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26 Aug, 2024 334 Views Author: Cherry Shen

Comprehensive Analysis of Illuminance Meter: Operating Principles, Applications, and Selection Guide

Principle of Illuminance Meter Testing:

An illuminance meter is a device used to measure illuminance (light intensity), based on the principle of photoelectric effect. The photovoltaic cell used in illuminance meters is a type of photoelectric component that directly converts light energy into electrical energy. When light strikes the surface of the photovoltaic cell, it passes through a metal film to reach the interface between the semiconductor selenium layer and the metal film, where the photoelectric effect occurs. The magnitude of the photocurrent generated by the photoelectric effect is directly proportional to the illuminance incident on the surface of the photovoltaic cell.

Specifically, when light shines on the surface of the photovoltaic cell, the energy of photons excites electrons within the selenium layer, causing them to transition to the conducting metal surface, thereby generating a current. The intensity of this current is proportional to the intensity of the incident light (i.e., illuminance). By connecting the photovoltaic cell to an external circuit, the generated current can be measured, and its value can be displayed and measured in lux (Lx) using a microampere meter.

The illuminance meter is a device used to measure light intensity, with various advantages and extensive application prospects. Here are the main advantages of illuminance meters:

• High Accuracy: Illuminance meters can precisely measure the intensity of light irradiation, providing accurate data on light levels. This accuracy is crucial in industries, medicine, and research to ensure that lighting meets specific requirements.
• Ease of Use: Illuminance meters are easy to operate, requiring simple setup and calibration before use. They can be used in any setting without specific positioning, making them highly versatile.
• Versatility: Illuminance meters have multiple uses, including setting up lighting systems, adjusting office lighting levels, and measuring biological illuminance. They have a wide range of applications to meet measurement needs in different scenarios.
• Diverse Designs: Illuminance meters can be designed as handheld devices or used in industrial automation control and remote monitoring. Some illuminance meters also support digital output, allowing them to connect to electronic data acquisition systems for automatic recording of measurement results, enhancing convenience and practicality.

Illuminance meters can be classified into different types based on their design and principles, including visual illuminance meters and photoelectric illuminance meters. Here is a brief description of these two main types:

Visual Illuminance Meter:

• Characteristics: Visual illuminance meters are a more traditional and simple method of measuring illuminance, typically using human eyes to estimate light intensity.
• Advantages: Easy to use without complex equipment, enabling quick estimation of light intensity.
• Disadvantages: Lower accuracy, heavily influenced by subjective factors, not suitable for precise measurements, and thus rarely used in practical applications.

Photoelectric Illuminance Meter:

• Common Types: Photoelectric illuminance meters mainly include selenium photovoltaic illuminance meters and silicon photovoltaic illuminance meters.
• Applications: Photoelectric illuminance meters are widely used in industries, construction, healthcare, agriculture, etc., for accurately measuring light intensity or brightness in specific areas.

a. Selenium Photovoltaic Illuminance Meter:
• Working Principle: Selenium photovoltaic cells use the photoelectric effect induced by light shining on the selenium element to measure light intensity.
• Advantages: High accuracy, wide response range to light sources, suitable for measurements under different lighting conditions.
• Applications: Commonly used in indoor lighting design, monitoring light intensity on industrial production lines, etc.

b. Silicon Photovoltaic Illuminance Meter:
• Working Principle: Silicon photovoltaic cells use the sensitivity of silicon material to light to measure light intensity.
• Advantages: Fast response time, wide measurement range, suitable for measurements under various lighting conditions.
• Applications: Used in laboratory research, environmental monitoring, agricultural production, etc.

Comprehensive Analysis of Illuminance Meter: Operating Principles, Applications, and Selection Guide

PHOTO-200_Lux Meter/Illuminance Meter

The use of illuminance meters is crucial for people’s lives because illuminance directly affects visual comfort and health. Here are the roles and benefits of using illuminance meters:

• Preventing Accidents: Adequate lighting can effectively prevent accidents. In good lighting conditions, people can see their surroundings more clearly, reducing the occurrence of tripping or collision accidents.
• Reducing Visual Fatigue: Inadequate lighting can strain the eyes and increase the likelihood of visual fatigue. Proper lighting provides sufficient light to help maintain visual comfort and health.
• Improving Work Efficiency: Adequate lighting in workplaces can improve employee efficiency and comfort. Insufficient lighting can reduce work efficiency, while overly bright lighting can cause glare and discomfort, affecting performance.
• Promoting Indoor Health: Adequate indoor lighting is crucial for residents’ health and comfort. Suitable lighting can improve the quality of indoor spaces and enhance residents’ quality of life.
• Requirements for Sports Venues: Lighting requirements are particularly strict in sports venues. Excessive or insufficient lighting can affect competitions and audience experiences.

In hygiene studies, there are specific requirements for indoor illuminance. Light refers to electromagnetic radiation that can cause a sensation of brightness in human eyes. Adequate illuminance provides a good visual environment, beneficial for people’s health and quality of life. Both natural daylighting and artificial lighting are methods of providing indoor illuminance. Parameters such as daylight factor and natural illuminance are used to assess and guide indoor lighting design to ensure that lighting levels meet health and comfort standards.


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