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19 Oct, 2022 1151 Views Author: root

Environmental test chambers solution for IEC 60068

Temperature Humidity Chamber | Thermal Chamber | Climate Chamber, Environmental test chambers are according to IEC60068-2-1 (GB/T2423.1) and IEC60068-2-2 (GB/T2423.2), IEC60068-2-78, IEC60598-1, GB/T2423.17, GB/T5170.2, GB/T5170.5. The climate chamber is used to test the CFL/LED which meets IES LM-80-08, electricity products, automative cars, home appications and mobiles. 

What is Climate Chamber?
Climate chambers is used to simulate a temperature enviromental condistions, it may also be called environmental chambers or Thermal Chamber or Temperature Chamber. You can click the below videos to learn the details and also how to operate it.


1. Temperature fluctuations
Temperature fluctuation is a relatively easy parameter to realize. The actual temperature fluctuation of most test chambers produced by all environmental test equipment manufacturers can be controlled within the range of ±0.5°C.

2. Uniformity of temperature field
In order to more accurately simulate the actual environmental conditions suffered by the product in nature, it is necessary to ensure that the surrounding of the tested product is under the same temperature environment during the environmental test. For this reason, the temperature gradient and temperature fluctuation in the test chamber must be be restricted.

3. Precision control of humidity
Most of the humidity measurement in the environmental test chamber adopts the dry and wet bulb method. The manufacturing standard of environmental test equipment GB10586 requires that the relative humidity deviation should be ±23%RH. In order to meet the requirements of humidity control accuracy, the temperature control accuracy of the humidity test chamber is relatively high, and the temperature fluctuation is generally less than ±0.2°C. Otherwise, it is difficult to meet the requirements of humidity control accuracy.

4. Temperature range
High temperature: Since the grade of GB/T2423 is 155°C at 125°C, there is no difference between 150°C and 130°C for high temperature. It is recommended that the nominal temperature is 150℃, and the temperature field test index is 125℃ or 130℃. The temperature field test index is reflected in the technical agreement, and there is no need to explain it on the sample.
Low temperature: The lowest temperature occurs in MIL-STD-810F Method 502.4: -61°C and is not required. GJB150.4-86: -55℃. The grades of GB/T2423 are +5, -5, -10, -25, -40, -55, -65℃. According to the characteristics of the refrigeration system, the low temperature can be set according to the current range, but a little marketing change can be made, and the overlay can be increased by one gear of -60 °C, and the flexible configuration can be made according to the price.

High and Low Temperature Humidity Chamber GDJS AL5

High and Low Temperature Humidity Chamber 

High and Low Temperature Humidity Chamber GDJS AL4

High and Low Temperature Humidity Chamber 

5. Humidity range
The humidity indicators given by domestic and foreign environmental test chambers are mostly 20-98% RH or 30-98% RH. If the humid heat test chamber has no dehumidification system, the humidity range is 60-98%. This type of test chamber can only be made high Wet trial, but it’s much less expensive. It is worth noting that the corresponding temperature range should be indicated after the humidity index, or the minimum dew point temperature should be given. Because relative humidity is directly related to temperature, for the same moisture content, the temperature is higher, the lower the relative humidity.

6. Heating and cooling rate
The temperature range of the rapid temperature change test chamber of various specifications and speeds is generally the same, that is, -60 to +130 °C, but the temperature change range for assessing the cooling speed is not the same. According to the different test requirements of the test, the rapid temperature change test The temperature range of the box is -55~+80℃, and some is -40~+80℃. There are two formulations about the temperature change rate of the rapid temperature change test chamber.

One is the average heating and cooling speed in the whole process, and the other is the linear heating and cooling speed (actually the average speed per 5min). The average speed of the whole process refers to the ratio of the difference between the maximum temperature and the minimum temperature to the time within the temperature changing range of the test chamber. At present, the technical parameters of the temperature change rate provided by various foreign environmental test equipment manufacturers refer to the average rate of the whole process. The linear temperature rise and fall rate refers to the guaranteed temperature change rate in any 5min time period. In fact, for the rapid temperature change test box, the most difficult and most critical section to ensure the linear heating and cooling speed is the cooling rate that the test box can achieve in the last 5 minutes of the cooling section. From a certain point of view, the linear heating and cooling speed (average speed per 5min) is more scientific. Therefore, the test equipment has two parameters: the average temperature rise and fall speed in the whole process and the linear temperature rise and fall speed (average speed per 5min).

Environmental test chambers solution for IEC 60068

Thermal Chamber, Temperature Humidity Chamber, Climate Chamber

The accuracy indicators of the parameters of the high and low temperature alternating damp heat testing machine (such as temperature, humidity, etc.) are all the results of the test under no-load state. Once the test piece is placed, the uniformity of the environmental parameters in the working chamber of the test box will produce Influence, the larger the space occupied by the test piece, the more serious this influence will be.

Lisun Instruments Limited was found by LISUN GROUP in 2003. LISUN quality system has been strictly certified by ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Membership, LISUN products are designed based on CIE, IEC and other international or national standards. All products passed CE certificate and authenticated by the third party lab.

Our main products are GoniophotometerIntegrating SphereSpectroradiometerSurge GeneratorESD Simulator GunsEMI ReceiverEMC Test EquipmentElectrical Safety TesterEnvironmental ChamberTemperature ChamberClimate ChamberThermal ChamberSalt Spray TestDust Test ChamberWaterproof TestRoHS Test (EDXRF)Glow Wire Test and Needle Flame Test.

Please feel free to contact us if you need any support.
Tech Dep: Service@Lisungroup.com, Cell/WhatsApp:+8615317907381
Sales Dep: Sales@Lisungroup.com, Cell/WhatsApp:+8618117273997


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