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29 Jul, 2024 174 Views Author: Cherry Shen

Application and Market Development Trends of IPX9K Waterproof Testing Equipment

With the development of technology, waterproof performance has become one of the critical evaluation criteria for various products. Whether it’s automotive parts, electronic products, or outdoor devices like cameras, excellent waterproof performance is necessary to ensure stable operation under harsh environments. This need is supported by efficient waterproof testing devices, among which the IPX9K waterproof testing equipment is highly recognized in the industry for its superior testing capabilities and wide application range.

IPX9K Waterproof Testing Equipment Overview
The IPX9K waterproof testing equipment is a high-precision, highly reliable testing device mainly used to simulate various high-pressure water impact conditions that products may encounter in actual use environments. By subjecting products to prolonged, high-intensity water spray tests, this device can comprehensively and accurately assess their waterproof performance, helping manufacturers improve product design and enhance product quality.

Application and Market Development Trends of IPX9K Waterproof Testing Equipment

JL-9K1L High Temperature Pressure Jet Waterproof Test Chamber

Applications of IPX9K Waterproof Testing Equipment
Automotive Parts
In the automotive industry, the IPX9K waterproof testing equipment plays a crucial role. Core components of cars, such as engines, transmissions, and braking systems, as well as external components like headlights and windows, require excellent waterproof performance. Utilizing IPX9K waterproof testing equipment for rigorous testing ensures that these parts are not compromised by water during rainy conditions or car washes, thereby enhancing the overall safety and reliability of vehicles.

Electronic Products
Electronic products also face challenges regarding waterproof performance. With the proliferation of portable devices such as smart phones and tablets, consumers are increasingly concerned about their waterproof capabilities. The IPX9K waterproof testing equipment can conduct comprehensive waterproof tests on these electronic products, ensuring that they do not get damaged or malfunction due to water intrusion during daily use.

Outdoor Products
Due to their specific use environments, outdoor products like cameras require even stricter waterproof performance standards. Whether it’s surveillance cameras or action cameras, they need excellent waterproof capabilities to withstand harsh weather conditions. The IPX9K waterproof testing equipment can simulate various severe environmental water impacts and rigorously test these products to ensure they can operate stably in any condition.

Other Fields
Apart from the aforementioned fields, the IPX9K waterproof testing equipment is also widely used in medical devices, outdoor gear, aerospace, and other industries. For instance, surgical instruments and outdoor backpacks need to undergo strict waterproof tests to guarantee their safety and reliability. The IPX9K waterproof testing equipment, with its excellent performance and broad application, provides strong support for these industries.

Advantages of LISUN’s JL-9K1L High-Temperature and High-Pressure Waterproof Testing Chamber
LISUN’s JL-9K1L high-temperature and high-pressure waterproof testing chamber holds unique advantages in the Chinese market:
Solution to Power Inverter Issues
Different countries have different voltage frequencies; the US uses a 220V three-phase 60Hz power supply, whereas most Chinese manufacturers only provide a 50Hz version and simply convert the voltage from 380V to 220V. The IPX9K contains many components and motors, especially the motors, which cannot operate under both 50Hz and 60Hz. Using a 50Hz version of IPX9K with a 60Hz power supply will cause the motors to overheat, leading to damage and flow accuracy errors. LISUN’s product is designed specifically for 60Hz, with most internal components being international brands like OMRON and Schneider, ensuring easy replacement locally if issues arise after years of use.

Nozzle Design
LISUN’s nozzle design fully complies with IEC60529 standards from Figures 7 to 12. Due to the high dimensional requirements of the nozzles (see Figures 7 and 8 of IEC60529), no manufacturer in China can produce such nozzles. LISUN transports the nozzles to Japan for processing and has obtained a CNAS calibration certificate.

Application and Market Development Trends of IPX9K Waterproof Testing Equipment

Figure 7

Application and Market Development Trends of IPX9K Waterproof Testing Equipment

Figure 8

Most Chinese IPX9K manufacturers’ test chambers do not fully comply with IEC60529, DIN40050, and ISO20653 standards; some even lack force sensors (see Figure 10 of IEC60529). LISUN’s IPX9K equipment fully complies with these international standards, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of tests.

Application and Market Development Trends of IPX9K Waterproof Testing Equipment

Figure 10

In conclusion, the IPX9K waterproof testing equipment plays a vital role in various industries, helping manufacturers enhance product design and quality through rigorous testing. LISUN’s JL-9K1L high-temperature and high-pressure waterproof testing chamber, with its superior design and strict standard compliance, further elevates the level of waterproof testing equipment in the Chinese market.


General, the IPX9K waterproof testing equipment, with its excellent testing capabilities and wide application range, plays an important role in testing the waterproof performance of automotive parts, electronic products, and outdoor devices like cameras. By using this equipment for rigorous testing, we can ensure that these products have outstanding waterproof performance, allowing them to operate stably and reliably in various harsh environments. With continuous technological advancement and expanding application fields, the IPX9K waterproof testing equipment is expected to play an even more significant role in the future, bringing more convenience and safety to our lives.

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