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04 Apr, 2022 5200 Views Author: root

Ball pressure test of IEC 60695-10-2

What is a ball pressure test?

Under the action of high temperature, the structural properties of non-metallic materials and insulating materials will change greatly, and this change is usually manifested as material softening or melting. The IEC ball pressure test is used to test the heat resistance of non-metallic materials and insulating materials. In the safety standards for products such as plugs and sockets, transformers, reactors, power supplies, information technology equipment, and appliance switches, there are clear requirements for the heat resistance of non-metallic materials and insulating materials, and a ball pressure test is required.

Ball pressure test of IEC 60695-10-2

ZBP-T Ball Pressure Test Device

Ball Pressure Test Applicable Products

Ball pressure test is suitable for electrical and electronic products and their components such as lighting equipment, low-voltage electrical appliances, household appliances, machine tool electrical appliances, motors, power tools, electronic instruments, electrical instruments, information technology equipment, electrical affairs equipment, electrical connectors and accessories , also suitable for insulating materials, engineering plastics.
Ball pressure test according to standard:GB/T 2099、GB/T 561、UL817.

Ball pressure test method

1. Overview of the test method
Measure and verify the indentation dimension caused by the steel ball to the specimen under the specified pressure and specified temperature.

2. Sampling method of finished product samples
If the test sample is cut from the product: the upper and lower surfaces are roughly parallel and the thickness is at least 2.5mm. The sample should be a square plane with a minimum side length of 10mm or a circular plane with a diameter of 10mm; if it is not feasible to obtain a test sample from the product , then use a piece of the same material as the test sample, the thickness of the material piece is 3.0mm ± 0.5mm, and there should be a square plane with a side length of at least 10mm or a circular plane with a diameter of at least 10mm.

3. Sample state adjustment
The sample should be placed in an atmospheric environment with a temperature of 15°C to 35°C and a relative humidity of 45% to 75% for at least 24 hours.

NOTE: For materials whose mechanical properties are susceptible to humidity and temperature, more stringent conditioning conditions are available.

4. Test Procedure
Method A: (Verification Test Method) is usually carried out at a specified test temperature to determine compliance with the requirements specified in Clause 9. Unless otherwise stated in the relevant product specification, the test method shall be performed at the temperatures specified below.
a. For components supporting current-carrying components, the test temperature shall be 40°C + (specified by product specification) the maximum allowable temperature rise of components.
b. For other components, the test temperature should be ambient temperature + (specified by product specification) the maximum allowable temperature rise of the component.

Note: Unless otherwise stated in the relevant product specification, the test temperature for parts supporting current-carrying parts should not be lower than 125°C; for other parts, the test temperature should not be lower than 75°C.

5. Test method
Put the test ball press mold into the oven, first heat it to the set test temperature, place the test sample on the sample support about the center, and gently place the pressure ball in the center of the test sample. The baking time is 1 hour. After 1 hour, take out the sample, put it in water at 20℃ (±5℃) for 6min (±2mim), then take out the sample from the water and remove all the water. Within 3 minutes after taking out from the water, measure the maximum size of the indentation produced.

6. Test equipment
The ZBP-T ball pressure test device developed and manufactured by LISUN meets the requirements of the corresponding clauses in GB/T5169.21-2006, GB4706.1-2005, GB2099.1-2008 and IEC884-1.

Technical Specs:
• R = 2.5mm Pressure: 20N
• Base with thermocouple hole
• Material: 304 stainless steel

7. Experimental Setup
Place the specimen approximately in the middle of the specimen support, making sure its upper surface is level. Gently place the stress ball in the middle. Make sure that during the test there is nothing other than downward movement of the pressure ball. The placement of the sample should be completed in the shortest possible time, no more than 30s. The test climatic chamber should be at (±2°C) and the overshoot should not exceed 5°C. The loading device should be kept on the sample for about 60min. LISUN Climate Chamber is according to IEC60068-2-1 (GB/T2423.1) and IEC60068-2-2 (GB/T2423.2), IEC60068-2-78, IEC60598-1, GB/T2423.17, GB/T5170.2, GB/T5170.5. The climate chamber is used to test the CFL/LED which meets IES LM-80-08, electricity products, automative cars, home appications and mobiles.

