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07 Apr, 2023 1099 Views Author: Cherry Shen

Application of spectrophotometer

Spectrophotometer is a high-performance spectrometer specially designed to measure liquid transmittance, absorbance, concentration, chroma and other parameters. In addition to measuring the liquid transmittance, the instrument also includes APHA/PtCo (APHA/PtCo) and Gardner (Gardner Index) chromaticity scales for resin, solvent, acid, perfume, varnish and other products; Saybolt color scale for measuring gasoline, white oil, kerosene, lubricating oil and paraffin oil. The instrument can fully meet the requirements of detergent Lab value and color difference measurement.

The spectrophotometer mainly contains all necessary color equations, standard light sources suitable for different tasks, and a large number of indicators for specific industries and applications, especially suitable for color quality monitoring and computer color matching. It is sufficient to realize color measurement in quality control of almost all application fields.

Basic principle of spectrophotometer:
The spectrophotometer is designed according to the principle of spectrophotometer. The spectrophotometer has high accuracy and increasing versatility. Because it can measure the reflectivity curve at each wavelength, it is suitable for complex color analysis, and of course it is relatively expensive. Spectrophotometer: It can be divided into “0/45 degree” and “d/8 degree integrating sphere” two measurement-observation methods: “0/45 degree” can only be used to measure smooth surfaces, and cannot be used for computer color matching. The “d/8 degree integrating sphere” can be used to measure various surfaces and for computer color matching.

Composition of spectrophotometer:
The desktop spectrophotometer is an intelligent, convenient and accurate spectrophotometer. It uses TFT true color 7-inch capacitive touch screen, full spectrum, and is compatible with reflection (d/8 structure) and transmission (d/0 structure) to measure SCI (including specular reflection light) and SCE (excluding specular reflection light), which can be measured at the same time, pulsed xenon lamp lighting source, dual optical path spectrum analysis technology, Android operating system. These measuring conditions are collected in the DSCD-920 spectrophotometer.

Lighting mode:
Reflective D/8 °, transmissive D/0 ° (including UV/excluded UV measurement), accurate and stable color measurement, large storage capacity, and powerful PC terminal expansion function, used for laboratory color analysis and transmission.

Now let’s briefly introduce the application of DSCD-920 in color measurement in all walks of life.
The spectrophotometer is equipped with four measuring apertures, which can intelligently identify and adjust the optical path to meet the reflection color measurement of powder, particle, paste, solid and other substances. Four UV measurement modes, 400nm/420nm/460nm cut-off, 300-800nm, measure fluorescence color so easy. Transmission mode measurement meets the color measurement of liquid, glass, film and other transparent substances. The multiple measurement modes of the instrument can meet the color measurement of textile, paint and ink, food, printing, coating and other industries.

The color measurement function is so powerful, but the operation is very convenient.
1. Android operating system, touch screen interface.
2. The camera takes the scene, where you want to measure.
3. The built-in accessory storage drawer of the instrument facilitates the protection and storage of accessories.
4. Open transmission sample bin, containing large size samples, easy to operate.
5. According to the measurement requirements, the instrument can measure vertically, horizontally and upside down.

The application industry of spectrophotometer:
1. Applied to the measurement of plastic plates in the plastic industry
2. Applicable to the measurement of powder coating and other powders
3. Applicable to color and light transmittance measurement of oil, edible oil and other liquids
4. Applied to color measurement of yarn in textile industry
5. Applicable to chromaticity detection of color masterbatch, pill and other particles
6. Applied to color detection of packaging materials in packaging and printing industry

Spectrophotometer shall be applied to Gardner chromaticity:
Gardner chromaticity is widely used in the fields of petroleum, printing and chemistry, such as the determination of transparent liquids such as resin, varnish, paint, dry hot oil, fatty acid, lecithin, sunflower seed oil and flaxseed oil.
Gardner Color Scale is a dimension to measure the depth of yellow. Gardner Color Scale is divided into 18 grades according to the chromaticity of standard filter from 1 (light) to 18 (deep). The larger the number, the darker the color. The internationally accepted chromaticity is an even grade of 2-16.

Defects of standard solution colorimetry:
1、 The preparation process of Gardner standard solution is complex
First, pipette the potassium chloroplatinate solution into eight 25mL volumetric flasks according to the amount shown in the table in Figure 2, and dilute it to the scale with dilute hydrochloric acid solution. The prepared solution is Gardner color code 1~8.
Use a pipette to transfer cobalt chloride solution and ferric chloride solution into 10 100mL volumetric flasks according to the amount shown in Table I (continued) of Figure 3, and dilute them to the scale with dilute hydrochloric acid solution. The prepared solution is Gardner color code 9-18.

2、 Storage difficulties
Gardner color code prepared in accordance with the Standard for the Determination of Color of Transparent Liquids (Gardner Color) shall be stored in a dark place and sealed. Check with the reference solution at least once every half a year. If the color is found to be different from that of the corresponding potassium dichromate sulfate reference solution, it should be prepared again.

With the passage of storage time and the influence of external environment such as temperature and light, the chromaticity value of standard solution may change, which will affect the accuracy of colorimetry.

3、 Limitations of human eye color measurement
Color is a visual effect produced by light stimulation of the human eye. The human eye’s perception of color is not quantifiable, and will be affected by light source, observation angle, object size, background, object shape and other factors. Therefore, human eye color measurement is limited.

Accurate measurement with spectrophotometer.
LISUN DSCD-910 Benchtop Spectrophotometer is a high-performance spectrometer specially designed to measure liquid transmittance, absorbance, concentration, chroma and other parameters. DSCD-910 Benchtop Spectrophotometer can accurately measure the color value of Gardner standard solution. DSCD-910 Benchtop Spectrophotometer stores 18 Gardner standard solution parameters in the instrument, which can easily complete the colorimetric task and solve the limitations of human eye color measurement.

Benchtop Spectrophotometer (Transmittance) DSCD-910 is good performance and specially designed for testing the transparent material’s transmittance, absorbance, chromaticity value and other parameters.

The instrument adopts the geometry of D/0, integration of the full band LED composite light source, double beam optical system, ETC every-test calibration technology, which makes the instrument reaches a resolution of 0.0001, deviation of the transmittance within 0.08% and chromatic value △E*ab 0.015.

Application of spectrophotometer

DSCD-910_Benchtop Spectrophotometer (Transmittance)

Benchtop Spectrophotometer (Reflectance and Transmittance) DSCD-920 adopts 7 inches touch screen, full wavelength range, Android operate system. Illumination : reflectance D/8° and transmittance D/0°(UV included / UV excluded), high accuracy for color measurement, large storage memory, PC software, because of above advantages, it is used in laboratory for color analysis and communication

Application of spectrophotometer

DSCD-920_Desktop Spectroradiometer

Lisun Instruments Limited was found by LISUN GROUP in 2003. LISUN quality system has been strictly certified by ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Membership, LISUN products are designed based on CIE, IEC and other international or national standards. All products passed CE certificate and authenticated by the third party lab.

Our main products are GoniophotometerIntegrating SphereSpectroradiometerSurge GeneratorESD Simulator GunsEMI ReceiverEMC Test EquipmentElectrical Safety TesterEnvironmental ChamberTemperature ChamberClimate ChamberThermal ChamberSalt Spray TestDust Test ChamberWaterproof TestRoHS Test (EDXRF)Glow Wire Test and Needle Flame Test.

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