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23 Aug, 2023 744 Views Author: Raza Rabbani

ESD Gun Accessories: Enhancing the Testing Capabilities and Flexibility of ESD Guns

When testing electronic components and systems for performance and reliability, electrostatic discharge (ESD) guns are necessary. While the ESD gun is the primary tool, there are a number of add-ons that can expand the range of tests that may be performed, increase the precision of measurements, and provide more varied test configurations.

This article delves into the many ESD gun add-ons that can be purchased and discusses their importance in doing thorough and effective ESD testing.

Electrode Options:
An electrostatic discharge (ESD) handgun relies heavily on its electrode. Electrodes are required in order to apply ESD pulses to the DUT in a controlled way, and these pulses must be constant. There is a wide selection of electrodes available to satisfy the requirements of every particular testing scenario that may arise. Electrodes are used often and might include:
1. Air Discharge Tip: During air discharge testing, the electrostatic discharge (ESD) event is first generated in the air, and then it is concentrated on the device under test (DUT) by using this electrode. Because it produces an ESD pulse that is both concentrated and contained, it makes it possible to test the DUT in a controlled environment.

2. Contact Discharge Plate: It is possible to bring the DUT into direct contact with the electrode of the contact discharge plate in order to replicate circumstances in which ESD arises as a result of physical touch. This is done in order to test whether or not the DUT is susceptible to electrostatic discharge. Because it provides a larger contact area, testing larger components and assemblies is made more simpler by its use.

3. Field Induction Coil: In indirect coupling testing, the ESD pulse is created onto the DUT by means of an electromagnetic field, and this is done by the use of a field induction coil. In direct coupling testing, the ESD pulse is produced directly onto the DUT. It allows for the testing of EMI-sensitive devices and provides a non-contact method of ESD modeling.

Extension Cables and Probes:
With the assistance of extension cables and probes, the DUT and the ESD cannon may be installed in a wide range of different places. You are able to put the ESD gun at the correct distance from the DUT with the help of these add-ons, which enables you to perform testing even while working in confined spaces. Extension cables and probes need to have a variety of lengths and forms to accommodate the many different testing scenarios.

Current Measurement Probes:
The assessment of electronic components and systems places a significant amount of emphasis on the accuracy of the ESD current measurements taken by such components and systems. Current measuring probes, such as Rogowski coils and current transformers, are useful instruments for obtaining an accurate reading of the electrostatic discharge (ESD) currents that are generated during testing.

It is possible to connect these probes to oscilloscopes or current measurement equipment in order to monitor, record, and analyze the waveform characteristics of the ESD current. When doing ESD testing, the use of current measuring probes may improve the accuracy of the current readings.

ESD Simulator Control Software:
An essential component of any electrostatic discharge (ESD) simulator is software that can manage and automate the ESD test sequences, parameters, and timing. The application has a user-friendly interface that may be used for the creation of test plans, test configuration, and test execution.

As a direct consequence of this, testing is simplified, the potential for human mistake is reduced, and the test’s overall effectiveness is improved. You can get help from LISUN experts for ESD gun calibration.

A few examples of the software’s possible high-level capabilities include data logging, waveform customization, and interface with test automation systems. These are only some of the possibilities.

ESD Gun Accessories: Enhancing the Testing Capabilities and Flexibility of ESD Guns

ESD61000-2_Electrostatic Discharge Simulator

Grounding and Shielding Accessories:
By properly grounding and shielding an area, it is possible to protect the reliability of electrostatic discharge (ESD) testing and decrease the amount of interference from the outside. It is important to have a reliable connection between the ESD gun and the grounding system; hence, the grounding plates, cables, and connectors are all used for this purpose.

Shielding equipment, such as EMI shielding tents or enclosures, are often used in order to enable testing to be carried out in a controlled environment free from the influence of external electromagnetic interference.

These add-ons serve to guarantee that electrostatic discharge (ESD) tests are accurate and reproducible by decreasing the influence that environmental factors have on the process.

Test Fixtures and Adapters:
Connecting the ESD gun to the device under test (DUT) may call for the use of specific test fixtures or adapters. The DUT may be supported mechanically, wired in, or mounted in a particular way with the help of a test fixture.

During electrostatic discharge (ESD) testing, they keep everything in place and in regular contact, which lessens the chance of accidental discharges. Connectors and sockets used on the DUT may be made compatible with the ESD gun through adapters.

As a result of the adapters and fixtures, the ESD gun may be used with more ease and versatility, facilitating more thorough and reliable testing of a wider variety of devices and setups.

ESD Test Setup Accessories:
In order to provide really authentic test circumstances, it is often necessary for ESD test setups to include supplementary components. These additional items are helpful for developing ESD testing scenarios that are more representative of real life. Here are a few examples that illustrate my point:
1. Test ESD-sensitive materials: Utilizing accessories that are themselves ESD-sensitive, such as packaging foams or trays, makes it feasible to evaluate the electrostatic discharge (ESD) resistance of electronic equipment. These materials attempt to recreate the conditions of shipment, storage, and assembly as closely as possible.

2. Simulated Human Body Models (HBM): HBM accessories are designed to imitate the electrical characteristics of the body in order to simulate the effects of electrostatic discharge (ESD) that are caused by human contact. These models provide dependable and consistent testing that is in conformity with widely accepted standards and recommendations.

3. Environmental Chambers: Environmental chambers provide repeatable settings in terms of temperature and humidity for the purpose of performing electrostatic discharge (ESD) testing. These chambers enable customers to determine how different operating conditions impact the ESD performance of the DUT, which guarantees complete testing in a variety of settings.

Calibration Accessories:
In order to keep ESD guns accurate and traceable, calibration accessories are required. Calibration standards, calibration reference materials, and calibration fixtures are all examples of these supplementary items. Calibration parameters including voltage, rise time, and pulse length may then be adjusted in accordance with these established reference values.

By using calibrating equipment, you may be certain that your ESD gun will maintain its accuracy throughout the range of your tests.

The testing capabilities and adaptability of ESD guns may be greatly improved with the addition of attachments. ESD testing that is precise, repeatable, and exhaustive requires a wide variety of components, including electrodes, extension cables, current measurement probes, software control interfaces, grounding and shielding accessories, test fixtures and adapters, ESD-sensitive materials, and calibration accessories.

These add-ons allow test engineers to create customized test rigs that accurately mimic real-world ESD conditions for more thorough analysis of electronic parts and systems. ESD testing procedures may be made more efficient and effective by careful selection and use of ESD gun accessories, which in turn improves product dependability and ESD protection.

Lisun Instruments Limited was found by LISUN GROUP in 2003. LISUN quality system has been strictly certified by ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Membership, LISUN products are designed based on CIE, IEC and other international or national standards. All products passed CE certificate and authenticated by the third party lab.

Our main products are GoniophotometerIntegrating SphereSpectroradiometerSurge GeneratorESD Simulator GunsEMI ReceiverEMC Test EquipmentElectrical Safety TesterEnvironmental ChamberTemperature ChamberClimate ChamberThermal ChamberSalt Spray TestDust Test ChamberWaterproof TestRoHS Test (EDXRF)Glow Wire Test and Needle Flame Test.

Please feel free to contact us if you need any support.
Tech Dep: Service@Lisungroup.com, Cell/WhatsApp:+8615317907381
Sales Dep: Sales@Lisungroup.com, Cell/WhatsApp:+8618117273997


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