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15 Aug, 2023 1003 Views Author: Ellen Liu

Assuring Safety with Electrical Safety Analyzer and Electrical Safety Test

Electrical Safety Test is used for high voltage components and device insulation testing (with AC and DC withstand tester), such as silicon stacks, etc. It is mainly used to detect whether the product has leakage, whether it is well grounded, whether it will harm personal safety and special instruments, the main testing items are voltage, leakage current, insulation resistance and grounding resistance.

LISUN LS9955/LS9956 Automatic Safety Test System (electrical safety analyzer) combined the following function in one set: Withstand Voltage Test (AC/DC), Insulation Resistance Test (IR), Leakage Current Test (LLC), Grounding Resistance Test (GR) and Power Test.

The LS9955/LS9956 Automatic Safety Test System is according to GB4706.1IEC/EN60335-1, UL60335, GB7000, IEC60598, GB4943, IEC60950 and GB9706.1. It is used for luminaries, home application and motor tools safety test in production line or R&D Lab.

Assuring Safety with Electrical Safety Analyzer and Electrical Safety Test

Automatic Safety Test System LS9955 

I. Features of Electrical Safety Test
1. Simple operation: This series of testers adopts backlight LCD screen, soft light, high clarity, little affected by ambient light; English and Chinese menu prompts operating steps, cursor indication, concise and easy to understand; full screen display of test results, memory of multiple test conditions, convenient for testing of various electrical appliances;
2. Fast testing: The microcontroller is the core, the test channel captures the parameters of the tested device in real time during the test, and completes one test accurately within a few seconds, and completes all items within the shortest ten seconds to meet the production line requirements for testing time;
3. Advanced output mode: Abandoning the traditional instrument self-coupling transformer adjustment output signal method, using sine pulse width modulation (SPWM) technology to generate 50Hz or 60Hz standard sine wave, driven by high power MOS tube output, realizing high voltage and high current contactless adjustment, greatly improving the reliability of the instrument;
4. Reliable operation: This series of testers uses multiple anti-interference measures in its whole line, with strong anti-interference ability; Hardware and software protection make it safe and reliable in operation;
5. Safe use: Automatic overvoltage and overcurrent protection, safer to use;
6. Intelligent discrimination: Voltage and current lower limit judgment can be set, eliminating product leakage inspection. Intelligent analysis of product test failure, sound and light alarm.

II. Test items of Electrical Safety Analyzer


1. Voltage resistance test: A few thousand volts of high voltage (AC or DC) is applied between the shell of the tested electrical appliance or the parts easy to touch the body and the power input terminal, and the leakage current is detected to see how much leakage current is when the high voltage is applied, and leakage current exceeding a certain value may cause injury to the human body.
2. Leakage current test: It is divided into dynamic leakage and static leakage.
(1) Static leakage: Apply 1.06 times of rated working voltage between the shell of the tested appliance and the power line and zero line terminals, detect large leakage current, and the tested appliance does not work at this time. 1.06 times the voltage applied should be provided by an isolation transformer.
(2) Dynamic leakage: While the tested appliance is powered, the same test as the static leakage is performed (also known as Hot State Leakage).
(3) When selecting the leakage current tester, the input impedance of leakage current and the capacity of isolation transformer should be given priority. The input impedance of the test instrument should be analogue to the resistance network of the human body. Different standards of electrical appliance products have different human body network models, which should be selected correctly, and the corresponding national standards are GB9706, GB3883, GB12113, GB8898, GB4943, GB4906 and GB4706. The capacity of the output isolation transformer of the leakage current tester should be suitable for the capacity of the tested capacitor. When the tested electrical appliance is a motor or other, the starting current is several times larger than the rated current, it should be considered according to the starting current.
3. Insulation resistance test: DC voltage (usually 1000V, 500V or 250V) is applied between the shell of the tested electrical appliance or the parts easy to touch the human body and the power input terminal, and the leakage current is tested to calculate the insulation resistance.
4. Grounding resistance test: A constant large current (usually 10A or 25A) is applied between the shell of the tested electrical appliance and the grounding terminal, and the conduction resistance under this current is tested. The resistance is too large to play a role in grounding protection.

III. Calibration Method of Electrical Safety Analyzer
The high voltage output by safety regulations integration tester has alternating voltage and direct voltage. The voltage is as high as 5000V or more. The alternating voltage is usually at the power frequency of 50Hz or 60Hz. The calibration includes the accuracy of alternating voltage output and the distortion of voltage waveform. The calibration of direct voltage includes the accuracy of direct voltage output and the size of voltage ripple. The high voltage output by safety regulations tester is connected to the voltage input or distortion meter input of the digital multimeter through the 1000:1 standard voltage transformer. If it is alternating voltage, use the alternating voltage test function of the digital multimeter to test the value, and compare it with the indicated value of safety regulations instruments multiplied by 1000; use the distortion meter to measure the distortion of voltage waveform, which should not exceed the specified value. If it is direct voltage, use the direct voltage test function of the digital multimeter to test the value, and then compare it with the indicated value of safety regulations instruments multiplied by 1000; use the alternating voltage test function of the digital multimeter again, the value multiplied by 1000 is ripple, and the ripple should not exceed the specified value.

Lisun Instruments Limited was found by LISUN GROUP in 2003. LISUN quality system has been strictly certified by ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Membership, LISUN products are designed based on CIE, IEC and other international or national standards. All products passed CE certificate and authenticated by the third party lab.

Our main products are GoniophotometerIntegrating SphereSpectroradiometerSurge GeneratorESD Simulator GunsEMI ReceiverEMC Test EquipmentElectrical Safety TesterEnvironmental ChamberTemperature ChamberClimate ChamberThermal ChamberSalt Spray TestDust Test ChamberWaterproof TestRoHS Test (EDXRF)Glow Wire Test and Needle Flame Test.

Please feel free to contact us if you need any support.
Tech Dep: Service@Lisungroup.com, Cell/WhatsApp:+8615317907381
Sales Dep: Sales@Lisungroup.com, Cell/WhatsApp:+8618117273997


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