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14 Nov, 2015 3170 Views Author: root

Characteristics and Applications of Different Type Spectrometer

According to CIE, EN and LM-79(Clause 9.1) etc standards, spectroradiometer integrating sphere system is used for all kinds of light source photometry parameters test. The following introduces Lisun several different spectrometers’ characteristics and applications briefly.

LMS-9000A/LMS-9000B High precision CCD spectroradiometer. LMS-9000A is mainly used for LED light source test. Test datas meet the photo and color parameters of CIE, EN and LM-79(Clause 9.1) etc standards. The LMS-9000A combined the LED optical maintenance test function which is meet LM-80. If it connects two integrating spheres, it should work with LS512B Optical Path Converter together. LMS-9000B can do quick test with high accuracy, it is used in scientific lab test. Due to the test speed is very fast, LMS-9000B can work with LSG-1600B/LSG-1800B/LSG-1900/LSG-2000 Goniophotometer together to do the spatial color and spectrum test.

LMS-8500 Scientific Grade CCD Spectroradiometer fully meets Energy Star IESNA LM-79 and GB/T 24824 standards etc. It can test for CFL, HID, Promise Light, Tungsten Halogen Lamps, which can reach the scientific grade measurement accuracy. LMS-8500 can work with LSG-1800/LSG-1700/LSG-1600 series Goniophotometer to test special CCT distribution and other spectral color parameters.

LMS-8000 CCD Fast spectroradiometer is mainly used for LED light source test; it can only connect one integrating sphere. LMS-8000S can connect two integrating spheres in one time. LMS-8000S needs CFO-1.5MY Y Type Optical Fiber to connect two integrating spheres, there is no need to take away the detect cable and optical fiber from the big integrating sphere to the small integrating sphere.

LMS-8000A CCD spectroradiometer is mainly used for LED light source test. It can only connect one integrating sphere. This is an economic spectroradiometer. LMS-8000AS can connect two integrating spheres in one time. LMS-8000AS needs CFO-1.5MY Y Type Optical Fiber to connect two integrating spheres.

LMS-5000 Quick-Scan Spectrophotometer Colorimeter is a very widely applied spectrophotometer, it keeps traditional high precision mechanical scanning, at the same time; it enhances the test speed, 380nm-800nm spectral range scanning just needs 10s. Adopt RS-232 communication serial port, convenient connect with various computer; Print test report directly when connect printer, it can also save EXCEL table data, convenient to analysis data.

Lisun LPCE-1(LMS-5000) and LPCE-2(LMS-9000A) Spectroradiometer& Integrating Sphere System is widely applied to Luminaries manufacturing enterprise and lab, such as Sharp Electronics in Memphis TN(USA), CS TECH MEXICO, S.A. DE C.V. (Mexico), DORADO Praha s.r.o. (Czech) etc. The reason why Lisun can win some many customers is because we always practice the motto of right products, right price and right service. Lisun will continue feedback good quality products and superior service in the feature.

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