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03 Sep, 2021 8523 Views Author: Cherry Shen

Difference between photometer and spectrophotometer

Photometers and spectrophotometers instruments are well-suited and well-established for measuring moisture, oil/fat, and other easily distinguishable parameters in a wide range of applications. spectrophotometer derived from these photometers. Photometers are usually used to measure parameters at certain wavelengths where the parameter absorbs light, such as 1.94 microns for water and 1.72 microns for oil, among other things.

The response of the Photometer is then compared to that of non-absorbing wavelengths. Measurement for sugar sprays is dependent on the amount of water used as a carrier, and for flavorings, the amount of oil used. Typically, photometers are the most appropriate option for these kinds of applications.

spectrophotometers capture the whole spectrum and then utilize slices of that spectrum rather than the entire spectrum. This leads to producing variables via chemometrics or mathematical modeling, such as in PCR, PLS, Neural Networks, and other treatments, among other things.

When the parameters being evaluated contain overlapping absorption linkages, such as various kinds of alcohols or saturated and unsaturated fats, they can distinguish between the components being tested for. Additionally, spectrophotometers offer benefits over photometers when dealing with more challenging applications such as protein, salt , sugar, ash, and so on.

Calibrations for photometers usually need 3 to 7 samples taken from various points throughout the range that is of relevance. In most cases, calibrations for spectrophotometers need 10 to 15 samples per modeling factor, although it is likely to want as many as 200 or more samples to calibrate the instrument fully.

Photometers are considerably less costly, simpler to calibrate, and easier to use for inexperienced personnel than other types of instruments. If a Photometer fulfills your measurement requirements, it is a superior option for on-line, at-line, and laboratory measurements. LISUN has the best kinds of spectrophotometers .

Main difference


  • A tool that measures the intensity of electromagnetic radiation at various wavelengths in the physical world
  • A device for measuring or analyzing the intensity of the colors in the visible range of the electromagnetic spectrum
  • A chemical substance’s ability to absorb light at various wavelengths is measured using analytical equipment called an absorption spectrometer. A unique pattern of absorption intensities at a succession of wavelengths for each chemical compound may be seen as a distinguishing feature.
  • It is more complex than an ordinary photometer in that it separates light into distinct wavelengths and measures the intensity of each wavelength individually. A spectrophotometer often comprises a monochromator (to separate the various wavelengths of light) and a scanning device.


  • The term refers to any of many devices used to measure different characteristics of the intensity of light.
  • To use a photometer to measure some property of light (eg, from a star) is an astronomical term.
  • The Photometer calculates the quantity of light that is there. Consider the example of a solar cell connected to a voltmeter. The value on the voltmeter increases in direct proportion to the intensity of the light (a simplification, but you get the idea).
  • It is a tool utilized to measure the intensity of light or, more specifically, to compare the relative intensities of various lights or the relative illuminating power of different lights.
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