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28 Aug, 2023 797 Views Author: Rachel He

Environmental Simulation Test Chamber: Xenon Lamp Aging Test Chamber (also known as Xenon Test Chamber)

The Principle of Xenon Lamp Aging Test Chamber:
The Xenon Lamp Aging Test Chamber is capable of simulating the degradation and accelerated effects of daily environment on products. It can quickly and accurately assess the aging behavior of products and effectively save time and cost. With this device, users can easily control the intensity and duration of light radiation, accelerating the product development cycle and development process, further improving reliability and durability. In addition, the device can adjust the wavelength of light in real time to simulate the changes in outdoor environment, to more accurately reflect protective performance.

Xenon lamp aging test chamber, also is known Xenon Test Chamber, is an equipment that can simulate multiple factors in daily environment to accelerate the aging test of products. It simulates solar radiation with xenon lamp, condensate moisture to simulate rain and dew, and changes of temperature and light medium, in such an environment, it can simulate the external environment of a few days or a few weeks, thus recreating the real impacts of external environment for several months or even years to accelerate the aging process of products. The Xenon lamp aging test chamber can effectively accelerate and detect the aging process of products, helping manufacturers to develop new materials, improve existing materials and evaluate the impact of formula changes on durability. Therefore, by using the xenon lamp test chamber, manufacturers can shorten the time to market, avoid unnecessary losses and expenses.

The xenon lamp aging test chamber is an instrument that can simulate full sunlight spectrum and can reproduce destructive light under different environments for accelerated aging, quality control and other tests of products. Its chamber is made of corrosion-resistant materials, and a light-filtering system composed of one or more xenon lamps, sample racks, etc. are installed. After passing through the filter, the radiation emitted by the radiation source can be matched with the radiation structure of the sun or the ultraviolet and visible radiation filtered by 3mm window glass, and the relative spectral energy distribution of the plane of the sample rack can also be simulated. At the same time, the xenon lamp test chamber can also simulate many environmental conditions such as rain, high temperature, high humidity, dew, darkness, etc., providing necessary simulation and acceleration tests for scientific research, product development and quality control.

Environmental Simulation Test Chamber: Xenon Lamp Aging Test Chamber (also known as Xenon Test Chamber)

XD-80LS Xenon lamp aging test Chamber

The xenon lamp tube can generate xenon gas, spray water by spraying device to maintain the temperature of the water-free environment, and thus simulate the ecological environment. In addition to temperature control, temperature equipment also requires to meet certain conditions, such as black standard thermometer should be measured in continuous mode; if use the blackboard thermometer, the type, installation mode and selected working temperature of the thermometer should also be given. In addition, in order to measure the irradiance correctly, the sun eye can be continuously monitored inside the irradiation xenon test chamber and the power of the lamp tube can be adjusted to maintain the irradiance above the set value. When the irradiance is lower than the set value for a long time, a new lamp tube is needed to replace. In short, the application of xenon lamps can simulate the real ecological environment during the waterless period to meet the requirements of the experiment conditions, and the sun’s eye can also maintain accurate irradiance to improve the accuracy of the experiment.

The Xenon Lamp Aging Test Chamber is a testing equipment that can simulate different climate factors such as illumination, humidity and temperature to evaluate the weatherability performance of plastic materials, the processing technology and the effect of additives on their weatherability performance. Through the Xenon Lamp Aging Test Chamber, the effect of different additives on the performance of plastic materials can be simulated, and evaluation and basis can be provided for the design, selection, use of plastic materials, as well as the selection and use of additives, so as to obtain more reliable data. The weatherability performance of plastic materials has a decisive influence on its normal use, so the Xenon Lamp Aging Test Chamber plays an important role in the application of plastics industry.

Lisun Instruments Limited was found by LISUN GROUP in 2003. LISUN quality system has been strictly certified by ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Membership, LISUN products are designed based on CIE, IEC and other international or national standards. All products passed CE certificate and authenticated by the third party lab.

Our main products are GoniophotometerIntegrating SphereSpectroradiometerSurge GeneratorESD Simulator GunsEMI ReceiverEMC Test EquipmentElectrical Safety TesterEnvironmental ChamberTemperature ChamberClimate ChamberThermal ChamberSalt Spray TestDust Test ChamberWaterproof TestRoHS Test (EDXRF)Glow Wire Test and Needle Flame Test.

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