What is Climate Chamber?

Climate chambers is used to simulate a temperature enviromental condistions, it may also be called environmental chambers or Thermal Chamber or Temperature Chamber. You can click the below videos to learn the details and also how to operate it.

High & Low Temperature Humidity Chamber with Programmable Function (GDJS Series)
Model (cm) GDJS-225* GDJS-500* GDJS-010* GDJS-013* GDJS-015*
Workroom Dimensions 50x60x75 70x80x90 100x100x100 100x100x130 100x100x150
Exterior Dimensions 105*102*200 132*132*217 167*152*231 217*152*231 245*160*231
Work Power 7.0kW 13.5kW 15.0kW 16.5kW 16.5kW
Temperature Range A: -20℃-150℃      B: -40℃-150℃     C: -60℃-150℃    D: -70℃-150℃
Humidity Range 30%~98% R.H
Fluctuation/Evenness ±0.5℃/±2℃
Humidity Deviation -2%~-3% R.H
Temperature Rise Speed 1.0℃~3.0℃/min
Temperature Down Speed 0.7℃~1.0℃/min
High and Low Temperature Chamber with Programmable Function (GDJW Series)
Working Room Size GDJW-225* GDJW-500* GDJW-010* GDJW-013* GDJW-015*
Workroom Dimensions (cm) 50x60x75 70x80x90 100x100x100 100x100x130 100x100x150
Temperature Range A: -20℃-150℃      B: -40℃-150℃     C: -60℃-150℃    D: -70℃-150℃
Fluctuation/Evenness ±0.5℃/±2℃
Temperature Rise Speed 1.0℃~3.0℃/min
Temperature Down Speed 0.7℃~1.0℃/min
High Temperature Chamber/Oven Chamber (GW Series)
Working Room Size GW-225 GW-500 GW-010 GW-013 GW-015
Workroom Dimensions (cm) 50x60x75 70x80x90 100x100x100 100x100x130 100x100x150
Temperature Range Enviromental Temperature ~150℃ (Option can be max 300℃)
Fluctuation/Evenness ±0.5℃/±2℃
Temperature Rise Speed 1.0℃~3.0℃/min

 The * in GDJS-225*/GDJW-225* means the temperature range A: -20℃-150℃, B: -40℃-150℃,  C: -60℃-150℃,D: -70℃-150℃

8. Sample post-processing
After the load unit is removed:
a. The sample should be placed in water (submerged) at 20℃±5℃ within 10s;
b. Then keep the sample immersed in water for 6min±2min. Remove from water and remove all traces of water and measure dimension d within 3 min.

9. Evaluation of test results
If the dimensional indentation d does not exceed 2.0 mm, the test result is passed.

Lisun Instruments Limited was found by LISUN GROUP in 2003. LISUN quality system has been strictly certified by ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Membership, LISUN products are designed based on CIE, IEC and other international or national standards. All products passed CE certificate and authenticated by the third party lab.

Our main products are GoniophotometerIntegrating SphereSpectroradiometerSurge GeneratorESD Simulator GunsEMI ReceiverEMC Test EquipmentElectrical Safety TesterEnvironmental ChamberTemperature ChamberClimate ChamberThermal ChamberSalt Spray TestDust Test ChamberWaterproof TestRoHS Test (EDXRF)Glow Wire Test and Needle Flame Test.

Please feel free to contact us if you need any support.
Tech Dep: Service@Lisungroup.com, Cell/WhatsApp:+8615317907381
Sales Dep: Sales@Lisungroup.com, Cell/WhatsApp:+8618117273997

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