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11 Nov, 2024 207 Views Author: Cherry Shen

Comparative Testing of Various Market Lamps Using the LISUN LPCE-2 (LMS-9000) Lumen Meter

The demand for efficient and reliable lighting solutions has led to various light sources, including bulb lights, PAR lamps, LED lights, street lights, and tubes. This study aims to compare the luminous performance of these light sources using the LISUN LPCE-2 (LMS-9000) integrating sphere system. Key parameters analyzed include luminous flux, luminous efficacy, and power consumption.

Lighting technology continues to evolve, offering numerous options ranging from traditional incandescent bulbs to advanced LED systems. The LPCE-2 (LMS-9000) from LISUN, a high-precision spectroradiometer with an integrating sphere system, provides an accurate method for measuring photometric and colorimetric data of various lamps. This paper focuses on the application of the LPCE-2 (LMS-9000) as a lumen meter for comparing the performance of different market lamps.

Materials and Methods
• LISUN LPCE-2 (LMS-9000) Spectroradiometer Integrating Sphere System: A high-precision system designed for measuring luminous flux, CCT, and CRI of light sources. LPCE-2 Integrating Sphere Spectroradiometer LED Testing System is for single LEDs and LED lighting products light measurement. LED’s quality should be tested by checking its photometric, colorimetric and electrical parameters. According to CIE 177CIE84,  CIE-13.3IES LM-79-19Optical-Engineering-49-3-033602COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) 2019/2015IESNA LM-63-2IES-LM-80 and ANSI-C78.377, it recommends to using an array spectroradiometer with an integrating sphere to test SSL products. The LPCE-2 system is applied with LMS-9000C High Precision CCD Spectroradiometer or LMS-9500C Scientific Grade CCD Spectroradiometer, and a-molding integrating sphere with holder base. This sphere is more round and the test result is more accruate than the traditional integrating sphere.

High Precision Spectroradiometer Integrating Sphere System LPCE 2(LMS 9000) AL2

High Precision Spectroradiometer Integrating Sphere System 

Tested Light Sources:
• Bulb Light (Incandescent)
• PAR Lamp (Parabolic Aluminized Reflector)
• LED Light (Standard indoor LED)
• Street Light (High-power outdoor LED)
• Tube Light (Fluorescent tubes)

Testing Procedure:
1. Each lamp was installed within the integrating sphere of the LISUN LPCE-2 (LMS-9000) system.
2. The system was calibrated using a standard calibration light source provided by the manufacturer.
3. The lamps were tested individually to measure luminous flux, luminous efficacy, and power consumption.
4. Data were collected, averaged over three trials, and compiled into a comparative analysis.


Results and Discussion
Table 1: Comparative Performance Data of Various Light Sources

Parameter Bulb Light PAR Lamp LED Light Street Light Tube Light
Luminous Flux (lm) 750 1050 1400 9000 1250
Power Consumption (W) 60 45 15 120 30
Luminous Efficacy (lm/W) 12.5 23.3 93.3 75 41.7
CCT (K) 2700 3000 4000 5700 3500
CRI 95 82 85 75 80

• Luminous Flux: The luminous flux values demonstrate the amount of visible light each lamp produces. Street lights show the highest flux, ideal for outdoor settings.
• Luminous Efficacy: LED lights exhibit the highest luminous efficacy, showing that they produce the most light per watt consumed. This confirms LEDs as the most energy-efficient option.
• Power Consumption: Bulb lights consume the most power for the least amount of light, highlighting their inefficiency compared to LEDs.
• CCT and CRI: LED and tube lights offer a balance between color accuracy and efficacy, making them suitable for environments where both performance and color quality are crucial.

The LISUN LPCE-2 (LMS-9000) lumen meter effectively evaluates the performance of various market light sources, highlighting LEDs as the superior option due to their high luminous efficacy and low power consumption. The system’s precision allows for detailed comparisons, providing valuable insights for consumers and manufacturers aiming to optimize lighting solutions.


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