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12 May, 2024 520 Views Author: Cherry Shen

Apparatus for Mechanical Strength Test on Resilient Covers with BS 1363 Figure 2

10. Accessibility of live parts

10.1 Live parts of plugs shall not be accessible when the plugs are wired as in normal use and in full engagement in a corresponding socket-outlet.

Removal of detachable fuse carriers shall not result in live parts becoming accessible when the plug is in full engagement with the socket-outlet or the socket-outlet portion of an adaptor.

10.1.1 Conformity shall be checked by the application of test probe 12 of BS EN 61032:1998 applied with a force of 5N with rewirable plugs fitted with a 2-core flexible cable as given in BS EN 50525-2-71:2011 and non-rewirable plugs as supplied. Detachable fuse carriers shall be removed before this test is undertaken.

10.2 Plugs shall be designed and constructed so as to protect the user against accidental contact with live parts during insertion or withdrawal of plugs.

10.2.1 Conformity shall be verified by satisfying the dimensional and gauging requirements of this part of BS 1363.

10.3 Resilient covers of plugs shall be so designed and constructed that when assembled and wired as in normal use, there is no risk that, as a result of undue pressure, live parts could penetrate the cover or become so disposed as to reduce creepage distances and clearances below those given in Clause 9.

10.3.1Conformity shall be checked by the following test (an example of a suitable apparatus is shown in Figure 2a) and Figure 2b).
The design of the apparatus shall be such that a steady force of 240_10 N shall be applied to those places where the possibility of a failure exists, the force being applied through a metal test pressure block as shown in Figure 2a).

Each sample shall be subjected to the force at each chosen place in turn. During each application of force, a test voltage of 2 000 V ±60 V 50 Hz of substantially sinusoidal waveform is applied for 60+5 between all live parts bonded together and the metal test pressure block. During the test no flashover or breakdown shall occur. After the test it shall not be possible to touch live parts with test 11 of BS EN 61032:1998 applied with a force of 30N.

10.4 Except for a plug fitted with a flexible cable supplied to equipment manufacturers for incorporation into their equipment, a plug supplied with a flexible cable shall have the free end encapsulated in insulating material.

10.4.1 Conformity shall be checked by inspection.


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