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29 Apr, 2024 484 Views Author: Cherry Shen

Choosing the Right High and Low Temperature Shock Test Chamber for Your Testing Needs

High and Low Temperature Thermal Shock Chamber are used in electronic and electrical components, automation components, communication components, automotive parts, metals, chemical materials, plastics and other industries, as well as in the physical changes of national defense industry, aerospace, military industry, BGA, PCB base plates, electronic chip ICs, semiconductor ceramics, and polymer materials,

Testing the repeated tensile force of its materials against high and low temperatures and the chemical change or physical damage produced by the thermal expansion of the product can confirm the quality of the product. It can be used from precision IC to heavy machinery components, and is an indispensable test chamber for product testing in various fields.

The High and Low Temperature Shock Test Chamber for Your Testing Needs simulates the alternating changes of high and low temperature environments, exposing products to problems in harsh environments. It is a very important testing equipment in multiple industrial manufacturing fields.

How to choose a suitable high and low temperature shock test chamber?
The selection of equipment is not as expensive as possible, but rather to choose products that are suitable for oneself. The manufacturer of the High and Low Temperature Shock Test Chamber will tell you how to choose the equipment reasonably:


1. Two chamber vs. three chamber

The two chamber shock only has high and low temperature shocks, while the three chamber shock has a room temperature transition in the middle. For products, there is no transition at room temperature, which is more destructive and imposes stricter requirements on the product.

2. Water cooled vs. air cooled

Normally, a temperature of -40~+150 ℃ for 50L-100L is sufficient for air cooling. A larger capacity and a lower temperature (100L/-70 ℃) for water cooling provide more stable performance.

3. Material and inward dimensions

The cold and hot shock chamber usually has two materials: stainless steel and baking paint, which can be customized according to needs. The stainless steel material is beautiful and easy to care. The baking paint color can be selected by yourself, and can be matched with other equipment colors.

The thickness of the board has an impact on the quality of the equipment, because the thickness of the board is too thin, and the equipment is prone to deformation when the bearing weight is too large or the temperature is too high. Most equipment suppliers choose qualified sheet materials.

The board of conventional equipment is generally 1.0mm or 1.2mm, so the thickness of the material is important for the quality of the equipment. When selecting equipment, it is important to have a clear understanding.

From the perspective of internal chamber size, the specification requires that the product must be placed inside the testing area. Some

The manufacturer places the product inside the air duct, although it is only 10cm away from the testing area, this energy difference is quite significant. And it cannot truly reflect the temperature changes on the surface of the test object. So choose the appropriate inner box size.

On the market, the conventional capacity of the cold and hot shock test chamber is 50L, 80L, 100L, 150L, 225L, 408L, 800L, 1000L, etc. It is recommended that you choose the capacity based on the long-term test demand.

4. Impact temperature

Pay attention to the large range of temperatures that can actually be reached in the testing area. Note that it is not the limit temperature for preheating and precooling chambers. The test load directly affects how many test items can be placed. Generally speaking, the larger the weight, the better.

Select appropriate temperature impact range of cold and hot impact test chamber according to relevant test standards of product materials (national standard/military standard/European and American standard), generally – 40 ℃~+150 ℃- 55℃~+150℃;- 70 ℃~+150 ℃, of course, different impact ranges can also be selected for different products.

High and Low Temperature Thermal Shock Chamber can be used in the temperature shock test and fast-changing temperature test in a wide range such as aviation, air space, electronic components and material research.

HLST-500D has two separate chambers: high temperature chamber and low temperature chamber.
HLST-500T has three separate chambers: high temperature chamber, low temperature chamber and test chamber.

Choosing the Right High and Low Temperature Shock Test Chamber for Your Testing Needs

HLST 500D High and Low Temperature Thermal Shock Chamber


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