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18 Mar, 2024 718 Views Author: Cherry Shen

Discussion on What is A Ball Pressure Test and Technical Applications of Ball Pressure Test

What is A Ball Pressure Test 

Ball Pressure Test is a safety regulation test to examine the heat-resistance performance of product materials. The temperature of the test is usually 125℃ and it is mainly aimed at increasing the product safety. The ball pressure test is to press the surface of non-metallic and non-ceramic materials at high temperatures using a ball pressure tester to detect the sample’s viscosity, adhesion, melting point, and corrosion resistance at high temperatures to verify whether it can resist the damage caused by high temperature environment and so that it can meet the safety requirements of safe operation. Ball pressure test is a necessary means to enhance safety and is an important technical means in safety regulation tests, which has significant practical significance.

The ball pressure test is a device designed to test the heat-resistance performance of household plugs and sockets. It can simulate the plug and socket unplugging and re-plugging into the power supply, creating pressure, and detecting the product’s temperature resistance features. The ball pressure tester is equipped with a 5mm stainless steel ball, with a maximum pressure of 20N±0.2N; the support block is 50mm in diameter and 100mm in length with a temperature detecting hole for analyzing heat resistance. It meets the national and international standards, providing an effective way of quality inspection and control for manufacturers and quality inspectors, to ensure that products reach the safety requirements for electrical use.

The ball pressure test is focus on evaluating the moisture content in absorbent and porous materials. Its basic principle is to use a spherical metal press head to continuously apply to the surface of MXB55 samples at different pressures in order to characetersize the physical parameters concerning the moisture content of the material. The ball pressure tester is compact in structure, small in size, and easy to operate, which is an ideal measuring equipment to study the moisture content of porous materials.

Discussion on What is A Ball Pressure Test and Technical Applications of Ball Pressure Test

ZBP-T Ball Pressure Test Device

The ball pressure tester can accurately control the precision of the applied pressure values, its main parameters include: ball pressure head pressure of 20N±0.2N with a diameter of 5mm, test temperature is 60℃±2℃, overall dimensions of 380mm×250mm×120mm and weight of 5kg. All parts are made of stainless steel materials packed in an aluminum box. In addition, a high temperature oven is required for use. Due to its small size and ease of use, the ball pressure test has been widely used to study the moisture content of porous materials.

The ball pressure tester apparatus is a commonly used method to measure the heat resistance deformation ability of materials. The operational steps are:

1) Place the ball pressure tester in the heating oven to ensure a stable test temperature;
2) Place the sample on the support seat and keep it in direct contact with the support seat;
3) Level the surface of the sample and press it with the steel ball;
4) Remove the steel ball from the sample, and cool it according to the standard requirements;
5) Measure the diameter of the steel ball indentation after 60min+2min/0min, to determine whether it exceeds 2mm and thus judge the heat resistance deformation ability of the sample under the test temperature.

The ball pressure test can quickly and accurately identify the heat resistance deformation ability of materials, and is a swift and effective method for testing the heat resistance performance of various industrial materials and mechanical structure samples.


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