet the one-of-a-kind requirements of the sector and the application by taking into consideration the advantages and disadvantages of each method. Using supplemental testing techniques, such as cyclic corrosion testing, electrochemical processes, or field exposure monitoring, one may get additional information on how a material will react in real-world circumstances. This can be accomplished by gathering the data from the tests.

Both controlled laboratory circumstances and actual exposure to salt spray in the wild may provide information on a material’s resistance to corrosion. In contrast to natural exposure testing, which takes place over an extended period of time and more accurately replicates real-world conditions, salt spray test chambers enable testing to take place quickly in a controlled environment while still producing trustworthy results. There are advantages and disadvantages to using each approach; picking one will depend on the requirements, available time, and resources for conducting corrosion testing.

If you want to get a more accurate picture of how the material performs, you could find it helpful to combine the two testing processes or to supplement each one with other testing methods. Manufacturers may increase the corrosion resistance of their products and ensure their durability in real-world applications by evaluating the advantages of salt spray test chambers and natural exposure and making an informed decision based on that knowledge. This will allow the manufacturers to improve the corrosion resistance of their goods.

Lisun Instruments Limited was found by LISUN GROUP in 2003. LISUN quality system has been strictly certified by ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Membership, LISUN products are designed based on CIE, IEC and other international or national standards. All products passed CE certificate and authenticated by the third party lab.

Our main products are GoniophotometerIntegrating SphereSpectroradiometerSurge GeneratorESD Simulator GunsEMI ReceiverEMC Test EquipmentElectrical Safety TesterEnvironmental ChamberTemperature ChamberClimate ChamberThermal ChamberSalt Spray TestDust Test ChamberWaterproof TestRoHS Test (EDXRF)Glow Wire Test and Needle Flame Test.

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