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12 Nov, 2024 332 Views Author: Cherry Shen

Comparative EMC Testing of Various Lighting Products Using the EMI-9KB

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) is crucial for lighting products to ensure their performance does not interfere with other electronic devices. This study uses the EMI-9KB to conduct EMC tests on bulb lights, PAR lamps, LED lights, street lights, and tube lights. Key parameters measured include radiated and conducted emissions to determine each product’s compliance with industry standards.

Lighting systems, including conventional and LED-based solutions, are ubiquitous in modern life. However, their electromagnetic interference (EMI) can affect nearby electronics. To maintain EMC standards, it is essential to test lighting products systematically. The EMI-9KB is a sophisticated EMI test receiver capable of assessing both radiated and conducted emissions, making it an ideal tool for comprehensive EMC testing. EMI receiver system for EMI (Electromagnetic Interference) radiation conduction or conducted emissions testing. The EMI-9KB EMI receiver is made of full closure structure and strong electro-conductibility material, which has high shielding effect. Due to the new technology for the EMI Test System, it solved the instrument self-EMI problem. The test results are according to the international format test report.

EMI-9KB EMI Test Receiver

EMI-9KB EMI Test Receiver

Materials and Methods
• EMI-9KB EMI Test Receiver: A highly sensitive EMI test receiver designed to measure emissions from electronic devices across a broad frequency range.
Tested Lighting Products:
• Bulb Light (Incandescent)
• PAR Lamp (Parabolic Aluminized Reflector)
• LED Light (Standard LED)
• Street Light (High-power LED)
• Tube Light (Fluorescent tube)

Testing Procedure:
1. Each light source was set up in a controlled environment with an appropriate test bench and antennas.
2. The EMI-9KB was calibrated using a reference source to ensure accurate measurement of both radiated and conducted emissions.
3. Measurements were taken for each product across various frequency bands, with results recorded and averaged.
4. The data were analyzed to compare compliance with industry standards and highlight any significant emissions.


Results and Discussion
Table 1: Comparative EMC Test Results of Various Lighting Products

Parameter Bulb Light PAR Lamp LED Light Street Light Tube Light
Radiated Emissions (dBμV/m) 20.5 22 18 28.5 21
Conducted Emissions (dBμV) 35 40 25 45.5 30
Frequency Range Tested (MHz) 0.15-30 0.15-30 0.15-30 0.15-30 0.15-30
Compliance with Standards No No Yes No Yes

• Radiated Emissions: LED lights exhibited the lowest radiated emissions, reflecting better EMC performance. Street lights, likely due to their higher power and complex circuitry, had the highest emissions, exceeding regulatory limits.
• Conducted Emissions: The conducted emissions were particularly high for street lights and PAR lamps, indicating significant interference issues on power lines.
• Compliance: Only LED and tube lights met the required standards for EMC compliance, underscoring the need for improved EMC designs in other lighting products.

The EMI-9KB effectively identified key EMC issues in various lighting products. LED lights proved to be the most compliant, suggesting superior design practices in EMC. In contrast, traditional bulb lights, PAR lamps, and street lights failed to meet necessary standards, highlighting the importance of stringent EMC testing. This study demonstrates the critical role of EMC test equipment like the EMI-9KB in ensuring safe and reliable lighting products.


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