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01 Sep, 2024 121 Views Author: Cherry Shen

Electrostatic Discharge Generator: An Essential Tool for Electronic Device Testing

The electrostatic discharge generator is a specialized device utilized to simulate and assess the resilience of electronic devices under electrostatic discharge (ESD) and similar electrostatically related environments. It validates the performance and durability of devices by mimicking the amplitude, frequency, and waveform of electrostatic discharges. The generator primarily consists of a power supply, high-voltage generation circuit, storage capacitors, contact apparatus, and control display system.


• Power Supply: Provides the required electrical energy.
 High-Voltage Generation Circuit: Generates predetermined electrostatic discharge waveforms through amplification and waveform shaping.
• Storage Capacitors: Store electrical energy to ensure sufficient charge provision during discharge.
 Contact Apparatus: Connects with the tested device or system and releases stored electrical energy to simulate electrostatic discharge events.
• Control Display System: Controls the operation of the generator and displays discharge parameters such as amplitude, frequency, and other relevant information.


• Evaluating the resilience of electronic devices under ESD environments to ensure safe operation.
• Verifying whether the design of electronic devices complies with relevant ESD standards and specifications.
• Conducting testing and verification of ESD protection measures to ensure devices possess adequate electrostatic protection capabilities for practical use.

Major Applications:

• ESD Testing of Electronic Devices: Widely employed in ESD testing of electronic devices to examine and validate their tolerance to electrostatic discharge. By simulating various real-world ESD events, it assesses the reliability and durability of electronic components.
• ESD Testing of Electronic Products: Utilized to test various types of electronic products such as mobile phones, computers, and displays to verify their ability to withstand ESD events without damage, ensuring their quality and reliability.
 ESD Testing of Electronic Equipment: In industrial environments, the electrostatic discharge generator is also used to test the ESD tolerance of electronic equipment, including automation equipment, industrial computers, and instrumentation. Through testing, the performance of these devices in ESD environments is assessed, and necessary measures are taken to enhance their tolerance.
• Testing of Electronic Materials: Additionally, the electrostatic discharge generator can be used to test electronic materials, assessing their electrostatic discharge characteristics to prevent potential ESD issues when applied in electronic products. This is crucial for ensuring product performance and safety.

Electrostatic Discharge Generator: An Essential Tool for Electronic Device Testing

ESD61000-2_Electrostatic Discharge Simulator

Usage Steps:

• Connect the Testing Equipment: Connect the electrostatic discharge generator to the device or system to be tested, ensuring a stable and reliable connection. Choose an appropriate contact apparatus connection method based on different testing requirements.
 Set Parameters: Select suitable ESD waveforms, discharge voltages, discharge frequencies, and other parameters according to testing requirements, ensuring compliance with international standards or relevant specifications to ensure the accuracy and reliability of testing.
• Perform Testing: Once parameters are set, testing can commence. By triggering the discharge switch on the device, the electrostatic discharge generator releases stored electrical energy to simulate electrostatic discharge events, applying them to the tested device or system.
• Record and Analyze Results: During testing, record the response and performance changes of the tested device after electrostatic discharge, such as current, voltage, etc. Analyze the recorded data to evaluate the device’s ESD tolerance, and make necessary improvements and optimizations based on the analysis.


The electrostatic discharge generator serves as a crucial tool for ESD testing of electronic devices and systems, playing an important role in the development and manufacturing processes of electronic products and equipment. Careful parameter setting and ensuring stable connections are necessary during usage. By recording and analyzing test results, the device’s ESD tolerance can be evaluated, and corresponding improvements and optimizations can be made to enhance product reliability and stability, ensuring they are not susceptible to ESD and other electrostatic-related issues during practical use.


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