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10 Jul, 2018 3095 Views Author: root

Equivalent Test Between Normal & High Frequency Fluorescent Lamp and LED Tube

Comparing with traditional fluorescent lamp, the LED tube have high light effects, low power consume, long life time and stable luminous efficiency advantages etc. At the same time, for the LED tube performance testing is became more simple, in recent years more and more customers has chosen the LED tube to replace fluorescent lamp.

Due to the main lighting products are consist of traditional fluorescent lamp, like the CFL and fluorescent lamp are still occupy a large part of market, it’s impossible to replace all of them immediately, specially at the business centre and market still have many fluorescent lamps and compacted lighting products; if replace all fluorescent lamp to LED tube, it’s need lots of tome and huge cost, the most important is this way can’t be approved. In order to make replacement work more effective, the IEC issued the IEC 62776 standard dated December of 2014, this standard explain how to do equivalent test between normal & high frequency fluorescent lamp and LED tube. Before large scale replace fluorescent lamp to LED tube, we have to make sure the LED tube whether can turn on and meet lighting demand, the lighting demand have two points: the first is require the LED tube have lower power consume than fluorescent lamp; the second is based on consume same power, the LED tube have to higher light effects than fluorescent lamp, so we will discuss the comparison test between fluorescent lamp and LED tube. The below is IEC62776 standard and equivalent test explanation:

The IEC 62776 standard from chapter 1 to chapter 3.2 are mentioned the LED tube can replace the double-capped fluorescent and how to use G5 and G13 lamp holder fluorescent lamp turn to LED tube, this kind of equivalent replacement needn’t LED tube to do any change, this standard only talk about G5 and G13 lamp holder of LED tube(1 Scope). At the same time, this standard also mentioned the IEC 60081 double-capped fluorescent lamp performance test and LED tube suitable replace fluorescent lamp with integrated magnetic ballasts. How to do equivalent test between LED tube and fluorescent lamp, there will be use a high frequency power supply and high frequency adjustable reference ballast. As we knew the fluorescent lamp is consist of fluorescent capillary, electrical ballast and fixture, the IEC 60081 and IEC 60901 both standards have clear explanation for how to testing fluorescent capillary. The testing process is connect RB-3 adjustable resistance ballast with double-capped of fluorescent capillary, also we need connect HFP-800 high frequency power supply with double-capped of fluorescent capillary, some of fluorescent capillary need to do preheating process according to IEC standard’s requirement, as below picture. At the same time, the relevant parameters need set up according to IEC standard’s requirement.

Equivalent Test Between Normal & High Frequency Fluorescent Lamp and LED Tube

Equivalent Test Between Normal & High Frequency Fluorescent Lamp and LED Tube

Click to learn more details on How to Measure the High Frequency Fluorescent Lamp. For the equivalent test between fluorescent lamp and LED tube, actually, it’s take away the fluorescent capillary and connect LED tube(included driver) with EB, it’s have necessary to explain the working principle of EB and driver: the EB is AC to AC model, when turn on the fluorescent lamp, there have a AC model high voltage to electric shock fluorescent capillary for lighting lamp, then the EB will output constant AC voltage to maintain the fluorescent lamp is always lighting on; the LED driver is AC to DC model, there have a DC power to lighting on singled LED or LED luminaires. So there use a LED tube(included driver) connect with EB which also keep AC to AC model, the equivalent test have three purposes: One is lighting on LED tube; Second is see whether the power consume of LED tube is lower than fluorescent lamp or not; third is light effect of LED tube is higher than fluorescent lamp(this will be judge by spectrometer & integrating sphere system). If need use best fair way to assess these three purpose, the EB is important, we can’t use any of EB to do this kind of equivalent test, this EB must be mentioned or recommend by IEC or other standards, to solve this issue, Shanghai Lisun Electronic office developed HFP-800 High Frequency Power Supply and RB-3 High Frequency Adjustable Reference Ballast, both device are fully meet IEC60081 IEC60901 and ANSI C78.81 & C82.11standards. As we know the reference ballast is special designed for select reference light(fluorescent capillary), the characteristics of reference ballast have constant voltage and current ratio based on rated frequency, and it couldn’t have any affected by voltage, temperature and ambient changes. The RB-3 is application with no sense of resistance ballast, the HFP-800 provide high frequency reference ballast with pure and high frequency power supply. The HFP-800+RB-3 system not only can to do T5/T8 fluorescent lamp test, but also can to do LED tube equivalent test.

Finally, we can see the difference of fluorescent lamp test and LED tube equivalent test. According to standard’s requirement, for the fluorescent lamp test, there must use relevant device, set up preheat current and preheat time to lighting on fluorescent lamp(As picture 1 show). Due to LED tube is special, when to do connection, we needn’t this device(As picture 2 show):

Equivalent Test Between Normal & High Frequency Fluorescent Lamp and LED Tube


Lisun Instruments Limited was found by LISUN GROUP in 2003. LISUN quality system has been strictly certified by ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Membership, LISUN products are designed based on CIE, IEC and other international or national standards. All products passed CE certificate and authenticated by the third party lab.

Our main products are Goniophotometer, Surge Generator, EMC Test SystemsESD Simulator, EMI Test Receiver, Electrical Safety Tester, Integrating Sphere, Temperature Chamber, Salt Spray Test, Environmental Test ChamberLED Test Instruments, CFL Test Instruments, Spectroradiometer, Waterproof Test Equipment, Plug and Switch Testing, AC and DC Power Supply.

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