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06 May, 2023 839 Views Author: Cherry Shen

Can I buy a three-chamber High and Low Temperature Thermal Shock Chamber

The High and Low Temperature Thermal Shock Chamber has two chambers and three chambers. The customer can choose which type according to the actual test requirements. The temperature switch is relatively simple, because the three-chamber structure is composed of three zones: high temperature zone, test piece test zone, and low temperature zone.

The test piece is placed in the cold and hot impact test chamber test zone when testing. The temperature switch can be achieved by switching the corresponding door valve. Because the equipment is divided into high temperature zone and low temperature zone, the two parts are independent of each other, so separate high temperature test and low temperature test can be conducted. In addition to automatic pre-heating, pre-cooling, standby and other functions, the equipment also has automatic defrosting, and sets defrosting times and cycle times. The equipment uses totally enclosed compressor, dual-type ultra-low temperature refrigeration system, plate-type cold and heat exchanger, etc.


The test equipment can be connected to a computer for remote control. At the same time, the equipment is equipped with a touch screen, which is convenient for program setting, prompt and early warning of equipment safety abnormalities and faults, so that the staff can find equipment faults in time. In addition, the equipment is highly automated, easy to operate, and can save labor costs.

Temperature of the cycle between High and Low Temperature Thermal Shock Chamber walls:
The standard High and Low Temperature Thermal Shock Chamber has strict standards for the heating rate and cooling rate. According to the requirements of the test, the more stringent the use conditions are, the more necessary it is to use the product for testing. Test its resistance to high temperature, low temperature and rapid change of environment to ensure that the product can be used normally under severe environmental changes.

Put the sample into the High and Low Temperature Thermal Shock Chamber, and the sample exists at high and low temperature, which makes it affected by the rapid change of temperature. During the test, the two impact test chambers use baskets to transfer the samples to the high temperature chamber and the low temperature chamber.

Any part of the lofting shall be able to maintain the air temperature specified in the test, the air humidity in the chamber shall not exceed 20G/m3, the temperature of the high temperature chamber wall shall not exceed 33% of the temperature specified in the test (K), and the temperature of the low temperature chamber wall shall not exceed 8% of the temperature specified in the test (K). The heat conduction of the sample holder or support should be low, so that the test sample is actually insulated. When several test samples are tested at the same time, the air between the test sample and the chamber wall shall circulate freely.

This requirement applies to the inner wall of the whole chamber. There shall be no direct radiation between the sample and the heating and cooling elements that do not meet the above requirements. The volume and air flow rate of the cold and hot impact test box shall meet the time for the air temperature in the chamber to recover to the specified allowable range after the sample is placed, and the test time shall not exceed 10%. The uniformity is ensured by the air circulation system. The position of the sample shall not exceed 3/2 of the total volume of the chamber. The air flow velocity near the sample shall not be less than 2M/S, and the wind speed is 3.7M/s, which reasonably ensures the uniformity of the air flow in the chamber.

High and Low Temperature Thermal Shock Chamber can be used in the temperature shock test and fast-changing temperature test in a wide range such as aviation, air space, electronic components and material research.

HLST-500D has two separate chambers: high temperature chamber and low temperature chamber.
HLST-500T has three separate chambers: high temperature chamber, low temperature chamber and test chamber.

Can I buy a three-chamber High and Low Temperature Thermal Shock Chamber

Thermal Chamber HLST 500D

Lisun Instruments Limited was found by LISUN GROUP in 2003. LISUN quality system has been strictly certified by ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Membership, LISUN products are designed based on CIE, IEC and other international or national standards. All products passed CE certificate and authenticated by the third party lab.

Our main products are GoniophotometerIntegrating SphereSpectroradiometerSurge GeneratorESD Simulator GunsEMI ReceiverEMC Test EquipmentElectrical Safety TesterEnvironmental ChamberTemperature ChamberClimate ChamberThermal ChamberSalt Spray TestDust Test ChamberWaterproof TestRoHS Test (EDXRF)Glow Wire Test and Needle Flame Test.

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