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12 Dec, 2024 193 Views Author: Cherry Shen

Evaluating Mechanical Impact Resistance with Spring Tester: A Detailed Analysis of LISUN IK01-06 Spring Impact Hammer IK Level Tester According to IEC 60068-2-75

Mechanical impact testing is a critical part of assessing the durability and robustness of various products. This paper explores the application of the spring tester in the context of the LISUN IK01-06 Spring Impact Hammer, which is designed according to the IEC 60068-2-75 standard. The purpose of the test is to simulate mechanical shocks that a product may experience during normal use. Through controlled testing, manufacturers can evaluate the impact resistance of a product’s outer casing. This paper will provide a detailed explanation of how the spring tester works, the testing procedure, data analysis, and its relevance to various industries, accompanied by relevant tables and figures.

In modern product development, durability under mechanical impact is an essential characteristic, especially for products exposed to physical handling. To address this, the spring tester, such as the LISUN IK01-06 Spring Impact Hammer, is a key tool in determining the resilience of product enclosures to mechanical shocks.
The IEC 60068-2-75 standard specifies methods for testing the robustness of enclosures under mechanical impact. This standard is particularly relevant for products like electrical equipment, lighting fixtures, and appliances. The LISUN IK01-06 Spring Impact Hammer is designed to test impact resistance by delivering a controlled mechanical shock to the product’s casing, simulating real-world impacts. This paper outlines the theoretical principles behind the spring tester and provides practical insights into its operation and testing methodology.

Spring Impact Hammer IK Level Tester1

Spring Impact Hammer IK Level Tester

Overview of the Spring Tester Mechanism
Working Principle
The spring tester operates based on the principle of energy transfer through a spring-loaded hammer. The energy generated from the spring is transferred to the impact hammer, which strikes the product’s casing. The intensity of the impact is determined by the spring force, which can be calibrated to simulate various levels of mechanical impact, corresponding to IK ratings. IK ratings, defined by IEC 62262, measure the degree of protection provided by enclosures against external mechanical impacts.

IK Rating Impact Energy (Joules) Typical Application
IK01 0.14 Light impacts such as knocks and taps
IK02 0.2 Equipment that might encounter slight impact
IK03 0.35 Office equipment and control panels
IK04 0.5 Indoor electrical installations
IK05 0.7 Outdoor lighting equipment
IK06 1 Industrial enclosures and high-risk equipment

The LISUN IK01-06 Spring Impact Hammer uses a spring mechanism to achieve precise control over the impact force. The energy applied by the hammer can vary depending on the desired IK rating, which ensures that the product is tested under realistic conditions.

Structure and Components
The spring tester comprises the following key components:
• Impact Hammer: A cylindrical head that delivers the impact force.
• Spring: A coil spring responsible for storing and releasing energy.
• Release Mechanism: A trigger that allows for the precise release of the stored energy in the spring.
• Guide Rails: Ensures the hammer strikes the target with accuracy.
• Calibration Unit: Used to adjust the impact force according to the desired IK rating.
Testing Procedure Using LISUN IK01-06 Spring Impact Hammer

The testing procedure using the spring tester is a well-defined process that ensures consistent results. The following steps outline the typical procedure for conducting an impact resistance test:
• Preparation of the Test Sample: The product to be tested is placed securely on a testing platform, ensuring that the surface of the enclosure is aligned with the impact point.
• Calibration of the Spring Tester: The spring tester is calibrated according to the desired IK rating. This is done by adjusting the compression distance of the spring to generate the appropriate impact energy.
• Positioning the Impact Hammer: The impact hammer is aligned with the surface of the product. The hammer is positioned at a fixed distance from the target to ensure consistent energy transfer.
• Release of the Impact Hammer: The spring is compressed to the pre-set distance, and the release mechanism is activated, allowing the hammer to strike the product.
• Data Collection and Analysis: The product is inspected for signs of damage, such as cracks, deformations, or functional failure. Results are recorded, and the product’s performance is evaluated against industry standards.
• Multiple Impact Tests: To simulate real-world conditions, the product may undergo multiple impacts at different points on the casing. This ensures that the product’s entire enclosure is evaluated for impact resistance.

Test Sample IK Rating Number of Impacts Damage Observed (Y/N)
Product A IK05 5 N
Product B IK06 10 Y

Data Analysis and Interpretation
The data collected during testing helps manufacturers assess whether a product’s enclosure can withstand mechanical shocks during normal use. Impact resistance is crucial for products that are exposed to handling, transportation, or installation in industrial environments. The table above provides an example of data collected from tests using the LISUN IK01-06 Spring Impact Hammer.

For each impact, the degree of damage is recorded. If a product passes the test (no significant damage observed), it can be certified as meeting the appropriate IK rating for mechanical impact resistance.

In the case of Product B, after 10 impacts with an IK06 rating (1 Joule), some damage was observed. This indicates that the product may need further reinforcement or redesign to meet IK06 standards.

Applications of the Spring Tester in Different Industries
Electrical Equipment
Electrical enclosures, especially those used in industrial or outdoor environments, are prone to mechanical impacts. The spring tester plays an essential role in ensuring that these enclosures can withstand accidental knocks, ensuring the safety and longevity of the electrical components within.

Lighting Fixtures
Outdoor lighting fixtures, such as streetlights and floodlights, are often subject to harsh environmental conditions, including physical impacts. By using the spring tester, manufacturers can ensure that their products will not fail when exposed to such impacts.

Consumer Electronics
Products like smartphones, tablets, and wearable devices need to be impact-resistant to prevent damage during everyday use. The spring tester is often used to evaluate the resilience of these products’ outer casings.

The spring tester, particularly the LISUN IK01-06 Spring Impact Hammer, provides a reliable and standardized method for testing the impact resistance of product enclosures. By simulating mechanical shocks that may occur during normal use, manufacturers can ensure that their products meet stringent durability standards. The application of IEC 60068-2-75 ensures that products are rigorously tested, making them suitable for use in challenging environments. Through data collection and analysis, the spring tester aids in product development and quality assurance, ultimately leading to safer and more reliable products.


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